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JOHAN Please relate your experiences with the Kipplauf rifles and the drillings you have used. I got a drilling for my wife a few years ago and she loves it. It is her favorite hunting gun. I must confess I have only been able to sneek it out a couple of times, but I have found it most useful. So far I have only taken shotgun game with it, squirrels, doves, quail, and ducks. I have yet to stumble upon a wild pig with it yet. [Big Grin] She has taken feathered game, including turkeys, as well as deer and wild pigs. She carried it on our last bear hunt and used it to take grouse. Her's is a 12x12x30-06 Sauer with a Kahles 4x in claw mounts. She even took one pig with a slug. This drilling handles better than my Browning Citori. Maybe that is because my eyes go 00 instead of 8. [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
Originally posted by N E 450 No2:
JOHAN Please relate your experiences with the Kipplauf rifles and the drillings you have used.

N E 450 No2

I must say that I like drillings, particular double rifle drillings. My dream is one in 9,3X74R and 12ga shootgun barrel. Drillings are almost prefect for hunting in Sweden since you can take on everything from ring necks to Wilboars with the same gun. I think drillings would do well In Africa too. Leopard, Dukier to birds, no problem. Read the no: 13 of Hatari times, it will convice you [Big Grin]

I have none at this time since I had trouble with my ammount of guns (damn socialistic country [Mad] ) and had to get rid of it for annother rifle. I gotten my first drilling from a relative that passed away. It's owned by my cousin today.

I had two kipplauf type rifles, actually these was what the Britt's would call rook rifles. Made for shooting small game like rabbits, hares, birds, vermins etc. Mine were camberd in 22 hornet and 222 rem. Felt like miniatyre guns, very handy and fun to use

Kipplaufs are med light for use in mountains Don't pick one camberd in big magnum caliber. They can the very tough to shoot. I could think of getting one for mountain hunting. I have seen some very nice custom guns I Austria and Gemany. They are very popular in Central Europe.

Do have plans on getting a kiplauf rifle? I suggest you ask montero he is a real fan of them.
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There two places I hunt that I felt a combination gun would be of great value. On my deer/pig lease I have full year access and go there one to two times a month even when nothing is in season. [pigs are always in season [Big Grin] ]. When it is "shotgun" game season there is always a chance of a shot at a pig, or a coyote. The duck and deer seasons overlap and I like to hunt "the pond" or jump ducks along the river, where a pig or a big buck just might be hanging around. My wife hunts right on the river, and she has taken ducks, quail,trukeys,deer and pigs from her spot, which is why she "got" the drilling.
My wife and I have been hunting black bear in Montana for the past several years, where the grouse season overlaps the bear season. Grouse are very good to eat.
I first thought a cape gun would be good to have, with a slug in the SGN bbl if the bear of pig got close you would have two shots to sort stuff out.
Then I thought a double rifle drilling would be the best for the Montana or Alaska hunts. [double 9.3x74R over a 12ga]. However after using the wifes drilling a 12x12x30-06, I think the "regular" drilling might have the best bang for the buck. You have a perfectly good double bbl shotgun, and a perfectly good single shot rifle. I would have a scope in claw mounts of course. So I think for me a 12x12x9.3x74R is the way to go. That way anytime I am shotgun hunting I will have a rifle with me.
Still, a double rifle drilling in 9.3 over a 12 or even a 20ga bbl would make a great Montana or Alaska hunting rifle.
As to the Kipplauf rifle I think something along the lines if a lightweight 308WCF would be a good mountain rifle for sheep and goats. I know it is rimless but it is one of my favorite ctgs and I have a lot of ammo around. I handled an 8x57 Kipplauf with claw mounts and it was very nice.
JOHAN, thanks for the info.
Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
N E 450 No2

Why not a 7X65R , 6,5X65R or a 30 blaser. A rimmed caliber is preferable for the break top rifles, how dare you break the traditions [Big Grin]

in the question about the 308, I'm on the other side. I have owned rifles in the caliber, but only FN FAL, H&K [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

Montero, correct this American fellow in his choice of caliber [Eek!]


