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I Gave A Presentation On How To Build A Heavy Rifle Login/Join
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Picture of Nitroman
To begin this story we must look back to last semester, about October I would recall.

My professor and advisor and myself are all looking over my transcripts to double-check I am good to go with classes I had chosen for the spring (and my final undergrad) semester. Uh-oh. I need another "writing intensive" course. CRAP! I hate writing papers someone else assigns to me.

So I am forced to take this "English 314: Technical Writing" course.

At the beginning of this semester the professor told us we had to do a final project, writing about something we are interested in, but not in our major. Another blow. I was going to just burn a copy of a previous paper and turn it in. This chick knows all the tricks though [Frown] .

Well guess what I decided to do? I wrote a 39 page paper, including tables, illustrations, and references, it came to about 8,200 words. I deleted all the graphics to see how I did and I think there are about 15 pages of 12 font, single spaced sentences.

So I lug around a box with the barreled receiver of my .500 A-Sq., an SKS case on wheels, all over campus since this class is the last one I have. I was one whipped puppy by the time I got there.

I set up a target stock, Husqvarna m146, the stock from my accidentally purchased .375 and the Hannibal stock. I proceeded to give the presentation and it went over well. These kids, sadly, know next to nothing about firearms and seeing this was very interesting for them. I had the complete attention of the class of 22 students for 30 minutes. It was fun.

Just to lighten the atmosphere I wore my Kalsihnikitty t-shirt.  -
I had two requests for the website where it could be ordered.

After class my professor told me I had done a good job. She had already given me a really good grade on the paper, so I expect to get a "A" overall.
Posts: 1844 | Location: Southwest Alaska | Registered: 28 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of fla3006
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Maybe in Alaska you can still get away with that. You must have a pretty cool teacher. I did something similar when I was in high school, but it was almost 40 years ago. My paper was on terminal ballistics. As you know, times have changed and certain things are no longer policitally correct, particularly in large urban areas.
Posts: 9487 | Location: Texas Hill Country | Registered: 11 January 2002Reply With Quote
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How about posting the paper? It sounds great and I'd really like to read it.

Posts: 1238 | Location: New Hampshire | Registered: 31 December 2001Reply With Quote
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I have a female friend who would like that Kalashnikitty T-shirt.

What it the website where it can be ordered?
Posts: 1027 | Registered: 24 November 2000Reply With Quote
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Look for "online store".
Posts: 1844 | Location: Southwest Alaska | Registered: 28 February 2001Reply With Quote
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better view of the kitty

Posts: 41042 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Nitroman
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Jeff, you be nice...and go out and buy one for your wife.

David, this is a 28 meg file. I wrote it so people who have NO understanding or previous knowledge of firearms could follow what I was saying and also, you could take this to a competent 'smith with a fat check and he'd be able to build you a rifle from the paper.
Posts: 1844 | Location: Southwest Alaska | Registered: 28 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of mbogo375
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I am glad to hear that the presentation went well. Hey, maybe we have the start of a budding career in gun writing here [Smile] .

Posts: 1206 | Location: Georgia | Registered: 21 July 2000Reply With Quote
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I mailed your copy on a CD day before yesterday. Most of the color plates are in .tif format so when you print, set your printer to "best quality" to get the most of them.

Posts: 1844 | Location: Southwest Alaska | Registered: 28 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Would love to have a copy of the paper to improve my own education and to pass to my sons. Would be more than happy to send an unwritten CD or two.

Any chance?

Posts: 6199 | Location: Charleston, WV | Registered: 31 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Ditto what mstarling said Roger. - Dan
Posts: 5285 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 05 October 2001Reply With Quote
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My email is email me your addresses and I'll send you a copy of the paper on CD. The disks are only $1.40 each.
Posts: 1844 | Location: Southwest Alaska | Registered: 28 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Roger-Can we bestow a Dr of Gunsmithing from the
Accurate Reloading University on you?? Ed .
Posts: 27742 | Registered: 03 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Nitroman
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Weeeell...I think I should have more training. [Smile]
Posts: 1844 | Location: Southwest Alaska | Registered: 28 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Post some of your guns for us to view, that would be nice.
Posts: 42449 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
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As soon as I can get home. May 11 is the big day, I walk the walk (commencement), then spend a few days in Anchorage and finally get out to Bethel.

