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You need to put myself and 470Nitro on your list.

Note that Robgunbuilder says that Mike375 and 470 Nitro are not just the same person but are responsible for spamming. Given that Robgunbuilder is a scientist (his profile) he would not make such claims unless he was 99.99% sure.

We both deserve to go on your troll list....

If you do not put myself and 470 Nitro on your troll list then you are saying Robgunbuilder has it wrong.


Robgunbuilder posting:

NitroX- I don't think it's confusing at all why Mike375/470 Nitro seems immune. By the way, I read your post but have him on " IGNORE"! He's immune because he's involved with sending it. As for the IP address, I've been told by IT experts that if you use a proxy computer located in the US from an ex US site that it's only that IP address that will be seen by the board moderators. That would explain what I've long believed to be true and they can have multiple personalities if they work for companies with more than one internet server. of course another explanation which frankly rings true is that the Trolls are coordinated through an organization like HCI or PETA like 470 Nitro alluded.-Rob


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Sorry, all I see is:

*** You are ignoring this user ***

I REALLY love this 'ignore' feature!

Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001
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Why do you respond to what you can't read? And why respond so quickly at the early hours of the morning to something you can't read.

Fucking unreal

Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002
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I wonder what are some of the criteria being used to determine who should be put on the "troll" list? Did the owner of this site have anything to do with this list or is this strickly the work of GeorgeS? Isn't that nice to be a modoletor of the forum?
Posts: 204 | Location: Michigan, USA | Registered: 13 January 2004
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I wonder what are some of the criteria being used to determine who should be put on the "troll" list? Did the owner of this site have anything to do with this list or is this strickly the work of GeorgeS? Isn't that nice to be a modoletor of the forum?

Past experience.
The term is 'moderator', and yes.

Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001
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>>Did the owner of this site have anything to do with this list or is this strickly the work of GeorgeS? <<

I, too, would like to see a 'yes' or 'no' answer to this question GeorgeS. Can you give a direct answer to a question?
Posts: 2404 | Location: A Blue State | Registered: 28 September 2002
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Past experience.

Establishing a Troll-Police is NOT the way to go.



If you are not certain opt for low level moderation.

Best regards,
Posts: 643 | Registered: 07 January 2004
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Establishing a Troll-Police is NOT the way to go.

That is your opinion, and one developed after only three weeks and four posts. I suggest you research some of these idiots' posts, claims, confessions, farewells, and returns; perhaps then you'll see things differently.


If you are not certain opt for low level moderation.

Oh, I am certain. It's the trolls who aren't. After several years on this site, we know who the trolls are.

Unless you are yet another of Scott Sweet's personae, even you have to admit that I am not editing or deleting the trolls' posts, I am not closing or moving the threads they start, and I am not banning their user names or IP addresses.

Just as the trolls and their enablers claim they have some sort of right to post whatever drivel they want (on someone else's privately-owned board), the rest of us claim we have the right to challenge their drivel or just ignore them.

All those who are ignoring the trolls' posts are doing so because they want to get back to useful discourse.

Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001
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>>Oh, I am certain<<

LOL! Well, then is Stromberg a troll or not? Since you are sooooo certain, you should know, right?
Posts: 2404 | Location: A Blue State | Registered: 28 September 2002
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To this list belongs HiBall, who George would post backwards and forwards to when he was a Moderator on HuntAmerica Africa Forum.

HiBall belongs in the list above as that was another of Mike Boyd's many handles. I remember emailing George to let him know HiBall's identity.

GeorgeS, king of the troll hunters

I wonder how many new trolls will appear so as to challenge George's troll hunting ability?

Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002
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Here you can see the date that GeorgeS sent me that PM:

Subject From Received Delete

Stay out of my threads, asshole(s)! GeorgeS 09/27/03 11:18 PM

Oh, then there's the emails that got sent to my husband's office once Robwhat'shisname made that info public here on THIS forum. Still have those if you care to see just how bad it's been. Can't help but feel we shouldn't HAVE to leave a forum because of a couple of sick individuals. Many more here have been friendly, helpful, and pleasant people. So, Paul H, if you or Don or anyone has any input as to HOW exactly the constant attacks here should be dealt with -- by all means. Add your 2-cents.
Posts: 2404 | Location: A Blue State | Registered: 28 September 2002
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Boo Hoo, Boo Hoo! Oh Woe is me! I can just see you wringing your clamy little hands in FULL REJECTION! You TROLLS are finally getting just what you deserve! About time we put you in your place!
I for one have denigrated you to the full TROLL STATUS and am treating you accordingly! Cry all you want! I still have to see your idiot Postit's, but I don't have to read them.
All I see is ***YOUR IGNORING THIS USER****! By the way, why is it that everytime you post JUDY, ScottS,etc post with you? It doesn't take a scientist to OBSERVE the DIRECT CORRELATION! Boo Hoo. IGNORE is Wonderfull!-Rob
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001
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Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002
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I used to think that the trolls were the most pathetic folks on the forums, but now I'm starting to have my doubts. It is truly amazing that folks take this crap so seriously!
Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001
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Paul H, You probably haven't seen the half of it! This site is allowing George & his half-baked friends to not only post personal information about people on the forum, but to post things like this:

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Reged: 01/10/01
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Loc: Las Vegas,NV Re: Something of Potential Interest [Re: NitroX]
#539751 - 01/21/04 08:50 AM Edit Reply Quote

I wonder if the Michigan State Police know about Scotty-Poo's mental state? He's clearly coming unglued and here tell he has GUNS! Whats the right thing to do here I wonder? We should ponder this and make a deliberate decision.ScottyPOO did you ever Google search yourself? It might be enlightening. God I LIKE THE IGNORE FUNCTION! He IS MY BITCH TOO!!!-Rob

There are few problems you can't fix with a 1917 Browning or a welding Torch!
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I couldn't agree more about this statement and it is suprising to hear it from a respected member here. Thanks!


I used to think that the trolls were the most pathetic folks on the forums, but now I'm starting to have my doubts. It is truly amazing that folks take this crap so seriously!

Posts: 204 | Location: Michigan, USA | Registered: 13 January 2004
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Here is a lovely PM I received here from GeorgeS a while back for simply posting in the forum:

Welcome Judy. [Logout] Main Index � Search � My Home
Who's Online � FAQ � User List � Calendar

Stay out of my threads, asshole(s)!

From: GeorgeS

I don't want your 'opinions'.
I don't want your 'facts'.
I don't want your 'experience'

You are a worthless piece of shit who derives a perverse pleasure from being noisome.

Eat shit and die, scumbag.
Posts: 2404 | Location: A Blue State | Registered: 28 September 2002
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Can't help but feel we shouldn't HAVE to leave a forum because of a couple of sick individuals.

And that was wrote from someone who posted a thread about having a sex change no less. Judy/Scott, you're a fake and twisted individual who needs to seek help. You don't own a big bore, never have. Troll.
Posts: 1005 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 23 August 2002
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that was posted by me, not ScottS. It was also AFTER, Long after, I had been labeled a troll -- it was also a very sarcastic joke.
Posts: 2404 | Location: A Blue State | Registered: 28 September 2002
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-Rob**** You are Ignoring this user******
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001
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But you are not ignoring.

In fact you are the most prolific repsonder to us "bad people" Although GeorgeS gives you a run for your money.

Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002
This thread, is wasting less of my time, then it would have in the past, becasue of the Ignore< !--color--> feature.

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Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001
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Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001
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But you are not ignoring.

In fact you are the most prolific repsonder to us "bad people" Although GeorgeS gives you a run for your money.



I think you flatter yourself in considering yourself a Troll. More likely just a plain sycophant.
Posts: 6277 | Location: Not Likely, but close. | Registered: 12 August 2002
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Thank you Don, for enabling the function, and thank you George, for enabling the focus.

I feel the same way about ignoring these a**holes as I do about ignoring the Democrat primaries--they're a waste of my precious time (and bandwidth).

Best idea since the .458 Lott!

I am ignoring these a**holes!!! And will continue to do so as long as the software permits!!!!
Posts: 14054 | Location: New England | Registered: 06 June 2003
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George, I still say you need to go on another hunt. Really, you look more & more like that critter in the picture every day. Try something new.
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that was posted by me, not ScottS. It was also AFTER, Long after, I had been labeled a troll -- it was also a very sarcastic joke.

This is indeed odd, ~judy. Over on the political forum just the other day ScottS/Judy said exactly the opposite.


Originally posted by ScottS: My only lies have been very obvious ones. How about, I am a college student majoring in early childhood development. . . LIE. Another, even more obvious bit of stupidity, I am a women trapped in a man's body, but I am going to get a sex change operation to remedy this. . . hilariously idiotic lie!

