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scope choice for 416 rigby Login/Join
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posted 17 August 2007 01:22
i'll finally be getting a cz 550(hog back) in 416 rigby real soon and am trying to decide what scope to put on it. the rings will be warne QD's. so what scope do all of you 416 users have on your rifles? also, feel free to post a pic or two. all advice and pics are greatly appreciated.

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posted 17 August 2007 01:39Hide Post
I use a Leupold Vari-XIII 3,5-10x50 on my Win M70 in .416 Rem just because it is the only scope I have. It works just fine.

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posted 17 August 2007 01:43Hide Post
That is a iron sight stock I believe. Whichever scope you choose watch the length issue. The mounts are a long way apart. I use a 1.75x6 VxIII. It has a longer body if I recall, so it fits without use of dog leg ring bases. If you use a 1.5x5 VXIII make sure the front ring is not over the objective lens. I learned that the hard way.
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Picture of Bob G
posted 17 August 2007 02:01Hide Post
I have been using a Leupold 1.5-5.
Good eye relief and enough power for the caliber.
The scope is on a Ruger NO.1.

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posted 17 August 2007 02:13Hide Post
I have a 1-4x20mm Vari X 11 leupold on my cz 550, but really would be pretty happy to have a 2-7 as well........probably I would love a euro scope in the 2-7 power range if $$ where no object.
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posted 17 August 2007 02:35Hide Post

How do you intend to use the gun?

Dangerous game hunting in Africa?
Big game (moose/brown bear) in North America?
Plunking (400gr. bullets go 'plunk', not 'plink' Big Grin)?


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posted 17 August 2007 02:56Hide Post
I purchased a Zeiss Conquest 1.8x5.5 for a 458 Lott RSM and its quite nice. Its a tad heavier than a Leupold 1.75x6 but in a Lott, thats not a bad thing. It just came today so now to get it mounted. Its worth a look.
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posted 17 August 2007 03:47Hide Post
thanks to all for the quick replies.

GeorgeS...unless i win the lottery, i probably won't be going to africa. but it has been sort of a dream of mine to own one of these rifles. so i guess the answer is "plunking!!" i want it to look what i call "traditional african PH" which in my mind means a low powered scope without a front bell. 1x4x20 or 1.5x5x20 or something similar. my current plan is to load 350 grn bullets to about 2500 fps and raise all sorts of hell with the local deer, pigs and whatever else sticks it's head up Big Grin

i was hoping someone would post some pics of their big CZ's so i could get some ideas and have something to drool over until i get my rifle in hand.

again...thanks to all and where's all the pics? Big Grin Big Grin

blaming guns for crime is like blaming silverware for rosie o'donnell being fat
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posted 17 August 2007 04:07Hide Post
I use leupold 1.5X5 vari X 3 's on my custom 416, 404, and a leupold 1-4x shotgun scope on my CZ 505 gibbs. I guess the question is, will you be shooting more than 200 yards? If not, 5X is enough power, and in addition, the scope is light and because of that, withstands recoil better than a heavier scope. I did have the same scope on my Sako 375, it broke after 600 rounds, Leupold replaced it free of charge.
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posted 17 August 2007 04:43Hide Post
There is a Leupold 1.5x-5x for sale on our Classifieds forum (see POP's ad ).

That would be one of my top choices (the others being a Zeiss 1.5x-6x42 and a Leupold 1.75x-6x).


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posted 17 August 2007 04:58Hide Post
The Nikon Monarch 1.5-4.5 is a nice scope to consider. I have one on a 416.
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Picture of zimbabwe
posted 17 August 2007 05:41Hide Post
Had a Swarovski 1 x 4 on mine in CZ rings but replaced it with a Leupold 1.5 x 5 and am happy with the change but think I may get Talley rings as everyone says they fit best.

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posted 17 August 2007 07:25Hide Post
I put a 2.5X Leupold with heavy duplex on my CZ 550. My reasoning was that it is a combination of the longest eye-relief, shortest eye piece and has a reputation for being near bullet proof. That was all true enough and it makes a fine dangerous game scope. The trouble is, that's all it's good for.If the light is a little low or the distance a little longer the little scope comes up short. I've already sent for a 1.75-6 VX111 with heavy duplex to replace it. Did you say pictures?

