the encore I am not sure about, I'll leave that to the contender nuts but the #1 has been done all the way to a 577 NE 3" or a .600 JDJ ( SSK industries) which is a 577 blown out to accept .600 nitro bullets. Thing is you have to have a certain #1 to be able to do the conversion that big. I've fired a 577 3" #1 and I can tell you that you do not want one. Very punishing.
Posts: 1260 | Location: Colusa CA U.S.A. | Registered: 27 June 2001
The biggest full power you can go on the Ruger #1 is 500 NE, the 577 NE and 600 JDJ cannot be run to the same pressure levels.
The encore really is designed for a max casehead of the belted mag case. If you run a larger dia case, you'll have to run lower pressures or the gun will come apart over time. I would say 470 capstick or 470 NE is as big as is prudent on the encore.
Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001
470 capstick is a cylindrical belted case blown out nearly straight to use the .475" dia 470 Nitro bullets. It's as big as you can go in the belted case, though personally I'd go with a 458 Lott as I prefer the superiour bullet selection in 45 cal. If you want to move up from a 458, next step in my mind is 50 cal.
Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001
JR-I have a #1 in 577NE 3". Not bad to shoot at all! It weighs 11 lbs has a break(which really works). I shoot 750gr woodleigh fmj at 2150! It is actually pretty fun to shoot!
Posts: 221 | Location: Back in Alaska where I belong | Registered: 22 August 2002
I fondled a Ruger 1 reamed to 500A=2, which is not the right name. I think it's really the 500 Wells, IIRC. 416 Rigby blown out to take .500 caliber, or .512 caliber bullet.
Anyway, it had a 20 inch barrel, and you had to be out of your mind to pull the trigger with full house loads.
The pad sucked, too.
Posts: 1805 | Location: American Athens, Greece | Registered: 24 November 2001
Socrates; The one we were talking about was a .460 Weatherby blown out to the 50 cal. (not that the .416 rigby don't sound better, I just hear of the .460 blown out first and that was what we were talking about.) WWWell the Doc. said I wasn't right in the head becouse I think I'm going to get one or the other in both an Encore 16" pistol and my oldist son one in a ruger #1 or a 20" Encore
Sure I'll down load it at first but I would have to know what it was like to shoot full house loads
Hey Socrates, I haven't heard of a popular name for the 416 rigby blown out to 50. The wells and a2 are both based off the 460 woundabeast... basically shoulder and taper are different... but the brass is 1/4 the price of 500 jefferys.... believe me..
I think the 460 blown to a 50 is a 500 A-square. The A-square comp sells the ammo. If you want a reel big handgun ...........get a 12.9x50.8jdj. That will put a spring in your step.
Happy Shooting 12.9
Posts: 69 | Location: NE PA USA | Registered: 26 August 2003
Apparantly the biggest thing( in a rifle caliber) that can be done safely on an Encore is a .416 Rigby or a varient thereof. You can also do .50 Alaskans, 50-140's etc. They even make a 12 ga-3 inch barrel now! Given that a 416 Rigby is a low pressure load it is within the safety margin of the Encore action.Therefore, I would not do a 470 MBOGO as it operates at too high a pressure. The belt of the 460 WBY case also cuts too far into the limited safety margin of steel on an encore barrel for anyone to even try a 460 WBY or 378 wby. you will note that neither JDJones or Virgin Valley will make barrels in these chambering. Therefore, a 500 A2 is definately out on a Encore action. On a Ruger#1 it's a snap!-Rob
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001
Rob Thanks I knew you would know what to do. is there a .475 or .500 based on the .416 rigby. or what would you put in a encore piston and rifle combo for me and my son. I love to shoot the handcanons and he wants a rifle to match so we can use the same brass. I do like the idea of the .50 Alaskans or 50-140's thanks handcanon
Handcannon- Believe me, a 416 Rigby on an Encore is a CANNON! I would be very very cautious though of loading it beyond the 40KPSI range. A 416 Rigby can be stoked up to 416 WBY performance , but I have my doubts if an Encore locking lugs could take that! Frankly the ballistics of a 50 Alaskan are pretty darn impressive and with a 50-140 just image the fun you would have launching those .50 BMG pulls. -Rob
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001
Rob You know it feels better to tell someone that you have a gun in .500 cal not some little .416 And before I get bad mail I�m just joking about the .416 being little it�s a cannon in every way I was just talking about a bunch of rednecks setting around a fire bragging about what guns they have!
Gents, There are few things better than tripping the trigger on your own 500A2, Mine is not quite finished. Everything else seems to be in various stages of completion even from factory rifles. Judged by the way things are here I feel ok.
Posts: 538 | Location: elsewhere | Registered: 07 July 2001