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Guys, can you tell me what "temperature insensitive (less affected) powder you would recommend for the 375H&H? Best accuracy!

I was thinking of buying some VARGET.

Thanks inadvance
Posts: 450 | Location: AB, Canada | Registered: 23 December 2002Reply With Quote
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I've had really good results using Reloder 15 with 270gr bullets. I'd imagine Varget would work well too, since the burning rate is right in the same neighborhood.
Posts: 105 | Location: CO | Registered: 15 November 2001Reply With Quote
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Ditto here with Reloder 15. Very good accuracy and good velocity with 270 grain Hornady's and 270 grain Swift A-Frames. Have not tried any other bullets in my .375.

IMR-4350 also gave very good accuracy at case filling levels but the velocity was not quite as high.
Posts: 1027 | Registered: 24 November 2000Reply With Quote
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The Hodgdon EXTREME powders are supposed to be insensitive to temperature. I would look into it. But make sure the powder says it is the EXTREME temperature insensitive powder.
Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
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I'd say if RL15 ofr 4064 won't shoot in a .375, save yourself time and trade it off. these are the old reliables, it amazes me that almost all .375 rifles will do 1moa.
Posts: 2788 | Location: gallatin, mo usa | Registered: 10 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Powders for the 375 imo are Varget,RL15,IMR4064.
Hodgon's website has a table for temp.sensitive powders.
Vel diff. from 0 to 120 deg.:Varget=8ft/sec
:RL15 =50ft/sec
:4064 =45ft/sec
Varget and RL15 are used in millitairy ammo and have a powder and copper deterant in them.
Temp insensitive powders are important for me living in Canada.
My 7mm did fine with a load of H870 in the winter but had to much press. in the summer.

Regards martin
Posts: 328 | Location: Alberta Canada | Registered: 25 June 2001Reply With Quote
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Gentlemen thank you!

I finally decided on the Varget ~= to 4064 which is supposed to b a good powder. Varget is an extreme powder so I should be happy with the performance should I ever have to use it in the coldddddddddddddddd.

Just for information sake, according to Hodgdon, spherical powders are not recommended for low temperature (freezing situations)applications. Check with Hodgdon for the exact details. I know I had lots of unburnt powder in my 222 when the temp was minus 7ish (from what I recall).

Thanks to everyone for responding!!!
Posts: 450 | Location: AB, Canada | Registered: 23 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of todbartell
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Good choice....Varget is excellent in my friends 375 h&h with 260 gr. Ballistic Tips and 270 gr. X bullets...but RL15 is also right there.
Posts: 857 | Location: BC, Canada | Registered: 03 November 2001Reply With Quote
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I use IMR-4064 and RL-15, but I think 4064 will usually give you more accuracy but at a little less velocity, but velocity means nothing to me for cape buff and such...anything over 2350 and no more than 2500 FPS is fine with me.
Posts: 42449 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Thanks guys.

The only draw back that I can see on the Varget is that it tends to run higher chamber pressures then some other selections. In fact, according to some of the manuals, not only is there a chamber pressure penalty but with it a lower velocity then some other poweders.

Tough to win I guess.
Posts: 450 | Location: AB, Canada | Registered: 23 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Have any of you shot as much as 72 gr. of RL15 with a 300 gr. bullet? What was the pressure like? And did you record FPS as well? I am going to be working with that powder soon. Thanks MD
Posts: 1899 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 03 May 2001Reply With Quote
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Alot of guys here have listed charges as high as 72gr of RL15.

I got high pressure using RL15, but the slower RL19 seemed to work just fine.

Good accuracy and about 2550fps.
Posts: 3082 | Location: Pemberton BC Canada | Registered: 08 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Anybody got any info for 350 gr. bullets?? MD
Posts: 1899 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 03 May 2001Reply With Quote
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72 grains with the 300g A frame has been my standard load. It's a bit over 2600fps and the cases slide out no problems at all. I load lots of these for others using various manufactured rifles. All have worked without any problems.

