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Christmas shoot report Login/Join
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My family has established a tradition of going shooting every Christmas after stockings are gone through and after breakfast. The regulars are my bro in law, nephew and myself. This year, as last year, we invited a couple of sailors from the carrier Lincoln (home port Everett, Wa)
to partake in our holiday fun and feast.

For the shooting, we provided an array of arms, including 12ga and 20 ga O/U shotguns(Browning and Beretta) for impromtu skeet, Sig 40 229 pistol, 45 Colt US Arms revolver, S&W 629 44 Mag, Kimber 45 Gold Match, Sako TRG-S 338 Lapua, Ruger RSM 416 Rigby and an Armalite M-15 w/16" A2 upper. Some of the traditional offerings were scratched due to gunsmithing engagments!

The sailors (from Nebraska and Minnesota) promptly humbled me with the shotguns, but I got their thanks in letting them shoot the Lapua and Rigby. One had not shot anything bigger than an '06, but proclaimed the RSM Rigby as his favorite! He LOVED IT! Just another example of getting people to experience our sport and loving it! The highlight was my AR 16" with Norinco ammo. We always save the AR for the last, as the fading light brings out the muzzle flash/blast. It is certainly NOT PC but give a shooter a 30rd mag at fading light and watch the grins appear clap We ALWAYS save the AR for the last, for good reason.

After shooting the sailors were treated to prime rib and ham, often thanked for their service to our country. A great Christmas was had by all!


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Picture of Hog Killer
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Sounds like a great way to spend the day, and it's great that you included the swabbies. Also good to hear that you made a convert into Big Bore shooting

Hog Killer

We Band of Bubbas & STC Hunting Club, The Whomper Club
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Picture of M1Tanker
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I am glad to see that somebody is teaching those deck swabbies how to have fun. The Navy types need all the help they can get!!!

But in all seriousness, you have my deepest thanks for opening your home to someone who is a long ways from their own. I was slated to be deployed right now but due to me breaking my leg that has all changed for the time being. The plus side is that I got to spend the holidays with my family when I hadnt origionaly planned on being away. It made this Christmas all the more special for me.

As a member of the military I have always been in awe at how well the members of this forum have treated military members. Thanks for sharing your home with them. Not to mention you provided them the opportunity to shoot some firearms that they may never get the chance to shoot again. You should try that 30 rd AR mag loaded with tracers. It looks really cool in the dusk.

William Berger

True courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway. - John Wayne

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Picture of Hog Killer
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Originally posted by M1Tanker:
You should try that 30 rd AR mag loaded with tracers. It looks really cool in the dusk.

If the ground is not wet or covered in snow, be ready to put out a fire or two. As tracers CAN start fires. Been there done that.

Hog Killer

We Band of Bubbas & STC Hunting Club, The Whomper Club
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We shot tracer all the time at Ft lewis of course it was night fire. Talk about some neat shit. Those bullets bouncing all over the place they had some much I got 2 30rd mags and let lose it was a blast and it was shoot as fast as you could pull the trigger. Our 1SG wanted to get home talk about a barrel piping ass hot.


Handmade paracord rifle slings:
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Im here in Iraq as well.... Throw in some 50 cal firing along with some 40mm grenades, and some good ole 120mm M1A2 tank rounds and you got a show!!!!!!
Posts: 61 | Location: FT Carson CO | Registered: 29 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Charles_Helm
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Originally posted by Brent Yates:
Im here in Iraq as well.... Throw in some 50 cal firing along with some 40mm grenades, and some good ole 120mm M1A2 tank rounds and you got a show!!!!!!

Welcome to AR and stay safe.

Thank you for your service!
Posts: 8773 | Location: Republic of Texas | Registered: 24 April 2004Reply With Quote
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