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posted 17 August 2007 08:14Hide Post
Another vote for Leopold 1.5 x 5


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posted 17 August 2007 09:46Hide Post
A Leupold 1.5-5 with an illuminated reticle would be hard to beat.

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posted 17 August 2007 10:34Hide Post
I like the Leupold illuminated reticle 1.5-5 as well. Stick with Leupolds whatever you do. That CZ has no rear extension mounts made for it and I wouldn't put them on anyway. With the big 30mm tubes and their big eyepieces you WILL get scope brow, trust me. Leupold has the small eyepiece you need.
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posted 17 August 2007 17:56Hide Post
I have a 1.5-5 Leupy IR scope w a 30mm body on my CZ Rigby Hogback. A steel one piece mount rail was made and inset into the bridges. Weaver QRW rings are used. This allows proper positioning of the scope so the bell never comes close to the eyebrow.

Scope has held up well, and was instrumental in a successful jump shot of a Cape Buf a year ago. The event occurred in a heart beat. Made all of those mount, locate and engage target drills worthwhile.


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Picture of Dave Bush
posted 17 August 2007 18:07Hide Post
I have a Burris Signature Series 1.5X6 on my CZ .404. It seems to work pretty well. It has a 40mm objective that does not interfere with the iron sights on my CZ, lets in a little more light than the straight tube scopes, and gives you a bit better field of view at both ends of the spectrum. It is long enough so that extension rings are not necessary.

I need to change out the rings though. I put Burris rings on it and they are fixed. I guess I would prefer to have QD rings.


Chapuis 9.3X74
Chapuis "Jungle" .375 FL
Krieghoff 500/.416 NE
Krieghoff 500 NE

"Git as close as y can laddie an then git ten yards closer"

"If the biggest, baddest animals on the planet are on the menu, and you'd rather pay a taxidermist than a mortician, consider the 500 NE as the last word in life insurance." Hornady Handbook of Cartridge Reloading (8th Edition).
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Picture of Bent Fossdal
posted 17 August 2007 18:25Hide Post
I like the compact Leupold 2-7x33. There is very little difference between 1,5/1,75 and 2x, but 7x is a lot better than 5x at longer ranges.
If hunting from a blind at night, I would bring a second scope for that use.
A 1,5-6x42 from a top end European maker is the best alternative as an all-round scope.

Bent Fossdal
5685 Uggdal

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Picture of ptaylor
posted 17 August 2007 18:29Hide Post

Here is my rigby. I put the VXII on mine I think its a 1-4X. I wouldn't mind a little more eye relief when I'm touching off the Weatherby level loads but I've pretty much used up all the ring space anyway. So far its held up well and was inexpensive, I'm very happy with it. The texas deer don't like it very much though.
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posted 17 August 2007 19:03Hide Post
Another 1.5x5 Leupold the weight is nil and the warranty is the best in the industry and it's made in USA.

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posted 17 August 2007 19:27Hide Post

I bought a CZ in 505 Gibbs this morning...are we talking the same scope here?

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posted 17 August 2007 19:36Hide Post
You first have to decide what you are gonna hunt with your .416 Rigby. I would put one of four scopes on it assuming that the rifle will be applied in accordance with its chambering - big and dangerous game:
1. Swarovski Z6 1-6x
2. Kahles 1-4x
3. Leupold VX-7 1.5-6x24
4. Leupold VX-III 1.5-5x20
The advice is based on appropriate hunting ranges for the cartridge with 400-gr bullets, but if you are going to us it in US most of time with lighter bullets most recommendations will still make 250 yard shots feasible. One can use a .416 Rigby across any range - but if distant targets is a preference there are about 500 better cartridge options.

Pierre van der Walt
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Picture of El Deguello
posted 17 August 2007 19:39Hide Post
Originally posted by budiceale:
i'll finally be getting a cz 550(hog back) in 416 rigby real soon and am trying to decide what scope to put on it. the rings will be warne QD's. so what scope do all of you 416 users have on your rifles? also, feel free to post a pic or two. all advice and pics are greatly appreciated.

