| It sounds like a rechambered rifle was put in the rack instead of a new one.
George |
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one of us
| I thought that too, but I asked my guy and he said it IS from CZ-USA. He noticed it too and left a message at CZ, but they have not yet called him back. He thought it was pretty tacky, too. |
| Posts: 48 | Location: LA | Registered: 24 April 2003 | 

| If you can just get the stock.....
remember, the STOCK figure is per$$$
jeffe |
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One of Us

| Even before I read this thread, I talked to a lady in marketing at CZ today about the American Safari models. She (Sherri) told me that no American models had yet been delivered to distributors, and, in fact, the stocks had just come in to be mated to the barreled actions. She estimated that none would be sent before the end of next week. She did rave on about the upgraded stocks that go for dealer list in excess of $1100.
Not to question what you saw, since I wasn't there, but Sherri's comments, at least as I understood them, seem to indicate you saw a "proto-type" or some other type modified rifle. But, what the heck do I know.... Or what does she?? She may be just a minion.
I do know that as soon as one's sent, I'm supposed to get mine.. with an agreement that if I'm not satisfied, I can return it for a full refund. So.. If you're correct about the "stamp over", etc., I'm going to be out $30 for two way shipping... That'd be bush league at the worst. I'll keep you posted. |
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one of us
| Judge, I made this post in hope that what I saw could be a "prototype" or perhaps a "basic" American model. I am a CZ fan and would be greatly dissapointed if this example is their best effort. The gun is for sale at $750, no where near $1100. The wood is definately not high grade. I have seen much better wood on other 550's and 527's in the same store. The stamp over is no exaggeration, it is horrible. All I know is that I made sure that they got the gun from CZ, they did. Hope you don't get one of these. B |
| Posts: 48 | Location: LA | Registered: 24 April 2003 | 
| Where is this store? Get down to Lafayette from time to time.
I certainly hope also that this is not the case. I was looking at buying one of these rifles when they became available. |
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one of us
| I posted a few days ago stating that I saw a picture of this gun, or one just like it, in the March 2004 Guns and Ammo magazine. I didn't buy the issue but I do remember that the photos showed the same x'ing out of the Win Mag caliber designation and with Lott apparently hand stamped. As I stated in that post I though the stock was great from the magazine back, but forward I think it looked horrible, sort of unfinished and a very blond piece of wood was on it. Glad someone finally saw one "in the flesh" so to speak and I have to agree with Jeffe, hope they just offer the stock. |
| Posts: 1680 | Location: Colorado, USA | Registered: 11 November 2002 | 
one of us
| I have to agree with CongoMike. I have the March issue of Guns & Ammo and the XXXXX is there in a picture. And he is correct the stock is very blond.
If I was a betting man, I would bet that a number of rifles that were supposed to be chambered for the 458 Winnie are now chambered for the the 458 Lott. But they have to change the name on the barrel the CHEAP way.... Duh...XXXX marks the spot.
Don't get me wrong, I love CZ actions, I just think they don't have the foggiest idea of what American Shooters expect or want. It took them years to produce the American Stlye stock after from what I hear literally thousands of requests.
Any company that engraves there name Billboard size taking up almost the whole left side of the action would not care about Xing out the Winchester name on the barrel.
I hope I am wrong..
We shall see..
Regards... Jim P.
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one of us

| There are 3 different stocks, and 3 different prices. They only have the field and fancy grade stocks so far (25 each), as no mid-priced laminated stocks as yet. |
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One of Us

| Bill:
That is my understanding, also. |
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one of us
| Anyone have an idea of what the dealers are going to cut 'em loose for? If they up around a grand, they are getting close to what you can get a Ruger for. Wonder how they compare?? Maybe one of these prototypes will be on display in Atlanta this weekend. VFR |
| Posts: 371 | Location: Florida | Registered: 25 April 2003 | 