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577 NE in a rolling block Login/Join
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posted 05 October 2006 03:44
Well, I've got a Pedersoli rolling block rifle and a 577 NE reamer, and of course it got me to thinking. I'm not sure I'd want to shoot such a thing with nitro powder, but it should be fine with black. Anybody out there try this already?
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Picture of Hog Killer
posted 05 October 2006 04:15Hide Post
Ask, Dave Higginbotham @ Lone Star Rifles.(936-856-3363) He knows the rolling block action better than anyone that I know. He builds custom Remmy Rollers and spent some time with Pedersoli helping them get their rollers going.

Hog Killer

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Picture of Bill/Oregon
posted 05 October 2006 20:39Hide Post
Barrel shank diameter may tell you no or go. I am eager to get my Greener in .577 3-inch up and running.

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Picture of Robgunbuilder
posted 05 October 2006 23:35Hide Post
In the end, its just two relatively small steel pins that hold the rolling block together. I't would be ok for light loads ( and I mean real light-like XMP5744) but for full house .577 NE.? I think your asking for trouble! I'd spend alot of time with a string and a Tire before I shot it off hand . Also, I'd be concerned with the tang splitting the stock even after glass bedding it. I've built two RB's one a 45/70 and the other a .444 Marlin. The barrel requires alot of machine work for the extractor on a RB which is fun but pretty complicated. I don't remember the barrel shank dimensions on the RB, but make sure that you have at least .250 of metal remaining between the chamber and the bottom of the square threads for the .577 NE. If not, don't go there.-Rob

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posted 06 October 2006 09:10Hide Post
can you get a case/loaded round that long in a roller? A frtiend built one in 45-120, never could get loaded rounds in the rifle. Cut the barrel 2" at the back end and made a 45-100. Bareley.....

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posted 06 October 2006 09:11Hide Post
my gosh, I simply cannot spell tonight. Must be the value of two books I have.

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posted 07 October 2006 07:04Hide Post
IS I have a barreled action No-1 in 45-120 also, and when I bought it tha hammer had been groved down the center, it was the only way to get loaded round in it..

Still haven't done a damn thing with it,,but thought the same 45-100 or 110 would be better

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posted 07 October 2006 18:27Hide Post
if you really want a single shot 577 consider one of my wickliffe actions. we are bringing these back and they have plenty of mass and strength.

if interested i can check next week about the 577 - if it won't go as is it would only take minor modification to the feed ramp to do it.

the action kit, fully machined , hardened & ready to polish & blue will be about $400

add your barrel and a set of wood from $85 up and you're ready to go.

don't know how to post pics here but can email some to you if interested.

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Picture of Hog Killer
posted 07 October 2006 19:31Hide Post
Here's the link to the patent drawings

Patent Link - Wickliffe Action

Hog Killer

We Band of Bubbas & STC Hunting Club, The Whomper Club
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Picture of Bill/Oregon
posted 07 October 2006 20:36Hide Post
Tomo577: e-mail sent.

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Picture of walksfar
posted 07 October 2006 20:36Hide Post
tomo577---I sent you an email
I've got to see about buying one of these you speak of. thanks

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Picture of MacD37
posted 07 October 2006 21:27Hide Post
Originally posted by Idaho Sharpshooter:
can you get a case/loaded round that long in a roller? A frtiend built one in 45-120, never could get loaded rounds in the rifle. Cut the barrel 2" at the back end and made a 45-100. Bareley.....


This is the reason the 458RCBS came about in it's case length of 2.75"! The first rifle was built on a NEW rolling block replica, and the full length 45 basic case (45-120) was so long the loaded rounds would not chamber in the roller. The rim would not clear the hammer nose, and block. The 2.75" case with a 500 gr bullet was it's limit! The Martini actions share this drawback as well! Falling blocks are a far better choice for these long cartridges. The 3" 577 would be even a worse choice than the 45-120, for a roller! Not only does the 577NE have a very large case dia, for the chamber, but this in conjunction with the rim diameter would really not work with the roller!

....Mac >>>===(x)===> MacD37, ...and DUGABOY1
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Picture of Bill/Oregon
posted 07 October 2006 23:13Hide Post
Here's a peek at Tomo577s action:

There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.
– John Green, author
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Picture of Hog Killer
posted 08 October 2006 04:00Hide Post
Posting these pictures for Tomo577

Wickliffe Rifle and bare action

Insperation for the Wickliffe, a Stevens 44 1/2

Hog Killer

We Band of Bubbas & STC Hunting Club, The Whomper Club
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