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Progressing from Forum Rules to long range Camel shooting Login/Join
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Why was that thread addressed to 500 Grains moved to Gun Collecting. Isn't that drawing a bit of a fine line.

Not to mention that many people on this forum would not consider Wbys to be in the Gun Collecting department Big Grin

Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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For collecting jeers and ridicule? Big Grin

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They certainly do that. Big Grin
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None of the rifles were chambered in big bore cartridges.
They could have gone to the 'Medium Bores' forum, but since the guns had belonged to a notable hunter, I felt 'Gun Collecting' was most appropriate.


Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001Reply With Quote
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That where it went......I was looking for that thread bewildered
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I hate to nit pick (well actually I love to Big Grin) but there was a picture of a a Safari in 375 H&H, a Crown Custom in 378 and I might have stuck a DGR 375 in Big Grin

In addition, with all the home made junk 500 grains has he would never get to the Gun Collector site Big Grin

Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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I have a suggestion that may eliminate some confusion. When a thread is moved, why not keep the thread title in its original location (marked "thread moved" or something like that) and then maintain only one post in that original location containing a link to the full thread's new home?

Aside from busily maintaining law and order on the Big Bore forum, how is life in the big city? Think you can spare a week to come shoot ducks this December?


Posts: 4697 | Location: North Africa and North America | Registered: 05 July 2001Reply With Quote
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I just checked again, and none of the photos in the links you posted were identifiable as being big bores. There might have been some later in the thread, but it didn't seem that big bores were the main thrust of the thread; rather that Weatherby rifles could be 'pimped' out (as if there were EVER any question of that!).

You're welcome to post a new thread limited mainly to the big bore rifles. Alternatively, if you want to point frequent 'Big Bore' participants to that (or another) thread, you can start a thread in this forum with a link to the other thread.

Yia sou, John!
This software doesn't allow the option of moving a thread and leaving a note as to where it's been moved to, like the old software. Perhaps in a future release...

I don't know about December yet, but I'll be in Greece for three weeks beginning the end of this month. PM me if you're going to be around so we can meet up and have a few sfinakia of ouzo.


Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001Reply With Quote
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Fair enough, although the 4th post was a big bore, a Ford Cobra Big Grin

Actually I have often wondered if the Big Bores forum should be retitled to Powerful Rifles or similar.

Currently a 375 Big Bore Lever Gun is Ok but a 338/378 misses the boat as does a 338/408 Chey Tac or 358/378.

I would venture to say that there is a lot more knowledge (of a helpful nature) on the Big Bore forum for the 338/378 and similar than would be found on the medium bore forum.

Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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If anything needs to be done to the forums it is eliminating MANY of them. And Big Bore should stay that way. I know that if I am interested in reading about a 338 Supenduperthundersticken I look under medium bore and if I want to read about a 700pigmi I look on big bores.

George you did good by moving the thread. I too sometimes post things in the wrong forum, usually because I can't think of where it really belongs. I wouldn't be surprised if it were moved to a better spot.

The frustration probably comes from guys that really want an answer and nobody frequents the forum for their topic, one more reason to thin them all out, then there'd be more action on the few that were left.

Posts: 4742 | Location: Fresno, CA | Registered: 21 March 2003Reply With Quote
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Do you think the numerous postings on this forum about reloading data etc should be left in Big Bores or moved to Reloading.

Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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I wish moderators would leave threads where they are. There is about 1000 to many forums here to begin with.

We need one on African Hunting, Hunting, Rifles, pistols, and then the non hunting stuff (1 or 2) some seem to think are necessary can be stuck at the bottom.

Posts: 2659 | Location: Southwestern Alberta | Registered: 08 March 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Chuck Nelson:
I wish moderators would leave threads where they are.


And I wish posters would start their thread in the appropriate forum. If they want their buddies from the 'Big Bore' forum to view and participate in that thread, they can post a thread here linking to the other forum.

BTW, if you have started a thread, or there is a topic you are following with keen interest, add it to your 'favorites'. That way, you can find it if it is moved.

Why should people who go to a 'Big Bores' forum have to wade through off-topic threads? For every PM I get asking why a topic was moved, I get five asking why I haven't moved an OT thread yet. Roll Eyes

As for threads on reloading, if it is about big-bore cartridges, it usually stays. However, if it is about medium- or small-bores, general loading procedures, loading for a particular action type (e.g., 'will a .45-70 with 500gr. solid cycle through my 1886?'), or somesuch, it will probably be moved to a more appropriate forum.

And the reason there are so many fora is because people have requested them (so they can narrow the focus and not have to deal with off-topic threads). Wink


Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001Reply With Quote
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Did you really think you'd get me with that? come on Wink If it is about general reloading, or the person wants a simple answer put it in reloading (to start with). If it is about load data for a specific cartridge put it where the people that shoot them are going to be. How many guys frequent reloading compared to their specific area of interest. The big bore guys here are fanatics, when I need load data for my 375 (as soon as I get a new press) I'll post here asking them what has worked well for them.

