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Some maybe call me sick, but it's fun......... Login/Join
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I just got to tell you guys about my recent fun.
I just got hold of a dead pig that I intend to use as a bait for my midnight hunting on redfox. The beast is approx. 150 kg. of slightly frozen meat.
Then I got the fabulous idea of testing my 460 WBY!! I load the "mean thing" with some really soft Rem. 405 grs. bullets (actually 45-70 bullets), and tested them on the pig. And I must say it is a TERRIFYING view every time I hit it. Now I have bait over a large area lying in the woods around. NICE!!
I just have to add that it has a advantageous mission to. A fox would have had difficulties to get a grip of any meat if I didn't put some holes in it.

Comments please. Am I sick??

Shoot well, and hit hard.


Posts: 736 | Location: In the deep Norwegian woods. | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Sick and twisted. You need help...

Just kidding.

Take Care,


Posts: 2781 | Location: Hillsboro, Or-Y-Gun (Oregon), U.S.A. | Registered: 22 June 2000Reply With Quote
<Varmint Hunter>
You should try the Hornady 300gr hollowpoint in your 460 Wby. It worked great for me when shooting PA groundhogs!

Originally posted by 460wby:
I just got to tell you guys about my recent fun.
I just got hold of a dead pig that I intend to use as a bait for my midnight hunting on redfox. The beast is approx. 150 kg. of slightly frozen meat.
Then I got the fabulous idea of testing my 460 WBY!! I load the "mean thing" with some really soft Rem. 405 grs. bullets (actually 45-70 bullets), and tested them on the pig. And I must say it is a TERRIFYING view every time I hit it. Now I have bait over a large area lying in the woods around. NICE!!
I just have to add that it has a advantageous mission to. A fox would have had difficulties to get a grip of any meat if I didn't put some holes in it.

Comments please. Am I sick??

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That's exactly what I plan to do once I pick up a 460 eventualy.That 405 grain Remington expands a ton at only 1850 FPS,let alone 2800 FPS!!

When I finaly do get a 460 Weatherby,I already have a great coyote load figured out for it-the Remington 300 grain HP at around 3200 FPS!!Kind of like a big 220 Swift.

"Only accurate rifles are interesting"

Posts: 529 | Location: Humboldt County,CA | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
I think its a fabulous idea. Whats the fun of owning a .460 weatherby if you cant use it to blow the heads off of dead pig's ?, even better would be live ones.

A round cant be judged until one see's it in use, a splendid idea!..........10

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I have thought about loading up some 300gr HP in my 460. Is it possible to get decent (ie. 3" 5 shot groups at 100yds) with such a light bullet. I would expect the bullet to deform severly in flight at the velocities obtainable from a 460.
Posts: 57 | Location: Mesa, AZ. | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Sick & Twisted! But i like it!!!!!

Anything else you want to let us know now?


NRA Life Member

America, Love it or LEAVE IT!

Posts: 1574 | Location: Western Pennsylvania | Registered: 12 September 2002Reply With Quote
What makes me a bit worrid is that the procedure spreads significant amounts of lead all over bait which will be visited by other species than foxes too. Lead poisoning is not a pleasant way to die. High speed lead is much better.

Sorry to pour lead on the fun, but... AKI

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I've always said that my 460 Weatherby Magnum is the most deadly rifle.
It even kill animals that I don't shot at!!
Please, don't make this worse than it already is. Here in Norway, and Sweden, our shooting sport already is in danger because of the exaggerated fear for lead poisoning. Use of lead in shotguns is forbidden soon, and they have already begin to discuss the bullets too.
God bless us all. (specially if I HAVE to use only Barnes in the future)

Shoot well, and hit hard.


Posts: 736 | Location: In the deep Norwegian woods. | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
If it were me I would have videotapes the whole thing, well lighted and at a fast shutter-speed. I think it would be charming to see the effects of a .460 on a dead pig's head.

And you thought you were sick.........10

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The toxicity of metallic lead in the environment is very low. It is lead salts that cause the trouble not lead metal. Until the metal is oxidized or reduced you don't have much to be concerned about. Remington did lots of work on this starting in the late 1800's at their range on Long Island. Someone there was concerned that ducks would die from ingesting lead but they found that almost all the dead ones were hit by one or two pellets and died of infection. Lead shot is a vastly over rated problem in the environment. A friend of mine carried a .38 slug around from 1926 until his death at 90 in 1986. He had it so long he forgot about it until an x-ray showed it up. He was a Gulf tanker captain and had 5 ships sunk under him in WWII- a crusty gent!
Posts: 1275 | Location: Fla | Registered: 16 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Sounds like pig burger to me. You have to do what ever is necessary to chum those pesky fox. I like to cull the local deer herd with head shots from my 416 Taylor or the 358 Win.
Posts: 536 | Location: Mid Michigan | Registered: 02 January 2001Reply With Quote
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Hi again.
Does anybody have a dead pig they dont need??
I've used up mine. Plenty of bait, but not any gun -fun anymore.
I forgot to tell you that it was fun with a Ruger in .454 Casull and shotgun w/slugs to!!

Shoot well, and hit hard.


Posts: 736 | Location: In the deep Norwegian woods. | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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460wby, try the 300 grain sierras HP's (45/70 projectiles)they oopen up real fast at 2150 fps, they would be an awsome soft skin load out of your 460.


Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Have to agree with Dr. Duc. The lead phobia craze is so over blown that I can't help but suspect it is propagated by those with political agendas. There are lots of animal rights zealots and anti hunters happy to spread lies to further their agenda. .

Another similar example, here in California we have MTBE in our gasoline. A known carcinogen and all around nasty. It is contaminating our ground water and is not biodegradable. We can't get rid of the stuff. Lead,... try to outlaw it!! MTBE...all sorts of heel dragging. I have to belive it is about the money trail. Lots of money in oil. Same with lead. Lots of money to be made in environmentalism. They cry wolf enough an we begin to believe it. Don't worry about lead. Mammals don't have gizzards to grind it up, birds do. Feed a bird enough shot an it will get sick. Mammals, people and foxes, simply pass it out.


Originally posted by Dr. Duc:
The toxicity of metallic lead in the environment is very low. It is lead salts that cause the trouble not lead metal. Until the metal is oxidized or reduced you don't have much to be concerned about. Remington did lots of work on this starting in the late 1800's at their range on Long Island. Someone there was concerned that ducks would die from ingesting lead but they found that almost all the dead ones were hit by one or two pellets and died of infection. Lead shot is a vastly over rated problem in the environment. A friend of mine carried a .38 slug around from 1926 until his death at 90 in 1986. He had it so long he forgot about it until an x-ray showed it up. He was a Gulf tanker captain and had 5 ships sunk under him in WWII- a crusty gent!

Posts: 813 | Location: Left Coast | Registered: 02 November 2000Reply With Quote
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