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If you can shoot bullets like Barnes orginal 700 grain in the 50 BMG. What MAX velocity can you get then...? Is there any other hunting bullets to a 50 BMG...?
Posts: 751 | Location: sweden | Registered: 15 January 2002Reply With Quote
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There are plenty of "hunting" bullets used by military. But not sure you can got it.

FN in Belgium produced this kind of bullets but forbidden for me to got it in Belgium. May be possible in Sweden?

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Posts: 831 | Location: BELGIUM | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
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What velocity is possible to get with the Barnes 700 grains bullet in the 50 BMG...?
Posts: 751 | Location: sweden | Registered: 15 January 2002Reply With Quote
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There is a recipe for "frangible" .50 BMG bullets made from 7mm (or .300WM?) cases filled with lead shot and epoxy. Got a friend in Austin, TX who hunts feral hogs with them. His experience is solid one-shot kills.

Arizona Ammunition makes "hunting" cartridges for the .50 BMG as well.

A 700 grain bullet can be loaded to run over 2800 f/s. Don't know the max velocity tho'. I shoot Hornady 750 grain AMAX at 2650 with medium loads.

EDM made five actions for 20mm Vulcan brass necked down to .50 that push an 800 grain at 4800 f/s. Those rifles are called Warlocks.

Posts: 257 | Location: Radio Free Texas | Registered: 20 September 2001Reply With Quote
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Check out State Arms gun company - besides making very nice BMG bolt guns he also sells
Hunting bullets for the %). cal.

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Posts: 261 | Location: In my Subterranean lair, okay, I admit it, it's a basement | Registered: 04 May 2002Reply With Quote
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There is an article in a past issue of Very High Power, the periodical for the Fifty Caliber Shooter Association, that discribes a .700" wildcat built on a blown-out, full length 50 BMG case. With a 750 gr DKT(I believe) bullet the rifle produced +3200 fps out of the 30" barrel. The 1000 gr bullets were driven to +2800 fps and a special 1950gr VLD solid was driven to around 2300 fps.

As I don't have the article in front of me right now I can't be exact on the numbers but if you like I can get them for you.

Hope this helps somehow.

Good Shooting!!!


Posts: 701 | Location: Fort Shaw, MT | Registered: 09 April 2002Reply With Quote
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A 750 grain bullet in caliber .700 how long was that bullet? Please tell me all you can about the article. I want to know everything about the 50 BMG opened up to caliber .700

What was the rifle weight...?


Posts: 751 | Location: sweden | Registered: 15 January 2002Reply With Quote
Overkill -- I don't know much about the 50 BMG, but I will relate what I do know after chronographing my Nephew's rifle this past weekend. He shot several loads that were not reloads, all 750 gr. loads that Chronographed 2675 fps. He then shot some of his reloads. All I remember about the loads after recording them on the chrony sheet is that they were 50 BMG powder, CCI primers, and 750 gr. A-Max bullets. They chronographed over 2900 fps, and grouped about 21/2 inchs at 100 yards. I can also caution anyone new to the 50 BMG, always clean off you shooting bench before shooting, or the rifle with it's muzzle brake will do it for you. Good shooting.


[This message has been edited by phurley (edited 05-20-2002).]

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All I remember about the loads after recording them on the chrony sheet is that they were 50 BMG powder, CCI primers, and 750 gr. A-Max bullets. They chronographed over 2900 fps, and grouped about 21/2 inchs at 100 yards.


I have been testing the 50 BMG for quite a while and while I don't want to sound like I'm a know it all, I am a bit curious about the velocity you are getting from your nephews rifle.

Your first quoted velocity sounds about right for a 30" match rifle firing a 700-750 gr bullet. I shoot an LAR match rifle with a full length 36" pipe and my top loads will drive a coated 750 gr A-Max to 2750 fps using H-50BMG. This is a max load for my rifle and my accuracy load is right at 2700 fps.

I am curious that your getting 2900 fps with the 750 gr A-Max bullet.

-What barrel length does that rifle have?
-What powder charge are you using?
-Are you using coated bullets?

I have a feeling that unless your using a 45" barrel, those loads are loaded to quite high pressures. One simple test to perform to check chamber pressure is to fire a round, extract the fired case, and then try to rechamber that same case. If it rechambers with only a slight resistence on the bolt then your OK. If you have to lean on the bolt at all to close the action, then your far beyond where you should be in terms of pressure.

I do not say this to cut you down, in fact I want to help you improve your 100 yard accuracy. The big A-Max is designed to be fired in the 2500-2700 fps range with a 1-16 twist being the best for this bullet. Driving it to 2900 fps may cause structural failure and may be the reason your getting 2 1/2" groups at 100 yards.

Another tip is if possible, shoot at longer ranges then you are. These long VLD 50 BMG bullets really need 300 yards to go to sleep and fight off the effects of the rifling. I have fired many 700 yard groups that were only slightly larger then the same loads 300 yard groups. The farther you shoot, the more you'll learn about your load.

If you want to shoot at extreme range, try to get your extreme spreads in the 10 fps range if you can, 20-25 fps at the most for match quality groups.

Anyway, just wanted to ask about your velocities.

Good Shooting!!!


Posts: 701 | Location: Fort Shaw, MT | Registered: 09 April 2002Reply With Quote
have you tried h50bmg 222.5 with a cci primer and a 750 amax with molly. if so did it work for you and what was the fps.if not have you tried the same but a different powder charge and what did you get.i need a chrony but dont have one yet .im trying to get a ball park closer to 2600 than 2800.what would be a good brand of chrony to get,thanks,keith
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it was 2617 with the 222.5 of h50bmg and the 750 amax,thanks,keith
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