[ 03-25-2003, 01:13: Message edited by: JOHAN ]
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JOHAN My friend you are correct. I should be tar and feathered [drawn and quartered might be a little harsh [Eek!] ] for suggesting a non rimmed ctg for any break open rifle.... But I have a stack of 308 WCF taller than I am. I would love to have a "real" hunting rifle to shoot it in.
Maybe a Krieghoff Double, they say their adjustable wedge system can regulate the rifle for any ammo. I could use it for deer/pigs and as my "plinking double" [Big Grin] , with a claw mount scope of course. Or as an extra set of bbls for the Heym Safari Bergstutzen. See the Gunsmithing Forum. [Wink]
Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
N E 450 No2

Since you already have an IKEA rifle, why not make it more of an kit and get a 308 winny barrel. SORRY, I simply couldn't resist it [Big Grin]

A pile of ammo is no valid excuse for getting something else than rimmed cartridges for break top rifles. I thought you had a an rifle in 308 already [Eek!]


[ 03-26-2003, 09:00: Message edited by: JOHAN ]
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JOHAN I do have a 308 bbl for my IKEA rifle. It shoots under 3/4" at 100 yards with Federal Match 168gr. It shoots very good with hunting loads too.
Do you know if the Krieghoff adjustable wedge system works?
So far my wifes drilling in 30-06 has worked without any extraction problems.
Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
N E 450 No2

To be completly honest with you, I don't have the slightest clue about the Krieghoff system and how well it workes.

I think the French doubles (which you have)and the Merkel is much more gun for the money than a Krieghoff. I don't like the saftey/cocking device on the Krieghoff and think the gun smells too much "factory made".

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JOHAN I have had several people who are in the double rifle "business" tell me that the Chapuis is the best of the current made doubles [possibly excluding new British doubles that sell for a Kings ransom, we were discussing new "affordable" doubles]. I know I have been very happy with the Chapuis 9.3X74R. I just wish they made a 375 Flanged and a 500/416 instead of the 375 H&H and the 416 Rigby.
What is the opinion of the current best [affordable] drilling. It must be a 12x12x9.3x74R. The Sauer my wife has is the light weight reciever, and I think it will be a little to fragile for the amount of use I intend to give it. I will shoot a lot of "high" brass shot loads along with plenty of slugs and buckshot. The rifle bbl will get a lot of use too. I really like hunting with a drilling.
Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
Originally posted by N E 450 No2:
The Sauer my wife has is the light weight reciever, and I think it will be a little to fragile for the amount of use I intend to give it. I will shoot a lot of "high" brass shot loads along with plenty of slugs and buckshot. The rifle bbl will get a lot of use too. I really like hunting with a drilling.

Well, There is a french maker called Mathelon who mkaes really affordable double rifle drillings in 9,3X74R adn either with 20 or 12 ga shotgun barrel.

You can find very nice ferlach made drillings for good money particular thoose made by less known workshops. Heym, Sauer, Merkel, franzodia, Wolf, makes nice drillings and It shouldn't be that hard to find a Sauer &Sohn drilling with steel reciver. I guess there are some good Beligan and French made drillings too.

Make sure that the shootgun barrels have an fairly open choke since brenneke's and buck shoots can cause some problems.

Prowl the used racks, sometimes you can find a very nice gun that isn't that popular and will go for a good price.

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Thanks for the info. As this drilling will become one of my most used guns I am constantly on the lookout for it. Untill then I will just have to sneak out my wifes, which is hard to do as she is always using it. When ever I ask her "what gun do you want to hunt with" She gives me "that look" and says, "my drilling of course". Once and a while I "trick" her into thinking she needs another rifle for the hunting she is about do do, but I think she had actually caught on and is just humoring me. She says "get your own drilling" most of the time.
Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
N E 450 No2

I was at the gun store today and they had an entire rack filled with good drillings [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
They also had alot of other nice stuff such as colluctible Magnum mauser with case both in 375 and 416. A very nice H&H take down for 25000 sek in 25-06. A quite a few shot guns and doubles and bolt actions.

Don't forget to take a breath while reading this [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Give you wife a new toy soo you can the her drilling or it's about time to get your own...

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JOHAN there is no hope of dividing my wife from her drilling, not even diamonds would work, she is serious in her hunting. Besides I am very fond of the 9.3x74R. It has done an excellent job for me. I am jealous of the choices available to you Europeans across the counter of your gunstores. Drillings are few and far between in the USA. Americans have yet to discover the advantages of combination guns.
If money was no object, and sadly it is, I would have a 12x12x9.3x74R for general use and a double rifle drilling in 9.3x9.3x20ga. for my mountain and Alaska hunting. [Wink]
Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
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