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500 Jeffrey in CZ550 Login/Join
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I meassured the 500 Jeffrey and it was just slightly smaller than the Rigby case. Would extraction work if no modification was made to the extractor or bolt?

I have a swith barrel CZ550. Feeding is not an issue because its not a serious hunting rifle. Single shot would be ok. I currently have 338Lapua, 416 Rigby and 450 Rigby barrels. The 450 does feed but not reliably. The 338LM feeds flawlessly. The 416 is original CZ barrel.

Other option would be the 500 A2. The brass is easier the get and it will work in the CZ.

Posts: 240 | Location: Finland | Registered: 16 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Take the barrel off, stick a dummy in, and see for yourself. Easy.
The A-Square would be sort of in the same family of cartridgs you have there, though.
Posts: 2000 | Location: Beaverton OR | Registered: 19 December 2002Reply With Quote
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the 500 jeffe much wider than the other's you have, based on the 416 rigby (more or less) round. If you want it to be a single shot, I bet it would be just dandy....

I would suggest you go ahead and build a 470 mbogo as that's about the biggest the 416 case can get...

does the 416 rigby feed? I'ld think it would be a pretty simple job to get the 450 to feed like minnows through your fingers

Posts: 41252 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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What about using the 450 reamer with a 470 barrel? Would't that be pretty close to a Mbogo? (Since I allready have the reamer, only the pilot would have to be changed)

What bullet size does the 470 Mbogo use? .470 or .475 or something else? (Does it shoot bullets made for the 470 NE?)

The 416 feed ok. I think.

The 450 have problem with ejection allso, sometimes the empty just stays put above the next cartridge in the mag when repeating.

If I take the rifle hunting I will use the 416 barrel and I dont really want to screw up the feeding for that round.. Perhaps its possible to get all 3 round to feed? Anyway, its not an issue really as long as the 416 feeds.

Thanks all
Posts: 240 | Location: Finland | Registered: 16 July 2002Reply With Quote
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the 450 would not be the same, but close.


Posts: 41252 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Thomas M,
The rebated rim is smaller on the 500 Jeffery than the .416 Rigby (.575" vs. .590") but the 500 Jeffery case body base is bigger diameter than the .416 Rigby ( .619" vs. .589").

The 450 Rigby is a blown out or "improved" and necked up .416 Rigby, full length.

You could use a 470 size pilot on the 450 Rigby reamer, but you will still need a neck-and-throat reamer of 470 size, to create a 470 Rigby Improved, which would be slightly shorter than the 470 Mbogo.

The bullets are .475" or .474" depending on the bullet make. This bullet size is the same for the 470 Nitro Express, 470 Capstick, and 470 Mbogo.

BTW, I really like a straight neck up of the 338 Lapua to .458 caliber. I call it the 45 Lapua or 457 Faultless Express. I have two CZ 550 rifles made up as 45 Lapua, one with a stainless McGowen barrel, and one with the factory barrel of .458.

This is the largest bore diameter that you can do with the .416 Rigby case without changings its taper and approximate length. The .338 Lapua, .416 Rigby, and 45 Lapua have identical cases externally up to the point where the shoulder starts. No other proprietary or factory cases do.

A .375 Lapua and a 500 A-Square would be more flexible chamberings for your switch barrel.

You can punch paper at 1000 yards with the 500 A-Square, right along side a 50 BMG, AND have a portable elephant rifle, which a 50 BMG ain't.
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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If you are single loading and shooting it, I don't see why you could not get yourself a take off barrel in 500 Jeffery. The 500 Jeffery rim and the 416 Rigby rim are so very close in diameter it isn't funny. The 500 Jeffery rim is thinner than the 416 Rigby rim though. This little fact, may cause you to have ejection issues. Don't get me wrong, it WILL extract fine, it just may not eject the rounds very far, or not at all. Now if you desire a repeater you may have some feeding issues, but then again maybe not.

Posts: 116 | Location: Cleves, IA | Registered: 14 July 2003Reply With Quote
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Ok, thanks all!
Posts: 240 | Location: Finland | Registered: 16 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Robgunbuilder
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The 500 Jeffery will work in a CZ550,especially as a single shot. Why not use a Ruger #1 instead.The extractor will only need minor changes in shape. You can make a CZ550 feed 500 Jeffery rounds, however, it will require major magazine box mods to position the rounds in a manner so that they feed against the rails and don't pop up and out when you pull the bolt back. Getting it to not porpose and override the rim on closing the bolt is even more fun for the advanced amateur gunsmith! The 500 jeffery cases is so fat that the mag box and inner action rails of a CZ 550 will not allow for them to fit correctly. The CZ550 will also require major rail and ramp surgery for the 500 Jeff. It will probably then be useless for any other cartridge. A much better approach is to modify it for a single stack mag box, however, thats not simple either.
A 500 A2 is a much better suited cartridge for the CZ550. No pain, no strain, -Rob

[ 11-25-2003, 22:47: Message edited by: Robgunbuilder ]
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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Hi Jeffe,
You would have to lengthen the 450 Rigby after opening it up to hold a .475 bullet. I don't think the modifications for feeding the 470 Mbogo would effect the feeding of the 416 Rigby or the 450 Rigby. Here is a picture of the three for comparrison. From left to right 416 Rigby, 450 Rigby and 470 Mbogo
Take care,

[ 11-26-2003, 08:46: Message edited by: 470 Mbogo ]
Posts: 1247 | Location: Sechelt B.C. | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Why can't you modify the magazine box on the CZ550 so that it properly fits the 500 Jeffery? I had this done to my M700. The operation was pretty straight forward as I recall. The receiver was milled out and the magazine box was split, spacers made up, and then the two halves of the magazine box with the spacers fitted in were welded together. Not a big deal, IF you have a mill and a welder.

Posts: 116 | Location: Cleves, IA | Registered: 14 July 2003Reply With Quote
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I guess I could do that but I dont want to loose the ability to load the 338 LM and the 416 Rigbys in the mag. I know what I have but I dont know what I will get (recoilvise) with the .500 cal. If it�s shootable (for me) I could modifie the magbox for the 500.
Posts: 240 | Location: Finland | Registered: 16 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Kentin IA- The problem isn't in the ability to make a mag box to fit the 500 Jeffery. The problem is the mag box of a CZ fits up into the action (which is recessed for the box) unlike a Rem 700. You simply can't mill out the action far enough to fit this size magBox. Thus, the box dimensions for a 500 Jeffery wind up as a poor compromise and you get feeding failures. The answer is a single stack mag. -Rob
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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