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CZ550 in 416 Weatherby Login/Join
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I promise this will be my last stupid question!My favorite rifle caliber is the 416 Weatherby but I can't afford 2000 dollars for a gun instead I was thinking I could purchase a CZ 550 in 416 Rigby and get it rechambered to 416 Weath. would this be a cheaper route or am I better off just forking over [Confused] 2 grand for the real deal?
Posts: 19 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: 08 April 2003Reply With Quote
You COULD do this, but since the .416 Rigby case, without its belt, is a BETTER case design than the .416 Weatherby (they are almost exactly the same except for the belt), why screw up the present perfectly good (outstanding,even) .416 Rigby chamber?? If you really crave getting knocked down and stomped on, the .416 Rigby can be loaded to .416 Weatherby levels, but who really wants to shoot 400 grain bullets at 2700 FPS??

[ 04-24-2003, 18:27: Message edited by: eldeguello ]
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I see no reason to go to the bother of rechambering to 416 Weatherby. The Rigby seems to be the cartidge of choice of a substantial number of experienced hunters, and to my way of thinking is just right for the job. (with the modifications and all you would probably be getting into the price range of a Weatherby anyway)
Posts: 3174 | Location: Warren, PA | Registered: 08 August 2002Reply With Quote
Why not rechamber to .460 Weatherby or something a little more original like the .475 A&M Magnum !
If i war you i would do it this way !
That's me and my powercrazyness !!
Maybe i don't get your point as far as economy is conserned. A CZ550 rebuilt into .460 Wby or .475 "weatherby",,would be a lot cheaper due to my calculations,,than a fabrique weatherby .416 or .460 !!
I think the .460 weatherby is a most lovely cartridge you can own,,and when i get one,,i will not sell it,,(at least that's what i say now).
The look of the .460 weatherby,,it's pretty,,and that includes the belt,,(maybe .450 dakota is a better choice and without belt).
I think i've seen a .460 can send a 400 grain bullet to 2900 fps and more. THAT would satisfy your "needs"!! [Big Grin]
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Wow ...

Unless you NEED the increased stopping power of a 458 Lott or beyond ... why subject yourself to abuse beyond that which can be delivered by a hot loaded .416 Rigby?

The Rigby is not unlike the delivery of lightning at range. 350 gr Barnes X bullets cause a 50 foot diameter splash of a gallon jug of water at 200 yards. Very spectacular display.

The cartridge really is pretty amazing already.
Posts: 6199 | Location: Charleston, WV | Registered: 31 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Watermelons at 50 paces are equally amusing.... Rigby rigby rigby all the way........ nuff' said. [Big Grin]
Posts: 1260 | Location: Colusa CA U.S.A. | Registered: 27 June 2001Reply With Quote
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The .416 Rigby is the way to go or maybe y9ou could buy a cz .458 win mag and covert to the 450 Rigby or .458 lott. I have a .416 Rigby and I want a second I love the caliber that much !! [Cool]
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The guys are right. The load data for the Rigby is the same as for the Weatherby. Just put in more powder and hurt yourself the cheap way. On the other hand, anything over 2400 is wasted powder. Velocity doesn't kill, really. The original loads have worked like bottled lightning for 100 years or so and will continue to do so as long as we can hunt.
Posts: 2690 | Location: Lakewood, CA. USA | Registered: 07 January 2001Reply With Quote
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as the others have said...

the only realy difference is the belt.

you could rebarrel, and possibly do a LITTLE feeding work for ~200, then you might need a reblue, for ~100.

so, yeah, it could be done, but IMO, there's nothing to gain but the name. This is literally the same as taking a 308 and paying a coupld hundred to have it set back and rechambered to 7.62x51 (there IS a difference... just torolerences) for no net gain.

Posts: 41037 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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I would not push .416 Rigby brass to the pressures the .416 WBY operates at. The WBY brass is stronger. I have actually used .416 WBY brass and turned the belt off and then resized it in a .416 Rigby sizing die. I have been able to duplicate .416 WBY ballistics in a .416 Rigby using this brass with no problems.
With that said, Why bother. The .416 Rigby is the epitome of a African DGR in shootability and usefull power . The higher velocity of the .416 WBY does not result in more penetration just more felt recoil. 400 grs at 2400fps is perfection itself!-Rob [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
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Posts: 624 | Location: Michigan | Registered: 07 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Another vote for the almighty .416 Rigby.
Posts: 477 | Location: Olyphant Pennsylvania | Registered: 05 September 2002Reply With Quote
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Weatherby brass is made by Norma. It would therefore seem logical to believe that Norma Rigby brass would be made of the same alloy to the same pressure proof that the Weatherby brass is and that it would stand up to the same ludicrous pressures that Marketing Roy dreamed up. As Rob said, though, "Why bother?" Just buy the Rigby, change the safety, restock and put on some good sights. You're well under $2000 and couldn't be more "Africa." Spend the rest on a pith helmet.
Posts: 2690 | Location: Lakewood, CA. USA | Registered: 07 January 2001Reply With Quote
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416 Weatherby on auction arms, a basic auction, no reserve

5 DAYS LEFT on the auction, at $1004. right now

MUCH cheaper then $2000
Posts: 624 | Location: Michigan | Registered: 07 April 2003Reply With Quote
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