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Chapter Two, .577 Tyrannosaur Login/Join
<R. A. Berry>
Mitch was kind enough to let me fire the T. rex at the outdoor range two days ago. However, I didn't fare as well in the accuracy department. Maybe I was having too much fun to concentrate. There were wind gusts that made my head bob and weave, and a pretty steady gale between the gusts.

My best group was a mediocre 3 shots at 100 yards that measured 0.915". Mitch, however, pulled a 0.561" out of the hat under the same conditions.

This time it was with the 900 grain Woodleighs he got from Karl. My charge was a mere 160 grains of H4831, while Mitch was touching off 173 grains of RL25, if memory serves. This gives me an excuse, since he must have had the more accurate load. (LOL)

Anyway, I fired 12 rounds this time, and suffered no ill effects, especially since Mitch was paying for the ammo. (More LOL)

Last weekend the 23 rounds left me a little sore, but no ill effects this weekend, except for the grin on my face.

Good huntin' and shootin',
Bwanawannabe, Daktari Ron

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<R. A. Berry>
Reply to self:
You forgot to mention that Mitch's best 3-shot group at 100 yards with the .577 Tyrranosaur was a center-to-center 0.172" with the Woodleigh 650 grain bullets and 193.0 grains of H4831.
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Ron, It was great shooting with you again.

Gentlemen, Ron once again gave a good account of himself with the t.rex. shooting 900 grain bullets. Of course I picked the most accurate 900 gr. load for myself to shoot,after all I couldn't let Ron show me up with my own rifle.(LOL).

By the way Ron, My bill for the cost of the ammo is on it's way to you(LOL).

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RAB, Mitch,

You two forgot to mention how you managed to escape from that mental asylum?

The 577 is supposed to be a close quarter stopping rifle, and you have managed to make it into an informal "plinker".

How about this one for long range "plinking".

The 700 NE is on the left for comparison.


Posts: 70430 | Location: Dubai, UAE | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
one of us
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I wish a single rifle in our armoury would shoot that well.I had assault pioneers and snipers shaking their heads at the target Ron mentioned above.


Posts: 3540 | Location: various | Registered: 03 June 2000Reply With Quote
Saeed,I would love to shoot the rifle that fires that huge cartridge, where can I buy one(LOL). I don't know about Ron, but my family and friends have accused me of being out of my mind for a long time. Perhaps my brains have turned to mush after shooting too many big boomers over the years. Saeed you must come over for a visit and you can join me and Ron for a shoot. We will then see who can shoot the smallest group with the t.rex(LOL).

Hi Karl, I wish you could have been with us. That would really be a blast.

[This message has been edited by Mitch (edited 05-01-2001).]

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Mitch my friend,

I have fired the 577 T.Rex twice, and I have NO intention of shooting it again.

The first time I fired it was when I first got it, and decided not to shoot it again.

One day a German friend turned up with a friend of his, who wanted to shoot "the biggest magnum" we had.

I loaded some reduced loads - about 140 grains of H4831, and some with full power loads.

He said he wanted me to shoot it first. He took both cartridges from my hands, and gave me back one. Yes, you guessed it! He gave me the full load.

Well, I wasn't about to let the cat out, so I fired it, then gave him the rifle and fired the reduced load. He said it was not as bad as he had expected.

I wanted him to fire a full load, so our conversation went something like this:

Me: If I give you 10 rounds to shoot now, each one is going to hurt you more, as you were very lucky in manmaging to put the stock on your shoulder "just right". This we do all the time, as we shoot regularly. But someone like you is not likely to figure how to place that stock perfectly every time.

Him: OK, give me another one to try.

He fired the rifle, it flew out of his hands, and broke the glass door! He landed flat on his back! I had the video camera going, but unfortunately had it set on STILL!?

I offered him another round, but he refused to shoot any more.

If you print this photo and show it to your friends - just to prove to thenm that there are people around who are just as nust about big bores as you are. It might take some of the heat off you.


