I have found a nightforce lighted cross hair 1.5x6 power scope .It looks like the cats meyoew for my 416 rem mag if I can mount it on it .I dont know if I can find mounts that will hold it on there.It has a very short distance between the bells id the problem.I woild love to have this scope for low light hunting.Its a 3o mm scope to compound the mounting problem.Its only $500 which is a bargan for this scope.I would like to have a barrel mounted lazer and flask light attachment for fickening night time bears that come into camp.its a bitch to hold the light and shoot while a bears coming at you 35 mph.
I have necer seen a 1.5x6 power either.I think $500 is about half price or less .It has the lighted t with a dot in the middle cross hairs.I just wonder if I can foit it in my 416 rem mag in a model 700 .Its a 30 mm too.I think its eoither a 56 mm or 52 mm .Its in perfict shape.Any one got ideas for mounts?Does any one know when they made these 1.5x6 nightforce scopes?
Nightforce has a 2.5x10 and a 1x4 in a straight tube they are both good scopes I like the reticals they offer. I've used one on a 375 and it is fine. THey are about 1125 bucks new. Worth every penny.
DRSS Member
Posts: 2289 | Location: Texas | Registered: 02 July 2005
The eye relief on the 1-4 is 3.5"; the relief on the 2.5-10 is 3.7 inches.
I took a quick look at some of the NIghtforce dealers sites, and could not find any in 1.5 - 6. Not saying they never made one, but they so not appear to make them now. Perhaps something they sell to the European market and not the US?
SCI Life Member DSC Life Member
Posts: 2018 | Location: Colorado | Registered: 20 May 2006
Man, I would be leary of that scope. No one seems to think they made one in that power. Best to call Nightforce and ask them if they have made one. There are a lot of knock-offs in the market right now. Check out the link on Leupold's homepage-they have a huge warning about import scopes that are copies. Better to be safe then sorry (and out $500 bucks!)
Posts: 49 | Location: Nebraska | Registered: 18 August 2005
Nightforce has a great rep in the .50BMG world. I have four of them and none has ever broken and survived the recoil of >3000 rds of .50BMG. However, no one has ever broken a 1.5X leupold compact scope even on the 12GaFH. I'd stick to a proven recipe myself. .-Rob
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