Am I alone in not being aware that Winchester is chambering 94s in 480 Ruger, or was that news already? More importantly if it was news, where the hell was I?
In the share your favorite loads forumn, I've posted most of my 480 loads These are from a 7 1/2" revolver. I'd expect the rifle to have a 300-400 fps increase over the revolver.
The 480 cartridge is the 45-70 rifle case blown straight for a .475" bullet, trimmed to 1.28", and with the rim reduced in dia. You'd think as a 480 nut I'd know the rim dia, but I don't recall offhand, I believe it is the same dia as the 45 colt.
As far as bullet weights, there are jacketed bullets are available in 325, 350 and 400 gr, and cast bullets run the gammet from 310-460 gr, though most common would be 370-440 gr. I would think a 440 gr bullet at 1500 fps would be about the max you could expect from a 20" rifle. Not totally impressive perhaps, but accomplished with a mere 19 gr of powder.
I think it would be a most competent pig gun!
Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001
I believe the 480 is to the 475 Linebaugh as the 44 special is to the 44 mag. As with Buffalo's version of the 475, the rims were made a little smaller, I think. - Dan
Posts: 5285 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 05 October 2001
I don't think the 94 action is large enough to handle a 45-70 size case???? The action would have to be 86 or 71 sized action. I find it hard to believe!!
As I mentioned, the 480 rim is reduced in dia, as I recall it it identicle to the 45 colt rim. Since the 94 can handle a 45 colt, the 480 is simply a larger dia hole int the barrel, the case is loaded to the same length.
All in all, lets say it is loaded to 1500 fps with a 400 gr blunt nosed cast bullet. It would be a dandy whitetail and pig gun. This would actually slightly outclass the blackpowder 45-70 loads.
Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001