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GeorgeS, living in New York and gun ownership Login/Join
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Got a question for you and I am serious, this is off topic but maybe there are others wondering too.
I notice you are from New York City. With your mayor braying on the national news about not wanting or needing 2nd ammendment related conventions coming to New York City what are the rules and do you need permits for your rifles? I come from fly-over-country, Minnesota and now Kentucky, and the concept of permits and all the regulations you must deal with are beyond me.
Posts: 309 | Location: kentucky | Registered: 22 September 2003Reply With Quote
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First thing you have to do is differentiate between NY City and NY State, in the state you have to have a permit for a handgun. It's issued by the county but is a state permit but NOT valid in NYC.There are no permits required for long guns. Handgun carry permits are very rare in NYC unless job related. I think long guns must be registered in NYC.
Posts: 7636 | Registered: 10 October 2002Reply With Quote
In the STATE of NY, you must have a "pistol permit" before you can even purchase a pistol, and you must have one even to keep a handgun in your HOME!! As mentioned above by Mete, these are issued by the counties, actually, the County Superior Court judge. In many counties, these guys have become very arbitrary about issuing the permits, some even going so far as to declare "no pistol permits while I'm on the bench", but in other counties, the judges are very fair about it. Once you have a permit, it remains valid "forever", (under current law, which the "good" (Republican???)Governor Pataki is trying to change), AND the permit is transferrable to any other county outside of NYC should you move from the county in which the permit was originally issued. You go to the Sheriff's Department in the new county to transfer the permit, and must notify the old county's sheriff that you have moved (and that the pistol has "moved"). If you want to buy another handgun, you must get the new purchase approved by the issuing Court BEFORE THE DEALER CAN GIVE YOU THE GUN!!, and then go to the Sheriff's Dept. to have it added to your permit and pay the "permit amendment fee".

Outside of NYC, there is no requirement at all pertaining to long guns, which are not "firearms" under NY State law.

Move to NYC, and it is as if you have left the United States and are now living in a totalitarian country resembling the old Soviet Union. The CITY government tells you when to breathe, etc.!! Here, ALL guns of any sort (handguns, shotguns, rifles) are strictly regulated, ALL requiring permits issued by the City Commissioner of Police, and you will NOT get a pistol permit from the city police commissioner (as opposed to Superior Court judge) unless you are politically connected or are employed in organized crime (job-related need!!) My recommendation, to those who like to shoot or just fool with guns in general, is to live someplace besides the State of NY, preferably somewhere WEST of the Mississippi River!!
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and you will NOT get a pistol permit from the city police commissioner (as opposed to Superior Court judge) unless you are politically connected or are employed in organized crime (job-related need!!)


I had no clue that the criminals were employed I guess the organized crime will have political influnence too. All this is very alarming since only the criminals and those employed in organized crime will have pistols or revlovers. As normal citized you are a walking target

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What else can you expect from a state that chose Dick Schumer and Hillary Clinton for their senators...and AL Gore by wide margins. jorge
Posts: 7157 | Location: Orange Park, Florida. USA | Registered: 22 March 2001Reply With Quote
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"My recommendation, to those who like to shoot or just fool with guns in general, is to live someplace besides the State of NY, preferably somewhere WEST of the Mississippi River!!"

Early in my career, I was offered a very good job in NYC as a securities analyst with a prominant Wall Street investment banking house. I declined.
Posts: 9487 | Location: Texas Hill Country | Registered: 11 January 2002Reply With Quote
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eldeguello has it correct. I will add that 'assault weapons' are banned in NYC, and you cannot have more than 200 rounds of ammunition in your home.
'Emperor' Bloomberg is a colossal ass, a lifelong Democrat who ran as a Republican to avoid the bruising Democrat primary.
He is pro-gay, pro-abortion, pro-taxation, anti-gun, anti-smoking, and just generally, a liberal Democrat.
He is also going to be a one-term mayor; he has no base constituency at all. The Democrats will toss him over for one of their own, and the Republican base won't make the mistake of voting for him again.
By the way, 'Emperor' Bloomberg is from Medford, MA, and I think he was sent here to mess with the Yankees (who haven't won a World Series since he was elected. Hmmmm.).

While I still work here, I moved out of NYC five years ago, so none of their laws apply to me anymore.

Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001Reply With Quote
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.....My recommendation, to those who like to shoot or just fool with guns in general, is to live someplace besides the State of NY, preferably somewhere WEST of the Mississippi River!!

You folks are welcome to move here to Wyoming. About the only gunlaws we have is the nationally mandated background check and you need a permit to carry concealed. I asked what I had to do to get my concealed permit and was told by the gun shop that I had to attend a class, OR show a hunter safety card, OR show my DD-214 to prove I had been in the military. I think ther are more guns than people in this state.
Posts: 1172 | Location: Cheyenne, WY | Registered: 15 March 2001Reply With Quote
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