Zero'd for 100 yards it puts the 270g 3" high at 100 and then dead on at 250. It's simply put one of the best combinations with a single rifle for short range power and flat shooting long range shots. At 300yards the 270g is 5" low and at 350 yards it's 11" low. I have killed African plains game with this load well over 300 yards several times.
Posts: 1261 | Location: Rural Wa. St. & Ellisras RSA | Registered: 06 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Has anyone tried VihtaVuori N140 or N160 powders with a 300 grain bullet? How did it fare?
Posts: 134 | Location: So CA | Registered: 26 August 2003Reply With Quote
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I had problems finding the right powder combination for my Custom 416 Remington Mag. I went back and tried an old reliable IMR 4064 and got the accuracy and the velocity with medium pressure I was looking for.

When I got my Win Mod 70 - 375 H&H, IMR 4064 was the FIRST powder I tried. The recipe is 71 Grains IMR-4064, Winchester Brass, CCI 250 Mag Primers, 270 grn Swift Aframe, Velocity is 2710. It shoots 1/4 to 1/2 inch groups at 100 yards. I never looked any farther... LOL

Regards... Jim P.
Posts: 1015 | Location: PA | Registered: 08 June 2002Reply With Quote
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JJP and Maddog,
I like JJHack's loads and sight settings for the 375 H&H.

I also have used 72.0 grains of RL-15 with a 300 grain bullet, the Barnes X-Bullet (no coating, bare copper). No problems in my Pre-64-M70-actioned featherweight .375 H&H. It gave an average MV of 2529 fps in my 24" Douglas barrel of 1 in 12" twist. Winchester brass. Federal GM215M primer. 3/4 MOA. My favorite load for the .375 H&H. It took all my plains game in Botswana, and would have served for buffalo if the .416 Rigby had been disabled.

After extensive study, the US Army chose RL-15 as their powder of choice for sniper loads in the .308 Winchester. It was temperature insensitive enough for them and gave the best accuracy and velocity, all around best. The .308 Winchester and .375 H&H are pretty close to internal ballistic twins.
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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RIP and PAHunter

It would be interesting to see what criteria the military used in their selection.

I thought Varget was supposed to be closer to IMR4064 but after looking at the Hodgdon table it turns there are other choices:

N202 and Vit N140!

