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loading 470 NE Login/Join
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Where can you purchase loading dies, brass and projectiles for a 470 NE. How about loads people doing this have done. Factory duplication loads?
Someone told me to use Woodleigh projectiles, is this correct
any help appreciated
Posts: 527 | Location: New Orleans,La. | Registered: 27 September 2003Reply With Quote
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For Dies, bullets, reloading manuals, books, etc or graf & sons

You may want to pick-up a copy of the A-square reloading manual...has 470NE information as well as other Nitro rounds. Also, pick-up a copy of Graeme Wrigths book "Shooting the British Double Rifle" very helpful.

I made a posts in the Double Rifle Forum here on AR...about 470NE loading can do a search in the Double Rifle Forum...I use H4831sc, 110grains with starting load of 108grains H4831sc, Norma Brass, Federal 215 Match Grade fillers or wads required...RIP noted this as the George Hoffman Memorial works very well with Woodleighs as well as other 470 NE projectiles.
Posts: 1999 | Location: Memphis, TN | Registered: 23 April 2004Reply With Quote
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has anyone used the Woodleigh 500 gr softpoint on cape buffalo and if so were you satisfied?
Posts: 527 | Location: New Orleans,La. | Registered: 27 September 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Robgunbuilder
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six cape Buff and one australian water buff with my .470 NE Searcy with 500 gr woodleighs. 110 grs of IMR4831 and no filler. No complaints from me. -Rob

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Searcy was regulating his 470 with 500 grain Woodleighs at 108 gr 4831 at 2250 fps and this last year changed to 106 grains at 2150 fps. No filler.
Posts: 1451 | Registered: 02 April 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of JBoutfishn
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Originally posted by gi:
has anyone used the Woodleigh 500 gr softpoint on cape buffalo and if so were you satisfied?

Excellent results. As I recall, the soft had 78% weight retention.

Jim "Bwana Umfundi"

Posts: 3014 | Location: State Of Jefferson | Registered: 27 March 2002Reply With Quote
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I use 85 3/4 grains of RL-15 shooting Woodleighs and have almost the idential FPS speeds of the Federal factory loads. I use the Kynoch wads and get excellent consistency.
Posts: 1445 | Location: Bronwood, GA | Registered: 10 June 2003Reply With Quote
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i used some 500 gr woodleighs on buff before & i wasn't to happy. they had good weight retention, but mushroomed out to fast for me. Lacked penetration because of it.
Posts: 13468 | Location: faribault mn | Registered: 16 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Butch advised me 106gr IMR4831 under Woodleighs at 2150. Federal factories gave about 2075 from mi gun. Make sure you use Fed 215 primers. They are hotter and give good ignition without filler. This load shoots well in my rifle.
If Midway doesn't have the dies, try Graf and Sons.
Posts: 1982 | Location: South Dakota | Registered: 22 August 2004Reply With Quote
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I have tried the RL-15 with filler loads.
I had to use 90 to 92 grains of RL-15 with different bullets in my Merkel to get the crossing point velocity I desire for dead on at 50 meters. This seems to be about 2125 to 2150 fps for my Merkel .470 NE. This made me nervous since most shooters use 87 to 89 grains of RL-15.

Powder lots and rifles do vary, but RL-15 peak presures will undoubtedly be much higher than same velocity loads with either of the 4831's.

Thanks to jjs, I skipped the IMR-4831 altogether and went straight to the George Hoffman Load, 110 grains of H4831.

Try that with any of the best 500 grain bullets suitable for a double. Best bullets would be:

Woodleigh Weldcore RNSP
North Fork Flat Point Solid
North Fork Cup Point "Universal"
GSC FN Solid
Original Jack Carter Trophy Bonded Sledge Hammer Solid

I think 110 grains of H4831SC Extreme should be approximately equivalent to 106 grains of IMR-4831. The Hodgdon burn rate is a little slower and lower pressure for a given charge.

Of course rifle and bullet types (soft versus solid, banded or not, etc.) may require adjusting the charge a grain or two.

H4831SC is best for temperature/velocity consistency, and it meters better than "the other 4831." It fills the case perfectly at the George Hoffman charge.

It is worth trying both of the 4831's in case your rifle prefers one over the other.

Mine likes H4831SC so well that I don't need to look any further.

Do a search and you can find plenty here about this.

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