I have shoot my new Browning Bar Light semi automatic today and the precision is so good that i can shoot head shoots on moose at 100 yards. At 100 yards i get 3 shoots in to a target big like my fist.
And i shoot 4 shoots fast at 80 yards, it take 4 seconds for me to shoot 4 shoots at 80 yards with good precision.
I think that this is a good stopping rifle for bears....
What do you think guys......?
The caliber is 30-06 and i shoot whit 180 grain Norma Oryx bullets....!
Posts: 751 | Location: sweden | Registered: 15 January 2002
Overkill -- I used two different BAR's over the years. Both would hang up on occasion. The occasions seemed to be later in the hunt when dirt and debris would accumulate around the action, or in snow and ice conditions when an accumulation around the action would occur. Mine were both .300 Win mags, one with a Boss and one without. They got me loads of Deer and Elk. I really enjoyed my years with the BAR's, however after having hunted Alaska for Bear and Moose I would not advise it as a stopping rifle. That hang up might occur at the wrong time with a charging Bear. I am going back this year and will be packing a .358 STA in a good old slow but sure bolt action. Good shooting.
Just curious ? Why would a guy who has claimed repeatedly in this forum of shooting "many mooses" with a .460 Weatherby Magnum be so excited about stopping power of a 30.06 ?
Redbird. I'm curious to. I belive this is the same guy that have spoke so much about 460 Wby, 585 Nyati 3", and 577 T.Rex too. Maybe he finally have tryed one of these calibers??? I am SO glad this man is'nt on my hunting team, if he only use head-shots.
------------------ Shoot well, and hit hard.
Arild. (And YES, I'm a NRA member!)
Posts: 736 | Location: In the deep Norwegian woods. | Registered: 22 May 2002
I too once owned a BAR. It was not particularly accurate, after the first two shots, and was functionally totally unreliable. For a stopper, I recommend the 2-gauge with black powder firing mercury-hardened lead round balls of 1/2 pound each.
you have taken the motto "use enough gun" quite seriuosly. The BAR is a good rifle, but in my humble opinion a bit weak for the purpose mentioned. My advice would be a slightly stronger gun. Please click the link, and you�ll find a nice piece of advise, quite, as I think, in you taste: http://html2.free.fr/canons/bertha.htm
Best regards,
Posts: 846 | Location: Sweden | Registered: 19 April 2001
Well know we got off the topic line here right from the start but I'm still wondering what is wrong with the headshot if your hunting for meat.I was taught to waste no meat eastest way to make sure of that was a head shot. So before you ask no I don't have any heads mounted on the wall
Posts: 35 | Location: washington USA | Registered: 13 January 2002