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450 Nitro. Loads. Reality Check! Login/Join
I have a Thompson Encore chambered in 450 Nitro Express. I found some brass, and I'm going to start working up some loads for it.

I thought I'd run my load thoughts by ya'll and see if anyone has any recommendations, and as a bit of a safety check.

I'll be using 500 Grain Barnes X bullets. My barrel length is 15"

A-Square's book recommends 92.7 Grains of 4350 for a slightly lighter bullet (465 grain) at 2191 fps. This is a standard load for a double. If I fire this out of the Encore, the velocity will certainly be a lot lower.

Given that I've got a shorter barrel than a normal double rifle, I'd like to see what I can do to get a similar energy from my shorter barrel....

I started up my "Load from a Disk" software (current version) and entered in the actual specs on my gun, including it's barrel length, etc. I chose the exact bullet that I'll be using, and asked the software to recommend a powder. It suggests 79.4 grains of 4895, for a velocity of 1836 FPS with the 500 grainer, as the "optimum" load. That load results in 48000 psi.

According to my "Propellant Profiles" book, 4895 is an excellent powder for experimentation becasue it works very well at reduced loadings as well as "100% loads". I'm thinking that 4895 is the one to try. Of course, I will be starting with reduced loads and working up.

Any suggestions as to magnum vs. normal primers? I'm leaning towards magnum as I don't want to have hangfire or erratic ignition problems.


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I would be surprised if you were able to generate 1800 plus from that 15" barrel. I do know one thing is certain you will have one huge freeking ball of fire come out of that barrel that will totally blind you in the dark!

I have fooled with contenders for over ten years now trading barrels and buying others. I have used most of the JDJ calibers. Very few rifle "calibers" in the short barrel were functional. The 45/70 for example is a horrile waste of time. It's recoil far exceeds it's performance. Sure it hits hard but it's recoil is so severe that it's mostly unusable. It makes the 454 casul look tame!

As a suggestion having shot lots of the JDJ calibers myself, I would not even consider shooting the starting loads you have listed. Your likely to torqure your wrist so bad it might be the last time you use that barrel! Start way low and see what you can handle first, or what is safe for you.

Now if you have indeed shot lots of 45/70 rounds or equal from a contender pistol then go for it. However they will hurt people, and what your proposing will likely be more recoil, but in a slightly heavier gun.

It's an interesting novelty but unlikely to get 1800fps in my opinion. I don't see it getting more then 1400 with 500 grain bullets. Even at 1400 it will really be a handful! I know two people who have had serious problems from the 45/70 contender. Both had the joint of there thumb stressed so much they could not close their hand for several weeks.

Start low and work up, don't just go and load what you think will be a safe full power load.

It seems there is never enough time to do things right, but always enough time to do them over

Posts: 1261 | Location: Rural Wa. St. & Ellisras RSA | Registered: 06 March 2001Reply With Quote
Thanks for the note--here is my current background:

I have a 454 Casull chambered Super Redhawk, 7.5" barrel, no ports or brake. Firing Magtech factory ammo, which is about the hottest I've seen (280 grains at 1800) has what I would consider serious recoil. I usually fire no more than 40 rounds or so in a sitting. My hand feels somewhat sore for about 20 min thereafter, but no ill effects after that, period.

I have a Magnum Research revolver chambered in 45-70, with an 11" barrel. This gun is a pussycat to shoot. I can shoot it all day with no ill effect at all. I would describe the recoil here as quite mild.

Now, my 450 NE Encore has a huge muzzlebrake and weighs more than either of the above guns. I'm figuring that's got to count for something.

My intentions are DEFINATLEY to start low and work up--for sake of recoil AND safety considerations. Safety is my main concern. Recoil might hurt my hand for a while, but what I REALLY want to be careful about is overpressure.


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