It will be difficult adjusting to a dial-up connection. At the university here it is very fast. Pics take no time at all.
Posts: 1844 | Location: Southwest Alaska | Registered: 28 February 2001Reply With Quote
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A copy of Roger's CD arrived this morning and I spent much of the day reviewing it. It'll tell you plenty about the planning, researching and preparation for a rifle building project... but it will tell you more about being young ... and really "into" something. Just splendid work, Roger. I look forward to watching this rifle come into being.
Posts: 11017 | Registered: 14 December 2000Reply With Quote
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Thanks for the CD Rom, I just read it and you did very well indeed, I would like to see some of your stock and metal work if you have any available for post....We can always use a new gunmaker in this world, not many are taking up the trade it seems to me...

I will add if you ever need some wood, let me know and I can get you the same quality wood as the best you showed (turkish or French) for about $1000 to $1500, that's wholesale to you, for what its worth, but would save you a good deal of money...
Posts: 42449 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Picture of Nitroman
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Your words make me uncomfortable, in a good way. Let me explain.

I wrote a paper based on what I have learned over the years and particularly here. I remember back in '95 or '96 when this board was just a page and I read Saeed's article on the .577 T-Rex. Since then I have read and learned. I have my own ideas and I apply them to what I have learned. So far I haven't actually built anything, I have made repairs, refinished stocks, cut checkering, bedded several rifles, had a rifle rechambered and so far have been working on this target rifle to make it work. This actually is the first rifle I have had that I specified everything. I will fire it for the first time tomorrow.
I wrote the paper to give an overview, leaving out those things which most would know have to be done, like opening a bolt face ect.

Having been a heavy equipment mechanic and welder, stick, TIG and MIG (certified plate and pipe to 0.750" all position) I can follow most of what is said here. I purchased a book on using lathes, a comprehensive book on presses and die design. I have most of the reloading books, two books on designing and forming cartridges and I am currently tracking down a book on small arms ammunition manufacture, specifically drawing brass. I have read lots of African hunting books by the early explorers and I listen.

I wonder if people realize just how much information (not BS) is available on this board? When John Ricks is detailing how he put together his trick, roller bearing support, rather than use a spider, I simply saved the whole thread to a file called "Gun Stuff", how about Chic Worthing detailing how to measure to fit someones hand to a stock? Saved. Robgunbuilder on how to index a barrel for chambering? Saved. I think I have about 50 megabytes of solid gold information saved to disk. I bookmark recommended sites, I have all the worthwhile sites for wood, machinery, other equipment, several industrial supply houses, all recommended from this site. I even have two sites from companies who specialize in remanufacturing those old lathes. Why throw one away, if you have the time, have it zero-timed?

I know what I want to build and I will, over the summer. I wrote about it, I jsut don't want anyone to have the wrong impression is all.

Now, once I am out of school in a few years I do want to build some things, not for profit but for fun. I would like to reproduce Type A Mauser Sporters. Have the stocks duplicated, buy up some good m98's and work them over. I do not want to get ahead of myself but that is what I would like to do. With really pretty wood and good metalwork. I want to try to make the wrist peep that was an option on the Sporters. Hell, there is a lot of stuff that I want to do. I have saved all the information and bought enbough books my wife gives me a hard time about them. Have you ever really wanted to do something, and know how to do it(or have better than a vague idea), but don't have the equipment? That is me.

Ray and Nick, thank you, more importantly I thank Saeed for allowing us to use his board, without this, I wouldn't have learned 1% of what I have now.

[ 05-02-2003, 08:12: Message edited by: Roger Rothschild ]
Posts: 1844 | Location: Southwest Alaska | Registered: 28 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Got the paper and am delighted with the job you've done of organizing and presenting the information!

Your last post puts things in perspective for us, but please take the que that you do seem to have some gift for all of this ... at the very least you should build rifles as a hobby and develop your talents.

Don't stop writing either. There is always a place in the hearts of fellow sportman for a guy who can gather all of this complex information and present it in a way the rest of us can comprehend and perhaps even use some of it!

I note you sent a CDRW. As you're leaving Fairbanks soon, how about sending an address so we can return the media. (The stuff ain't so cheap you can afford to give it away!)

Thank you very much for the work and your kindness in sharing it,
Posts: 6199 | Location: Charleston, WV | Registered: 31 August 2002Reply With Quote
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