WTH? Using grapeshot on a buck? That, and if I am not mistaken, a 12lb howitzer qualifies as a "crew served" weapon, and the ATF really frowns on that!
As an aside, a friend of mine that is an engineer at a machine shop once looked into building a cannon for a Civil War reenactment group. The paperwork required from the BATF was to much so he gave p.
Originally posted by N. Garrett: I don't own any blackpowder cannons, but they are popular here in Tenn., and legal to possess and shoot.
I don't see this as anymore unsporting than using a large bore rifle on deer.
Husky specified the ranges and conditions. He didn't shoot into a herd.
Not my choice for deer hunting, but to each his own.
My problem is with the probability of wounding an animal with such a weapon. I don't think that firing grape shot from a cannon is anything like using a large bore rifle to accuratly and cleanly take a game animal.
Looking at the pictures of the deer skinned, I would say that was a humane kill.
Husky said he knew the range and spread of the weapon. Given that, how is it different from me taking a whitetail with my 12 guage (using buckshot) in the swamps of Florida?
Buckshot can be a real crippler of deer if you don't know it's limitations.
Originally posted by NEJack: WTH? Using grapeshot on a buck? That, and if I am not mistaken, a 12lb howitzer qualifies as a "crew served" weapon, and the ATF really frowns on that!
As an aside, a friend of mine that is an engineer at a machine shop once looked into building a cannon for a Civil War reenactment group. The paperwork required from the BATF was to much so he gave p.
There's no paperwork at all....if it uses black powder and is muzzle loading it falls under the GCA 1968 and is considered a antique and needs absolutely no paperwork at all
I called before making mine and that's the reply I got from the BATF
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Posts: 28849 | Location: western Nebraska | Registered: 27 May 2003
I think it's cool. Way more work than simply using a rifle. Sporting is mostly in the mind and this is as much that as many ways to hunt. Kinda heavy to pack around though.
Marshall Jones
Posts: 194 | Location: Redding, CA | Registered: 12 February 2004