You never were very good at keeping all your lies straight. In fact, I'll bet you aren't very good at anything.
Posts: 19677 | Location: New Mexico | Registered: 23 May 2002
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In Canada we tried Ignoring some assholes once.That got us long gun registration.

Posts: 227 | Location: West Central Sask | Registered: 16 December 2000
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Hey Pecos!!!
How ya Been?

Man, i'll got the trolls on ignore, and it just don't matter what they say anymore... the semantic contect is EXACTLY the same, when the display reads "you are ignoring this user"...

In fact, that's atleast informative, to me... Like seeing a dog pile BEFORE you step in it!!!

Posts: 41256 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002
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I find it interesting a lot of the poor souls hail the ignore fucntion as their saviour from the terrible things that threaten them, yet it has still not solved their long standing problem.

In that they are still spending time logging onto threads to say they are ignoring them.

Several times.

Waving the ignore function like a flag to prove they are ignoring the thread...

Guys you got ripped off. The ignore function obviously aint working for you. I would take it back to wherever you bought it and ask for your brains back.

Posts: 3540 | Location: various | Registered: 03 June 2000
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Be careful, Karl. You could be painted with the TROLL brush or the FRIEND OF TROLL brush!!! BTW, I'm just kidding, I actually agree with those comments.
Posts: 1944 | Location: Moses Lake, WA | Registered: 06 November 2001
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Your right Karl.

I like to read ScottS/Judy's posts. Just to see what new and interesting thing they have invented for us. What outlandish lie they are telling and who is dumb enough to actually try and carry on a conversation about it.

No ignore button for me.
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What outlandish lies I have told lately?

To all,

I like the "ignore" feature. With the "experts" leaving me alone, I can post in relative peace!

What I find the the most ironic, is this. Three years ago, or thereabouts, a few of the "experts" were eagerly asking me all kinds of questions on big bore rifles e.g. how they are made, how to stock them, which actions are best, etc. How dramatically their stories have changed since then. The problem is I did not tell them everything, this little fact pissed them off when I brought it to their attention about 18 months ago when I pointed out some serious inconsistencies and errors in their statements!

The "truth about me". There is a funny subject. This is the internet, not a court of law, what the heck does it even matter. If you are holding out for the "experts" to post the truth about me, don't hold your breath. They won't post the facts about me, because the facts are 180 degrees out of phase with what they imply in their posts! This is the reason you will never read a post of their's with the FACTS about me in it! If the facts were ever brought to light, several of the "experts" would be exposed as what they truly are: wealthy, yuppie, posiers! Personally, I don't see a problem with two of those three.

Heck, I have bought most of my big bore rifles, there is no shame in that, and I do not understand why they seem to think that there is. Besides, buying one is one hell of a lot more convenient that making the darned thing! When one buy the rifle, 80% of the work is already done, and if you purchase wisely, the remaining 20% of the work required to finish the job is relatively straight forward and simple!

I hope they continue to ignore me. I post here to help out those individuals that are sincere in their quest for knowledge about heavy express rifles (if you want to believe everything I say is an outlandish lie, that is your right). I DO NOT post here to spout off about how much of a big bore expert I am e.g. to feed my ego. In my opinion, being a "big bore expert", ain't an aweful lot to brag about anyway.

Posts: 1662 | Location: USA | Registered: 27 November 2003
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Oh, leave him alone (I know you won't and I know he can't ignore you, me, or that fence post that is staring at him). It is obvious that he and George need to be "experts" to make up for something they are lacking in their lives. I can live with that. Besides, their "expert" opinions are usually a laugh riot to read, as are their attacks on me, as well as, the pictures some of them post (I recongize the background)!

Posts: 1662 | Location: USA | Registered: 27 November 2003
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I think troll hunters like Pecos45, Robgunbulider and GeorgeS are like animal hunters in that they both share an interest and affiinity for the game being hunted. Like very keen big game hunters they also like to participate in the conservation of the species

As the new Big Bore forum leader GeorgeS has manageed to make troll type threads the main thread on this forum and has even gone to the extent to ensure the long life of the trolls by his fixed thread at the top of the forum.

Pecos45, Robgunbulider, GeorgeS and some others are the most prolific responders to the troll post.

Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002
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Since you said you appreciated troll threads being brought to the top.....happy to help.

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