From Fastest To Slowest

1. NORMA R1 53. Hodgdon H322
2. Vihtavuori N310 54.Accurate Arms 2015 BR
3. Hodgdon TITEWAD 55. Vihtavuori N130
4. Alliant Red Dot 56. IMR, Co IMR3031
5. Hodgdon Clays 57. Vihtavuori N133
6.IMR, Co "HI-Skor" 700-X 58.Hodgdon BENCHMARK
7. Alliant Bullseye 59. Hodgdon H335
8. Hodgdon TITEGROUP 60. Vihtavuori N135
9.Alliant American Select 61.AccurateArms 2230
10.Accurate Arms Solo 1000 62.AccurateArms 2460
11. Alliant Green Dot 63. Hodgdon H4895
12. Hodgdon International 64.IMR, Co IMR4895
13. IMR, Co PB 65. Alliant Reloder 12
14. Vihtavuori N320 66. IMR, Co IMR4320
15. Winchester WST 67. Accurate Arms 2495BR
16. Accurate Arms No. 2 68. IMR, Co IMR4064
17. IMR, Co SR 7625 69. NORMA 202
18. Hodgdon HP-38 70. Accurate Arms 2520
19. Winchester 231 71. Alliant Reloder 15
20. Alliant Unique 72. Vihtavuori N140
21. Hodgdon Universal 73. Hodgdon VARGET
22. Alliant Power Pistol 74. Winchester 748
23. Vihtavuori N330 75. Hodgdon BL-C(2)
24. Alliant Herco 76. Hodgdon H380
25. Winchester WSF 77. Winchester 760
26. Vihtavuori N340 78. Hodgdon H414
27. IMR, Co "HI-Skor" 800-X 79. Vihtavuori N150
28. IMR, Co SR4756 80. Accurate Arms 2700
29. Accurate Arms No. 5 81. IMR, Co IMR4350
30. Hodgdon HS-6 82. Hodgdon H4350
31. Vihtavuori 3N37 83. Accurate Arms 4350
32. Vihtavuori N350 84. NORMA 204
33. Hodgdon HS-7 85. Vihtavuori N550
34. Alliant Blue Dot 86. Alliant Reloder 19
35. Accurate Arms No. 7 87. IMR, Co IMR4831
36. Hodgdon LONGSHOT 88. Accurate Arms 3100
37. Alliant 2400 89. Vihtavuori N160
38. Accurate Arms No. 9 90.Hodgdon H4831 &H4831 SC
39. NORMA R123 91. NORMA MRP
40. Vihtavuori N110 92. Alliant Reloder 22
41. Hodgdon LIL'GUN 93. Vihtavuori N165
42. Hodgdon H110 94. IMR, Co IMR7828
43. Winchester 296 95. Vihtavuori N170
44. IMR, Co. IMR4227 96. Hodgdon H1000
45. Hodgdon H4227 97. Alliant Reloder 25
46. IMR, Co SR4759 98. Hodgdon Retumbo
47. Accurate Arms 1680 99.Accurate Arms 8700
48. NORMA 200 100. Hodgdon H870
49. Alliant Reloder 7 101. Vihtavuori 24N41
50. IMR, Co IMR4198 102. Hodgdon H50BMG
51. Hodgdon H4198 103. Vihtavuori 20N29
52. Vihtavuori N120
Posts: 450 | Location: AB, Canada | Registered: 23 December 2002Reply With Quote
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I've had good success with 4064 and RL-15, but the best consistent groups I've gotten is with 76gr of H-414 and any 300gr bullet of choice. Mine is the 300gr Swift A Frame and the Hornady solid. jorge
Posts: 7157 | Location: Orange Park, Florida. USA | Registered: 22 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Mr bill: Startload vithavouri n 160 78grs = 755 m/s maxl 80grs = 773
N140 is not recomended. The n 160 is ranged as ideal for 375 h&h @ 300 grs.
Posts: 9 | Location: Norway | Registered: 19 November 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by MADDOG:
Have any of you shot as much as 72 gr. of RL15 with a 300 gr. bullet? What was the pressure like? And did you record FPS as well? I am going to be working with that powder soon. Thanks MD

Hodgdon and Lyman both offer pressure/velocity values in their tables. At least they did at one time. Hope that helps. I don't have any strain guages etc.
Posts: 450 | Location: AB, Canada | Registered: 23 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by spiff:
Mr bill: Startload vithavouri n 160 78grs = 755 m/s maxl 80grs = 773
N140 is not recomended. The n 160 is ranged as ideal for 375 h&h @ 300 grs.

Thats strange. Why would N140 not be recommended? It seems to fall right into the range of powders that work very well in the 375H&H?
Posts: 450 | Location: AB, Canada | Registered: 23 December 2002Reply With Quote
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I'm finding it interesting that most use faster powder for the heavy 300 gr. and get relatively high velocity with no pressure signs. I've been under the school of thought that one should use slower powder for heavier bullets, like H-870 for 175gr 7mm Mag. Why is it different with the .375 H&H? Is it the case design?
The reason I asked about the VihtaVuori is I found couple 8 pound canisters of N150 and N160 at a reasonably fair price and was inquiring if they would be any good for my powder guzzeling magnums before buying either or both of them.
Would N150 be a good powder for the .375 H&H? I"m not finding very much load data for these powders.
Posts: 134 | Location: So CA | Registered: 26 August 2003Reply With Quote
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Here in Norway n150 i considered the best powder for .375 but maybe faster (n140) could be testded ? There is no loads vith n140 in my book, where should i start ?
Posts: 9 | Location: Norway | Registered: 19 November 2003Reply With Quote
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I like Vit N140 with the 300gr bullets. I believe I use about 68gr depending on the rifle. NO pressure signs. I found my best accuracy with standard primers. Also I use a Lee factory crimp die.
Posts: 1147 | Location: Ohio USA | Registered: 21 April 2001Reply With Quote
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