I thought I was sure I saw a Marlin "Guide Gun" in .35 Remington at a gun show this past week. I couldn't stop long enough to look because it was really crowded, and everyone was pushing and shoving, you know the drill. Yeah, yeah, I know the .35 Remington is nothing to stand up and scream about, but I have an XP-100 in .35 Remington, and I thought it would make a nice companion piece. Anybody know for sure?? Bill T.
Bill, I haven't seen that one yet, but would love to own one. A 35 rem. in a shortened Marlin was always my idea of a perfect timber rifle for deer, black bear, etc. Good luck and good shooting
Posts: 849 | Location: Between Doan's Crossing and Red River Station | Registered: 22 July 2001
On the topic of the .35 Rem, I recently came across some old original Savage Arms Co drawings dated Jan 23, 1908 that were drawings of their barrel drills, cutters and reamers. They have all the standard calibers listed with dimensions and down at the bottom underneath the .38-55 is none other than the .35 Rem! Never seen one on an 1899 and maybe this was only something that was done in their custom shop or never done at all...who knows??? Interesting piece of rediscovered history I thought. Jeff P
I had a Marlin 336 Maurader in the late 1960's, it had a 16-1/4 inch barrel from the factory and was in 35 Remington. So, the Guide Gun concept is not new.
Posts: 1055 | Location: Real Sasquatch Country!!! I Seen 'Em! | Registered: 16 January 2001
I have seen exactly one Savage 1899 for sale in 35 Remington,in the Gun List.The guy had a bunch of extremely rare 1899s for sale-a 30/06,7x57 (I think),some other odd balls.He wanted in the $5K range for everyone of them.So yes they made at least one.
------------------ I'm out to wrong rights,depress the opressed,and generaly make an ass of myself!