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I want to get myself a big bore rifle, and the nitro express rounds intrigue me with their history. I'm not really looking for a DGR, more of a "look at this" rifle. I was thinking of doing a conversion on a Ruger No.1. Has anyone done this? Who could do this type of conversion for me? How much can this action take? I'm sure there has to be a limit to which this action can be opened up.

I know reasonable price and Nitro Express components don't belong in the same sentence, but which will be the easiest to find components for?

I'm not afraid of recoil, but how do these rounds rate? About the only thing I have to compare it to would be a 12ga shotgun with slugs, a .30-06 with 180gr slugs, and a 9.3x62 with 250gr. Nosler Ballistic Tips.

Any experience or insight is appreciated.
Posts: 2 | Location: Appleton, WI USA | Registered: 10 February 2005Reply With Quote
Picture of Paul H
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First, use the search function in this forum and look for Ruger #1 Nitro Express. You'll find lots of info.

The easiest conversion would be taking a 458 win mag, and having it re-chambered to one of the NE chamberings that will clean up the chamber. Minimal gunsmithing, and 45 component bullets are easy to find and reasonably priced. Probably $500 for the re-chamber, brass, dies and some bullets.

There are disputes about how big you can go. You'll get consensus that the 500 NE is a reasonable conversion, and component bullets aren't that hard to come by or terribly expensive. Figure manchine work for a new barrel, bluing, brass, dies, some bullets, and you're out $1000-1200.

There have been 577 NE done on the Ruger, but there is disagreement on to what level the gun can be loaded. Component bullets are much more expensive then 50 cal, as well the dies and brass. There is also a wildcat that uses the 577 NE case necked up to use the 600 NE bullets. Component bullets are even more expensive, and dies are even less common.

Personally, I'd go with the 500 NE. There's no disputing with the guys that shoot various 458's as to who has a bigger gun. The costs also aren't too outrageous. If you have the throat cut long, you can fire 50 bmg milsurp bullets. You get 2/3 the velocity of a 50 bmg, but burn 1/2 the powder. You can also use the various cast bullets for the 500 Linebaugh and load them down to pistol velocities.

I've never shot a Ruger #1, but have heard it isn't the best platform for heavy recoil. I do have a 458 Lott and 500 Jeffrey in bolt rifles. I haven't fired them in comparison to a 12 ga, but haven fired them next to my ultralight .308. The .308 has no recoil in comparison.

As a wild guess, I'd say they have double the recoil of a 12 ga slug load. So long as you don't shoot them off the bench, they aren't that bad. Shooting them off the bench can be brutal.

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Basically what Paul said. They are common for the conversion.

I would probably pick 470 Nitro because of the brass. Norma make brass and Federal have factory ammo. In addition, with the 480 Ruger pistol you have several bullets in the 300 to 400 grain weight. I think Hornady make gas checks as well for cast bullets.

If you wanted more looking at and talking about the rifle then I would do 500 Nitro as it is just cooler and as Paul said you have components. Hawk make lot bullets in 510 diameter that are thin jacketed hollow points so if you have the desire to blow a coyote or deer in half the bullets are there.

My suggestion would be to buy a 458 Winchester in Ruger 1 and that will give you a feel of the recoil, and it is plenty with full loads.

As Paul said that will also allow a rechamber to 450 Nitro. If want a real cool Nitro then the 450 Number 2 Nitro is the go along with the 475 Nitro Number 2. They are both huge looking cartridges.

For 577, they are done. In fact I think someone on this forum has one. The Ruger action is lenty strong but the barrel shank diameter is open to question by some people with hotter loads. But i think recoil will stop you from getting to that level of pressure.

So basically calibre selection will come down to "talking piece" Vs "shooting piece"

If it is to be mainly a talking piece and busting the odd rock with offhand shooting then just pick the Nitro calibre that turns you on.

If it is to be a more serious shooting rifle then buying one in 458 to kick things off will tell what direction to go.

If you go through you may find some for sale already done as Nitros or a cheap 458 with covering notes such as...fired 17 rounds as new and comes with 23 rounds of factory ammo.... Big Grin

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Paul H,If you would like to shoot a 577 on #1 lets meet at Rabbit creek some weekend,gauranteed to put a smile on your face Big Grin
Posts: 91 | Location: Anchorage Alaska | Registered: 05 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Get a Ruger #1 Tropical in 458 Win. Mag., buy a box of factory loads and try them. If you can take the recoil with no problems, fine. A 450NE #2 will have a little more velocity and recoil. But you will know what to expect, and can then rechamber for the "cool" cartridge. If you think that you can stand a magnitude increase in recoil, rebarrel to something bigger.

Hog Killer

We Band of Bubbas & STC Hunting Club, The Whomper Club
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Originally posted by Robert Childers:
Paul H,If you would like to shoot a 577 on #1 lets meet at Rabbit creek some weekend,gauranteed to put a smile on your face Big Grin

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

The AR series of rounds, ridding the world of 7mm rem mags, one gun at a time.
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You wear great hats and give good advice.

A .450 No.2 cartridge will impress anyone. If you ever sell the rifle, you can always use the used brass for trash cans, planters or a dog house for medium sized dogs.
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Thanks for the kind words.

Hog Killer

We Band of Bubbas & STC Hunting Club, The Whomper Club
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If you were curious as to what could be done to a #1, talk to the folks @ SSK industries they talk about a 600NE conversion for the #1, and other possibilities.
Posts: 986 | Location: Columbia, SC | Registered: 22 January 2005Reply With Quote
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A .450 No2 NE would make a grand Ruger No. 1.

Brass is available from Bertram and Horneber.


John H.

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There are three that require little more than re-chambering! A 458 Win Mag No1H tropical can be rechambered to 450NE 3 1/4", 450#2 NE, without changing barrels. The new No1 chambered for 405 Win can be re-chambered for the 450/400NE 3", or 3 1/4". Both are streight forward re-chambering jobs, and bullets are cheap, and pleantiful. Any of these are "LOOK AT THIS" rifles, and all require a change of recoil pads! The Pachmayr decellarator is available in the classic red now, and makes the rifle look factory! Mc Cools gun shop in Tulsa has the reamers for the 450NE, and #2, and can get the 450/400s easy enough!

....Mac >>>===(x)===> MacD37, ...and DUGABOY1
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I would build myself a nice 450-400-3" in a Ruger no. 1, and you could even shoot it without the loss of bicuspids..It would make a nice 9,5 lb. rifle that would do for elephant if need be....

Ray Atkinson
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