I have an old Leupold 3X Compact M8 with post & crosshair reticle on my .416 Rigby. It works great, and stands up to recoil quite well. I did consider the VXIII 1.5X-5X-20 also, and believe it would also work quite well.

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Picture of Dave Bush
posted 17 August 2007 22:46Hide Post
Originally posted by Idaho Sharpshooter:

I bought a CZ in 505 Gibbs this morning...are we talking the same scope here?



The .505 is your "stopping" rifle. Don't scope it. Just shoot it with the open sights. It's a hoot!


Chapuis 9.3X74
Chapuis "Jungle" .375 FL
Krieghoff 500/.416 NE
Krieghoff 500 NE

"Git as close as y can laddie an then git ten yards closer"

"If the biggest, baddest animals on the planet are on the menu, and you'd rather pay a taxidermist than a mortician, consider the 500 NE as the last word in life insurance." Hornady Handbook of Cartridge Reloading (8th Edition).
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posted 18 August 2007 04:01Hide Post
Big scopes and DG is a receipe for disaster IMO..Also big scopes can not take a lick like a short low power scope can..I see the every year in our camps..

IMO a 1x4x20 or fixed 3x or even a 1.5x5 is pretty close to ideal, but the younger gents will probably disagree, to them bigger is always better! Smiler

The .416 is a medium range caliber and never useful past 300 yards and actually that is iron sight range..

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
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posted 18 August 2007 04:33Hide Post
sorry it took this long to get back to you guys. today has been one of those days where, if you reach for your socks in the morning and miss, then you're 15 seconds behind all day.

thanks for the advice, opinions and pictures. i've decided that either a leupold 1x4 or 1.5x5 is what i will use. until i get the scope bought, the open sights will get a work out.

dogleg...nice looking rifle and the buffalo ain't bad neither

ptaylor..also a nice looking setup. i have that same scope on my 550 in 9.3x62 in warne premier QD rings.

the best news od the day is i went and picked up the rifle. it looks different than both of the pics here. it has no crossbolts, like ptaylor's...unlike dogleg's. but the cheekpiece and checkering are nothing like ptaylors. the wood is a lot darker than both guns. i guess it's my turn to post a pic or two.

i definately plan on getting it bedded. what about this lack of crossbolts? are they needed? i feel sort of inconsistant having two crossbolts on my 9.3 and none on my 416 Big Grin

i'll get some pics posted later tonight or tomorrow. thanks again for all the help and please feel free to keep the pics and comments coming.

blaming guns for crime is like blaming silverware for rosie o'donnell being fat
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Picture of Teat Hound
posted 18 August 2007 04:54Hide Post
Originally posted by budiceale:
sorry it took this long to get back to you guys. today has been one of those days where, if you reach for your socks in the morning and miss, then you're 15 seconds behind all day.

thanks for the advice, opinions and pictures. i've decided that either a leupold 1x4 or 1.5x5 is what i will use. until i get the scope bought, the open sights will get a work out.

dogleg...nice looking rifle and the buffalo ain't bad neither

ptaylor..also a nice looking setup. i have that same scope on my 550 in 9.3x62 in warne premier QD rings.

the best news od the day is i went and picked up the rifle. it looks different than both of the pics here. it has no crossbolts, like ptaylor's...unlike dogleg's. but the cheekpiece and checkering are nothing like ptaylors. the wood is a lot darker than both guns. i guess it's my turn to post a pic or two.

i definately plan on getting it bedded. what about this lack of crossbolts? are they needed? i feel sort of inconsistant having two crossbolts on my 9.3 and none on my 416 Big Grin

i'll get some pics posted later tonight or tomorrow. thanks again for all the help and please feel free to keep the pics and comments coming.

A CZ 416 should be crossbolted, IMHO. There are countless stories of the stocks cracking for 416s and 458s. But, I'm surprised that CZ is not crossbolting the hog-back stocks already, as they are for the American Safari mags now.


