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375 H&H crimp Login/Join
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Picture of Teat Hound
Hey men,

How much crimp do you guys apply to your 375 H&H rounds? I thought that it was recommended to heavily crimp rounds such as the 375 H&H, but factory rounds suggest otherwise. My Federal factory 300gr triple-Xs appear to be only slightly roll-crimped, and the 270gr Federal Powershok rounds don't seem to have any crimp at all.

For what it matters, I'm loading up 270gr Hornady and 270 gr triple-Xs.



" . . . a gun is better worn and with bloom off---So is a saddle---People too by God." -EH
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Picture of gumboot458
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................I use a Lee Factory crimp die and put a good strong crimp on them .....I have bought Federal premium Safari ammo that some of the bullets were loose in the case and I had to re crimp the whole box as they had missed the crimp stage of assembly ....

.If it can,t be grown , its gotta be mined ....
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Hey Eric.....

Like gumboot; I use a Lee Factory Crimp Die and give my 300 grain Hornadys all the crimp the LFC Die can muster in the .375H&H.

Never had an issue with loose bullets in the .375 H&H (or any other cartridge) and don't plan on having one either; so that's why I give'm all the crimp I can in the cartridges I use a LFCD for.

Accordingly a LFCD can be used for bulets without a cannelure. Well, Damn; just color me Old Fashioned and I only use the LFCD with bullets with a cannelure.

Don't use the Barnes TSX's in this cartridge but do in with other cartridges and they crimp just fine with a LFCD too, I crimp the TSX's in the first groove (from the point of the bullet) and that seems to have worked fine for me both with accurate & functional ammo.


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Picture of Stephen Palos
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Recent loads I did on my 375 H&H with softish copper plated bullets were being knocked back by recoil while in the magazine with a fair crimp from the Lee factory crimp die. They were 300gr Frontier Game Ranger bullets

I then cranked the die to max crimp, and noticed that you must hold it there for a few seconds to "set" against the springi-ness.

Groups were just as good, and the bullet stays put.
Big Bore Assoc. Southern Africa

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Another vote here for the Lee Factory Crimp die.
Posts: 2911 | Location: Ohio, U.S.A. | Registered: 31 March 2006Reply With Quote
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I turn about 3 or 4 thousands off the expander ball, and use a powder that fills the case to half way up the neck along with a very very light crimp......Never have had a problem..I also use this method with all my double rifles.

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
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Picture of Teat Hound
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Thanks for the responses; I figured that everyone is crimping the ol' H&H. I do have a lee crimp die too, so I guess I'll put it to work.

BTW, here in California, in the area I hunt, we can now only hunt with lead-free bullets. This pretty much restricts my choices to a few. I'm also looking to flatten-out the trajectory just a bit, so that is why I'm going with the 270gr TSX. Any bad experiences to share regarding this choice?


" . . . a gun is better worn and with bloom off---So is a saddle---People too by God." -EH
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Change states, or countries if neccessary.

All the wars that have raged and will still rage and they pick on lead in hunting bullets to make a statement Mad

Why, I sucked on lead air rifle pellets my entire youth and I'm only just a teeny weeny bit crazy, so whats the big deal? banana

I might concede that shot pellets especially in wetland areas, with the way waterfowl shovel-feed could be a problem, but copper jacketed, lead rifle bullets?????

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Picture of gumboot458
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........Teat Hound ....Nothing but good things to say about the 270 gr Barnes TSX bullet ., and all other TSX bullets ........

.If it can,t be grown , its gotta be mined ....
Posts: 3445 | Location: Copper River Valley , Prudhoe Bay , and other interesting locales | Registered: 19 November 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Grumulkin:
Another vote here for the Lee Factory Crimp die.

Exactly!! Wink
Posts: 2368 | Location: KENAI, ALASKA | Registered: 10 November 2001Reply With Quote
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Thanks Men!

Stephen, I too am a product of lead pellets and copper BBs. Back in the 70s, my brother and I used to shoot the clay wind-chimes off of our neighbors’ porches. Our mom had a condo, and we could peek over the top of our fence and look over the front porches of several condos at once. Sometimes, if there was a real tuff wind chime, like one with copper or metal chimes, the BBs or pellets would ricochet and then you would hear a big crash as the projectile hit a window. This was usually followed by a person running out of their door yelling "WTF!" or something like that.

Our favorites (since this was the 70s) were the macramé weavings that the hippies would hang up. Bird feeders too. On a rare occasion, one could find the top of a beer can sticking-out over the top of a fence somewhere down the line. It was always fun to try to knock one off. Strangely, we never got caught, or at least no one really cared much. Just kids screwing around. I haven't thought about that in years.

Heck, if a kid did that now, they would probably call out the swat team.

Ah, the good old days . . .



" . . . a gun is better worn and with bloom off---So is a saddle---People too by God." -EH
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Heh Heh Heh....

What a great flash-back. Potting the Hippies' macramé.

I grew up in suburban Johannesburg and there was a HUGE Scots Pine in the neighbours garden. It was a never ending source of the worls best dove hunting. I had an old BSA Meteor without sights, but boy, could it shoot! My pocket money covered a box of 500 Marksmen pellets a day, and we managed to shoot them out most days.

There were a lot of political incidents with windows, gutters and the occasional "walking wounded" but society was more forgiving those days.

In spite of all my hunting and shooting I still now get as happy as a kid at Christmas when I hear Indian Mynhas (foreighn, invasive & irritating)arrive in the yard at my smallholding. Then it's leopard crawling with the .22 and a fight with my 7 year old as to who gets to shoot first
Big Grin

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Originally posted by Atkinson:
I turn about 3 or 4 thousands off the expander ball, and use a powder that fills the case to half way up the neck along with a very very light crimp.......

+1 except I don't even bother to crimp.
Posts: 56 | Registered: 13 January 2004Reply With Quote
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I dont crimp my 375H&H, no trouble so far.

My .270 win is the only gun I experience flattened lead tips with. Explain that.
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Picture of Fjold
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Originally posted by Teat Hound:
Thanks for the responses; I figured that everyone is crimping the ol' H&H. I do have a lee crimp die too, so I guess I'll put it to work.

BTW, here in California, in the area I hunt, we can now only hunt with lead-free bullets. This pretty much restricts my choices to a few. I'm also looking to flatten-out the trajectory just a bit, so that is why I'm going with the 270gr TSX. Any bad experiences to share regarding this choice?

The 300TSX shoots more accurately in my gun so that's the one I use.

I have my 375 H&H sighted in 1.1" high at 100 yards which puts me dead on at 150 yards, 2.8" low at 200 yards and 7.5" low at 250 yards.


"I don't know what there is about buffalo that frightens me so.....He looks like he hates you personally. He looks like you owe him money."
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Although I crimp the .375 a tad, I don't think crimping is necessary if you know what your doing...I use a full case of powder and turn the expander ball down like I said, I don't really have to crimp, its just another precaution and I hunt DG a lot...

This old saw got started back in the elephant culling days when shooters would shoot the top rounds off repeatedly and reload keepting the magazine full and the lower rounds took a constant beating..

Some guns have sloppy chambers and dies don't really work and everything is oversize and the bullets set back, if you have a gun like this then you need to crimp or I would dumpt it and get another rifle.

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
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Picture of Teat Hound
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Thanks Gents, good stuff.


" . . . a gun is better worn and with bloom off---So is a saddle---People too by God." -EH
Posts: 952 | Location: Bakersfield, California | Registered: 03 June 2005Reply With Quote
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