Posts: 4742 | Location: Fresno, CA | Registered: 21 March 2003Reply With Quote
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I agree with not moving threads. I'd venture to say hardly anyone that spends time in this forum visits the collectors forum.

So exactly where is this list of appropriate and inappropriate threads for each forum?

There is no rule that folks have to read through each and every thread, so they don't need to wade through off topic threads. I don't think I've ever received a request to move an off topic thread from any of the forums I'm listed as the moderator. And even if I were requested to, I wouldn't.

Maybe some of the folks that choose big bores do so to make up for their low self esteem. What else could explain petty complaints about an off topic thread? Roll Eyes

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Originally posted by Paul H:
I agree with not moving threads. I'd venture to say hardly anyone that spends time in this forum visits the collectors forum.

So exactly where is this list of appropriate and inappropriate threads for each forum?

There is no rule that folks have to read through each and every thread, so they don't need to wade through off topic threads. I don't think I've ever received a request to move an off topic thread from any of the forums I'm listed as the moderator. And even if I were requested to, I wouldn't.

Maybe some of the folks that choose big bores do so to make up for their low self esteem. What else could explain petty complaints about an off topic thread? Roll Eyes

I also agree threads don't need to be moved..........people just do not need to open them. There are all ready to many rules and regulations in this world especially for us poor shooters Big Grin
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Actually I think that thread was "on topic" as it invited discussion on Weatherby rifles by the specimens posted in the opening post, and Weatherby is not only well known for its big bores but also the provider of brass for many of the big bores on this forum.

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Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Mike: Those are two fine specimens of big rifles. I have owned the DGR model in .416 Wby for about four years and it is a wonderful beast.

Robert Jobson
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the desert camo does it for me it just reeks out back N.S.W. in fact when I look at those rifles I think long range camel guns for the desert at the top of SA and into NT Cool
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With all steel bottom metal added and the Titanium Nitride and Snow or Desert they are about $6300 out here. 460 same price but it does not look as good because the barrel is to big for the stock. The stocks are actually Accumarks with inletting in the aluminium bedding block for the recoi lug that is on the barrel reinforce on a Wby.

I priced up all Richard Corbin's bullet making gear and with everything about $2500 out here plus shipping and another $600 for dies if you wanted make jackets from copper tubing. I think Butch Harefield jackets are about $18 per 100 out here. You can nearly double price for each calibre as only the press remains the same.

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Here is your rifle, a 460

When you finish playing around with that Mauser 404 stuff you can sell it to the Americans for more than you paid and then get some serious gear Big Grin

Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Now there is a camel gun !!

Mike I know you will cringe but I reckon I can acheive the same look with a cz 550 .458 winnie reamed out to .460 and bolt face opened........then add a McMillan Desret camo stock and have the rifle Nitrided.

Break UP IN Aus $$

Cz550 rifle $1400
De'Vries Rechamber, feeding, nitride etc. $800-$1000
McMillan Desert Camo Stock fitted $600.00
De'Vries Break $250.00

Total; $3050.00

Same look half the price..............I should do it one day Big Grin
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Here is your long range camel rifle. I won't mention the calibre in case George moves the thread Big Grin
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Since this thread no longer has anything to do with me, change the title, or it's going to get moved.


Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001Reply With Quote
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Hows that look George?
Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Actually George you will need to move it to medium bores because the last rifle illustrated is only in 30/378 or 338/378.

Move where you like.

Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Mike375:
Hows that look George?

Much better, thanks.

Originally posted by Mike375:

Actually George you will need to move it to medium bores because the last rifle illustrated is only in 30/378 or 338/378.

Off-topic posts within a topical thread are not at issue, Mike. Off-topic threads are.
Thanks for your cooperation.


Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Mike375:

Here is your long range camel rifle. I won't mention the calibre in case George moves the thread Big Grin

After a post like that this thread should be moved to the "joke" forum.

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That would be a good long range camel gun. Sit nicley on the sand bags on the bonnet of the car or folded down windscreen and less recoil than the 378 or 460 plus a bit flat shooting than the 378.

Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Mike I have to ask what is that rifle worth landed here in Oz ??

It does look impressive more so than a Sako TRG !!
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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NEVER mention shooting camels on this thread again, some guy named Saeed, is known to monitor this forum, and thats a hanging offence where he hails from... Eeker

Ray Atkinson
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The long range camels are the ones with two humps right? As opposed to the shorter range on hump camels.

Libertatis Aequilibritas
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Probably about close to $5000 for the plain black version and the Desert Camo and Titanium Nitride about $5500 and $6000 plus if all stell bottom metal is taken. Actually it is about $200 cheaper the DGR when in the same formats. The reason is the stock is $400US dearer but the sights on the DGR are $600US

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It is not a hanging offence to shoot camels in Austalia and I don't think it will worry Saeed if we blast some over here.

Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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I need to win some money Mike Big Grin
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Originally posted by Atkinson:
NEVER mention shooting camels on this thread again, some guy named Saeed, is known to monitor this forum, and thats a hanging offence where he hails from... Eeker

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Actually, the two-hump camels were developed for those gentlemen to use as a rest for their rifles over .50 caliber...and shooting this type of critter! troll

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