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Picture of ptaylor
posted 18 August 2007 06:30Hide Post
Originally posted by Teat Hound:
Originally posted by budiceale:
sorry it took this long to get back to you guys. today has been one of those days where, if you reach for your socks in the morning and miss, then you're 15 seconds behind all day.

thanks for the advice, opinions and pictures. i've decided that either a leupold 1x4 or 1.5x5 is what i will use. until i get the scope bought, the open sights will get a work out.

dogleg...nice looking rifle and the buffalo ain't bad neither

ptaylor..also a nice looking setup. i have that same scope on my 550 in 9.3x62 in warne premier QD rings.

the best news od the day is i went and picked up the rifle. it looks different than both of the pics here. it has no crossbolts, like ptaylor's...unlike dogleg's. but the cheekpiece and checkering are nothing like ptaylors. the wood is a lot darker than both guns. i guess it's my turn to post a pic or two.

i definately plan on getting it bedded. what about this lack of crossbolts? are they needed? i feel sort of inconsistant having two crossbolts on my 9.3 and none on my 416 Big Grin

i'll get some pics posted later tonight or tomorrow. thanks again for all the help and please feel free to keep the pics and comments coming.

A CZ 416 should be crossbolted, IMHO. There are countless stories of the stocks cracking for 416s and 458s. But, I'm surprised that CZ is not crossbolting the hog-back stocks already, as they are for the American Safari mags now.

Agreed, I put in 3 on mine, they are all internal though and I bedded from tang to tip.
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posted 18 August 2007 07:25Hide Post
i have a bushnell elite 3x10 on my cz 458 lott its held up for 150 rounds so far. very clear optics and very nice field of view. got it for 175 bucks on sale a year ago.
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posted 18 August 2007 07:30Hide Post
The crossbolt through the wrist on my .416 is factory issue, the other behind the recoil lug is a Talley installed with the B-Square tool. I did my .375 the same way. Whether it made any difference or not I don't know as I put a few hundred through the .416 before I did it and it didn't break. The .375 was over 1200 when it got it's second cross-bolt, but for 7 bucks what the heck.
The stocks of my rifles are much slimmer and about a pound lighter than the American version.
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Picture of Dave Bush
posted 18 August 2007 16:29Hide Post
Originally posted by Atkinson:

The .416 is a medium range caliber and never useful past 300 yards and actually that is iron sight range..

300 yards with iron sights! You da man Ray! That's way, way to far for iron sights for this old man Wink

Chapuis 9.3X74
Chapuis "Jungle" .375 FL
Krieghoff 500/.416 NE
Krieghoff 500 NE

"Git as close as y can laddie an then git ten yards closer"

"If the biggest, baddest animals on the planet are on the menu, and you'd rather pay a taxidermist than a mortician, consider the 500 NE as the last word in life insurance." Hornady Handbook of Cartridge Reloading (8th Edition).
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posted 18 August 2007 17:28Hide Post
I dont hunt dangerous game and Dogleg's comments regarding the 2.5x Leupold echo my experience ... tough scope but limited use as an all-rounder. My CZ 416Rigby will probably be fitted with my 4x Leupold.
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posted 18 August 2007 19:23Hide Post
I was shooting a .416 Remington that I set up for a trip to the Selous. I put a 3 X 9 Ziess Conquest on it to use for plains game and Buffalo. While in the planning stages my son decided he might make the trip, I found a bargain in a .416 Rigby and bought it for me if he went. I put an identical 3 X 9 Ziess on it and couldn't be more pleased. Long story short, he didn't get to go and now I enjoy shooting both rifles and scopes. I will say that the Rigby with it's extra powder capacity and a 370 grain North Fork, the possibilities are great for any game at 2650 plus fps. Talk about a wollop when the bullet gets there, makes for fun plinking. wave Good shooting.

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posted 19 August 2007 03:16Hide Post
here's a few pics of the new 416. because of either lack of good lighting or substandard photography skills, these pics don't really do justice. this is the nicest looking CZ rifle i have and i have 11 of them.

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posted 19 August 2007 03:17Hide Post

blaming guns for crime is like blaming silverware for rosie o'donnell being fat
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posted 19 August 2007 03:18Hide Post

blaming guns for crime is like blaming silverware for rosie o'donnell being fat
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posted 19 August 2007 03:21Hide Post
if the damn sun will ever come out(i don't believe i'm saying that in texas in august Big Grin) ill try to get a better picture.

thanks again to everybody for taking the time to help me out

blaming guns for crime is like blaming silverware for rosie o'donnell being fat
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