Well, the word got out that I opened up a quart of 'ol unk Ob's finest Toombs County sipping whisky and the farm hands from across the road strolled over. Told 'em that I needed a new use for the 4 jaw chuck on the lathe out in the shop. Jesse took one look, grabbed a piece of pipe out of the scrap heap and a bread pan from the kitchen and rigged up a flowing milk cooler to air cool the milk as it came from the cows. Dang, wish I had of though of this sooner, now I can make something useful in the backyard shop! That Jesse boy will go a long way in this world, I will have to keep on his good side so I can borrow money from him in the future.
Below is a photo of Jesse's invention:
Posts: 1055 | Location: Real Sasquatch Country!!! I Seen 'Em! | Registered: 16 January 2001
John Ricks, You have a magnificent sense of humour, sir, to complement your equally magnificent gunsmithing skills. Why don't you write for Guns and Ammo, Gun Digest and other mags? Please do take time to write some articles - someone like me who has been fortunate in becoming a member at AR has learned a lot and I am certain that a number of shooters, hunters, hobbyists etc who are not AR members (sad for them) will gain if you do write for popular shooting magazines. Please do think about this. Best wishes,