Posts: 70430 | Location: Dubai, UAE | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
Saeed My friend, that just goes to prove that you are a lot smarter and more sain than I am. When I first shot the t.rex. I wanted to shoot it with even heavier loads, maybe my friends are right, perhaps I am crazy. As RAB says the men in the white coats are coming for me(LOL).
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<R. A. Berry>
What is an "assault pioneer?" Pretty daring title. Is that an airborne-ranger-life-of-danger kind of guy?

What caliber bullet does that long range plinker of yours fire? Looks enticing.

You're beneficence in introducing me to the T. rex is beyond words for my expression of thanks.

I must report that Mitch still possesses full faculties and is in no danger of being committed to the asylum. In fact if he could start a program of T.rex recoil indoctrination for asylums, he could probably shock-therapy most of the inmates into sanity. This may be the breakthrough that psychiatry has been needing for the last 100 years. Less drugs, more whomp! I'm still grinning myself, and the men in white coats said I could go home now. LOL

Good huntin' and shootin',
Bwanawannabe, Daktari Ron

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Ron, It was a treat watching you shoot the t.rex. with such great skill. I am still amazed you were able to shoot it so skillfully having never fired it or anyother t.rex. before. Yes, I agree the recoil of a t.rex. would be excellent shock therapy for those who are a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic. A few shots with the t.rex. would certainly jolt them back into reality(LOL).

[This message has been edited by Mitch (edited 05-03-2001).]

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one of us
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I have read each post very carefully and decided I'm in the company of satanic beings..

Just reading the post has give me a bad case of diarrea, in other words you have scarred the sh--t out of me.....

I won't sleep tonite for the nightmares of being chased down by Saeed, Mitch, RA and the rest of the walking dead with a 20 MM handgun for me to try out!!!!

I'm changing my name and going in hiding....Atkinson Hunting Adventures is changing its name to Rays dance studio....

Ray Atkinson

Posts: 42442 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
Ray, since Saeed has declined my invitation to join Ron and me for a shoot, perhaps you will come out of hiding and join us for a shoot with the t.rex.
I have to go now, the men in the white coats are coming for me!!!!

[This message has been edited by Mitch (edited 05-04-2001).]

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I don't expect you would make much money running a dance studio - unless you remove that photo of yours next to the buffalo.

The boys here say they MIGHT pay to dance with the buffalo, but there is NO WAY any of them would dance with you - even if you paid them!

Sorry, you might as well stick to selling hunts.

Mitch and RAB are already on their way to you. So there is no better time than now to become a mountain man and disappear into the forests of the north!


Posts: 70430 | Location: Dubai, UAE | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
There is a gentleman who's aquaintance I made a few years back in the Houston area. He was a bolt action pistol buff and had a penchant for getting a rifle and pistol as a set for each new caliber he aquired. He bought a new Weatherby and of course had a matching pistol made. At that time he had not fired the pistol (very impressive with a huge muzzle brake) chambered in .460. It may still be unfired to this day.
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We have a T/C Contender in 45-70, and that pistol has drawn more blood from shooters than any gun I know of!

I've had people knock themselves smack in the middle of the forehead with it.

We were on the verge of chambering a barrel for the 458 Winchester magnum for it, and then decided it might not be a good idea, as we have an extraordinary number of seemingly brainless people here, who would never think twice about trying it!


Posts: 70430 | Location: Dubai, UAE | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
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Assault pioneers are infantry soldiers with royal engineers training. Blowing stuff up, digging, building things etc.
Not a lot around but I know a couple personally.The first thing grunts ask when I mention my fixation with 585's is how powerful they are.
I produce Mitches' load data on the 577.

The first thing the snipers ask is how accurate they are?

I produce mitch's targets.

On that count I think I was mistaken on the above target and was reffering to another Mitch sent me. There are so many.


[This message has been edited by Karl (edited 05-07-2001).]

Posts: 3540 | Location: various | Registered: 03 June 2000Reply With Quote
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You have to be careful not read Mitchs data too much.

Otherwise you start to feel like a 375 can be used indoors.


Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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And what is wrong with using a 375 indoors?

I use my 700 indoors Mate!


Posts: 70430 | Location: Dubai, UAE | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
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Unfortunately in my case my bedroom wall and the neighbours dining room wall would have to be the backstop


Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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