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375X338 Win Mag Login/Join
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Picture of todbartell
I am interested in some information on this wildcat.

What type of ballistics are acheivable in a 24" barrel?

Where can dies be found at?

How easy of a cartridge is it too load for.

Is it a good caliber, or is it better to go to the H&H?
Posts: 857 | Location: BC, Canada | Registered: 03 November 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of browningguy
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Also called the 375 Taylor, some load data is at ,
I'm pretty sure you can get dies from as well as most other die manufacturers. This cartridge seems to get you to H&H range in a standard length action. The H&H really wants a magnum length action although a lot of them have been built on standard Mausers. I'm looking to build a big bore in the spring and have decided on either a 375 Taylor or the 416 Taylor.
Posts: 1242 | Location: Houston, TX, USA | Registered: 04 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Nitroman
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I know this isn't the .375x338 but the .300 Winnie necked up to .375 and shortened just a tad is called the .375 Epstein and it makes as much horsepower as the .375 H&H. I don't know why the guy trimmed it a little. If you want more info I will post for you.

[ 11-25-2002, 10:20: Message edited by: Roger Rothschild ]
Posts: 1844 | Location: Southwest Alaska | Registered: 28 February 2001Reply With Quote
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The 375-338 is the first wildcat I have shot and I can say I absolutely love it. It is easy to form cases...just run 338 Win Mag brass through the 375-338 FL sizing die, load them up and go shooting. My rifle is built on an Interarms Mark X action with a McGowen barrel in a Bell and Carlson stock. I haven't played with the gun much yet to really see how she does. The only load I have shot out of it so far is 69gr. of IMR 4064, Fed 215 primer and the 270gr. Hornady Interlock. I originally meant to use this load for firefroming cases to my chamber, but found it shot very well out of my rifle as is. I took delivery of my gun just prior to my annual Quebec black bear hunt and decided to use the above load on that hunt. It did account for a smallish(150 pound) bear and it worked superbly. Everyone I've spoken to about this cartridge says it will easily duplicate the 375 H&H with less powder and less perceived recoil. Obviously it is doing it at higher pressures. I got my dies from CH4D and am absolutely satisfied with them.

As for the 375 Epstein, I have an old issue of Rifle magazine from October 1974 with an article on the Epstein. The difference between the the 375-338 Win Mag and the Epstein is the length of the neck. If anyone would like a copy of the article(written by Mike Epstein) please e-mail me.

Good luck with the project.
Posts: 530 | Location: Kulpmont, PA | Registered: 31 December 2000Reply With Quote
<Lars G>
The 375 Taylor is a really cool wildcat. Mine is on a Win M70 pushfeed with a 21" barrel and currently sports a Williams FP aperature rear and fiber optic red front bead. As Browningguy mentioned, there is some loading data for this round at BW's 416 Taylor website. Phil's data was quite useful to me in developing loads and I did communicate with him in regards to his rifle which I believe has a 24" barrel, although the data does not mention it.

I got my dies from CH-4D and they work well. It has taken me to a new realm of faster powders, though. I had always been a 4350/4831 kind of guy. Now I'm dabbling in the use of 4064, RL15, 4895. Last year's load used Kodiak 270's, but this year I settled on 300 gr Partitions at around 2,500 fps. I think this will be my one-load-do-all. I'm not much of a bear hunter, but all the good deer hunting in Alaska (except POW Island) is in coastal brownie country. I always feel better stalking quietly (and boning out) when I have the "big stick" in my hand or close by.

Played around with the 36 caliber (0.375" dia) roundball, which weighs about 90 grains. A good short-range practice round. I may try to get my hands on some cast boolits for additional practice as full-house hunting loads aren't much fun after about 10 rounds.
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I briefly had a .375/338 built on a 1917 Enfield. I found RCBS dies at Huntington's. Sold it to an acquaintance, but haven't heard back from him on performance. It won't quite match the .375 H & H, all things being equal, but in practical terms, no one (or thing) can tell the difference. .338 Winchester brass is easily necked-up without hassle.
Posts: 13334 | Location: Henly, TX, USA | Registered: 04 April 2001Reply With Quote
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I also have a rifle in 375-338,mine is built on a Enfield model of 1917 Winchester. A very easy cartridge to load for as 338 Win cases seem to be one of the "Good and Plenty" type of cases. I got mine with RCBS dies for $350.00 One would think Taylor got 2 things very right,,,the 375 and his 416 as both have a strong following. Well thought out designs. 45nut
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Like Lars G, my 375-338 has a 21.25" barrel. Mine is on an FN Mauser action.

Some good loads with Remington brass, 338 Win. necked up to .375, CCI 200 primers, 21.25" barrel velocity:

235 grain Barnes X
72.0 grains of IMR 4064
2738 fps

250 grain Sierra
72.0 grains IMR 4320
2745 fps

260 grain Nosler Partition
71.0 grains IMR 4320
2700 fps

300 grain Hornady RNSP
67.0 grains IMR 4320
2420 fps

That's what I got in this short barrel, and all the above were good loads.

Make it a 24" barrel, and this cartridge is just about identical to the 375 H&H traditional ballistics in a 24" barrel. Good enough for anything.

A 375-338 plus a 416 Taylor make a good battery for Africa, or anywhere.
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of todbartell
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Thanks for the replies.

It is a P14 in 303 British that would be converted to the 375-338. The main use would be moose hunting out to 300 yards or so. Want some good punch and bullet weight on arrival. Figured it would be a bit different from all the other guns around here, not like the 338 or 375 H&H are plentyful though.
Posts: 857 | Location: BC, Canada | Registered: 03 November 2001Reply With Quote
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To be exact your referring the the 375 Chatfield-Taylor cartridge, designed to duplicate the 375 H&H, which it does...It is a fine cartridge as are most rounds on the necked up or down 338 Win. case....but it is still and wildcat and has nothing to offer over a 375 H&H that one can buy ammo for anywhere in the world and have the wonderful feeding and ejection of the Holland rounds...

I have never understood the advantage to the 1/4" shorter action of the short magnum actioned rounds, all sales hype to me. I have yet to short stroke a bolt and anyone that does cannot chew gum and walk at the same time.

I built several of them years ago and they liked medium burning powders such as 4064 and 4895....
Posts: 42449 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
Picture of jeffeosso
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Originally posted by todbartell:
[QB]Thanks for the replies.

It is a P14

just do a 375 in that action.. piece of cake..

Posts: 41037 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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