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375 H&H in 375 Weatherby Login/Join
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I know the H&H can be fired in the Weatherby chamber, but what effect will this have on accuracy? The Weatherbys are known for their "free bore" and there would be a lot of slop on the sides of the chamber for the H&H? Would you expect fliers as the cartridge would not lock-up the same each time?
Posts: 383 | Location: Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada | Registered: 25 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Got fine hunting accuracy when fire forming factory H&H ammo in my .375 Wby


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Picture of richj
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I've got a Sako/FN marked 375 MAGNUM, it's a 375 Weatherby

Remington factory 375 H&H with 300gr Swift A-frames shot a nice 5 shot cloverleaf.
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jhaney, When fireforming in my AI (very similar to the Weatherby) accuracy rivals my best handloads. You will probably have somewhat reduced velocities, but should not be be of major concern. memtb

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Originally posted by richj:
I've got a Sako/FN marked 375 MAGNUM, it's a 375 Weatherby

Remington factory 375 H&H with 300gr Swift A-frames shot a nice 5 shot cloverleaf.

Same, sub MOA out of our Rem XCR II in 375 Weatherby.



"There's a saying in prize fighting, everyone's got a plan until they get hit"

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Picture of ramrod340
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I've found fire forming loads to be accurate enough for hunting.

As usual just my $.02
Paul K
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The situation is similar to shooting 300 H&H ammo in a 300 wby. I have noted reasonable accuracy when doing so, but the velocity is well short of potential for hunting use- so while it would work, you'd be getting velocity well short of even an H&H, so I'd wonder WHY?
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already confirmed by other but to let you know that we had one with good results and rws factory ammo 375hh.

Posts: 2353 | Location: Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada. | Registered: 21 May 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Ray B:
The situation is similar to shooting 300 H&H ammo in a 300 wby. I have noted reasonable accuracy when doing so, but the velocity is well short of potential for hunting use- so while it would work, you'd be getting velocity well short of even an H&H, so I'd wonder WHY?

375 H&H is much closer to the 300 or 375 Wby case capacity.
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Thanks so much for all your experience driven comments
Posts: 383 | Location: Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada | Registered: 25 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of ramrod340
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Comparing my velocity differences in an 06 AI type forming I would guess your H&H load in a WBY chamber would be 6-8% less than the same load in a H&H chamber due to lower pressure. Just a guess no actual data for your case.

As usual just my $.02
Paul K
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I loose about 100fps off standard H&H velocities and groups open to 1.5" to 2". Impact shifts 2" lower at 100yards from my 375wby zero. So my rifle is zeroed 3" high with 350gr woodleighs as a WBY and with factory Remington 300gr H&H ammo I'm about 1" hi at 100 yards. I have no problem hunting with the factory H&H load and have many times.
As a side note, I don't have the older wby free bore.

Posts: 182 | Location: On the Yentna River, Ak. | Registered: 23 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Versatility is what makes the 375wby or 375ai such an outstanding chambering.

Posts: 182 | Location: On the Yentna River, Ak. | Registered: 23 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Our Rem XCR II in 375 Weatherby shoots MOA with Remington factory 375 H&H 300g A-Frame ammo. I haven't chrono'd it but 100 fps less seems about right. We also load the 350g Woodleighs to 2550 fps in our fire formed 375 Weatherby cases. They are a hammer and a little more accurate, but my youngest son who shoots it most often sees no reason to absorb the extra recoil.



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Michael Douglas "The Ghost And The Darkness"
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I have chrono'd the difference, and more than 100fps is lost in mine when shooting factory H&H rounds in it, although accuracy is very good, I lose about 2.2" of elevation from my initial zero.
I would not hesitate to use factory H&H to hunt with in a pinch.

Posts: 684 | Location: N E Victoria, Australia. | Registered: 26 February 2009Reply With Quote
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I lose a 100 fps off of advertised velocities. I doubt very seriously if the ammo would reach advertised velocity in a factory .375 H&H. Accuracy is good. Every hunting situation doesn't require top velocity anyway. It's good to know that if your ammo is lost or stolen that a sufficient replacement can be purchased at any well stocked gun shop.

velocity is like a new car, always losing value.
BC is like diamonds, holding value forever.
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