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My 600OK came in today from AHR. I think Ed did a good job. The stock is a perfect fit and it�s fit very well to the action and barrel. The bolt is a bit stiff in one spot but I can fix that and the only other thing I don�t like is really my fault. I failed to specify a barrel band front swivel stud and it came with a screwed on one. If I ever have reason to refinish I can fix that as well but for now I�ll shoot it as is. Hopefully I�ll bag a gopher or two later today.

Posts: 855 | Location: Belgrade, Montana | Registered: 06 October 2000Reply With Quote
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Simply a beauty.
The 600 OK family is growing.
Enjoy !!
Posts: 92 | Location: Las Vegas, Nv | Registered: 26 November 2002Reply With Quote
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Congratulations! Now there are a few 600's out there. Ed, also is building one for me!

Curious as to finish weight, action you selected, CZ or GMA, and barrel length.

Also, interested in your experiences as you start to tame this beast

Have fun! Dak
Posts: 495 | Location: USA | Registered: 25 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Congratulations and I hope it was worth the wait!

Is this the 4th 600 OK on the planet, or are there more by now?
Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Thanks. The 600 OK club is growing. I think this is the 4th one. RGB has two, GeorgeInPA has one and mine makes four.

The action is a CZ and I know Ed had a hell of a time getting it to feed. I haven't yet really put it through its paces feeding dummy rounds but I will later. He ended up making a single stack magazine similar to a Weatherby. All of the metal work is good and the Gun-Kote finish is nice. Later I'll get all of the final measurements on it and post. I'll also get a couple better pictures of it, as the one above really don't show it off that well.

I'm pleased with it. It's funny that while you're waiting for a gun to get done it's a pain in the ass but once it gets into your hands it seems it was nothing.

My thanks to Rob and his creativeness for giving us the 600 OK, it certainly will be one of the all-time best stopping calibers. At any rate you are sure to get some looks at the range.
Posts: 855 | Location: Belgrade, Montana | Registered: 06 October 2000Reply With Quote
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Picture of Michael Robinson
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Looks very nice. Just a few questions:

Is that AHR's new, "stockier" stock? I like its lines.

What recoil pad are you using? I can't identify it from your pictures.

Does the stock contain any mercury recoil reducers?

How much does it weigh?

Please do post more pictures.
Posts: 14034 | Location: New England | Registered: 06 June 2003Reply With Quote
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Looks like a good field rifle. I thought you were working on a single stack Schuler style magazine for this rifle. Is that what AHR used?

Posts: 1673 | Location: MANY DIFFERENT PLACES | Registered: 14 May 2004Reply With Quote
Picture of jeffeosso
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man, that looks fantastic....

is that my lathe in the background? heh

would you mind a pic or two of the ebony tip? I am finishing up my 500, and i am down to the final shape of the nose!!

the stock is along the lines of mine, too, so recoil should be acceptable from that persective

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Picture of Robgunbuilder
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John- You have to post your impressions of shooting it for us. I like the way mine shoots. AHR really does great stockwork really first class! I'll bet you really like it and just wait till the guys at the range see that muzzel brake. Just don't let a neophyte shoot it as they may lose control of the gun.-Rob
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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Can the CZ concievably be worked to handle the longer versions of the 600OK also?

Posts: 3540 | Location: various | Registered: 03 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Yes then CZ could be reworked to handle the 3.2 inch OK-2 probably with little problems although its marginal at best. I'd personally go to the GMA action for a 3.4 inch OK-3 or a Borchardt SS. The question now is if ANY OF US could actually keep control of such a beast! I honestly doubt it! That's why I have not gone further than the OK-2.-Rob
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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I was going to save Borchardt for a 700 NE but they are a long way from the whole international mailing set up it seems.

Cz, brno602 etc. is our easiest choice.

What is the story on the GMA actions Rob?

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mrlexma - did you receive your 500A2 from AHR yet? Please post details of your boomer when you receive it - thanks - KMule also - for fritz454, can you post a close up photo of the grip cap? Very nice rifle !!
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Picture of JefferyDenmark
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Very nice post some more pictures up close please.
Lets se that muzle brake and the action

The barrel does not look that fat what is the Dia ?


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Not yet. I'll be sure to post pictures.
Posts: 14034 | Location: New England | Registered: 06 June 2003Reply With Quote
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I shot it yesterday and it can be a hand full. I started with 155 gr of 7828 and stopped at 163 gr 7828. A total of 12 shots and my shoulder is fine today but that was enough for one session.
4 @ 155 gr
4 @ 157 gr
2 @ 159 gr
2 @ 163 gr

At 155 gr it's a pussycat really. If you can shoot a 100 clays with a 12 ga this is not going to be a problem. At 163 grs it starts to get interesting. The gun doesn't rise too much but it does push you back. The crack of the recoil is really starting to show up and I can see where going much higher will take some getting use to.

I wasn't shooting for any kind of group but it was no problem keeping the shots inside 2-3" at about 50 yds.

I took some careful measurements before and after and there was no bolt setback. I will keep an eye on this though.

In all honesty I can't see a reason for the 600OK-1 or -2 as this, I can see, is really the limit of what all but Hercules could take with another 300fps added. My hat is of to you Rob for shooting it at 2400. That's got to hurt.

The only problem I had was getting a good crimp on the case. I ended up crimping in a 5C collet on a lathe but other that that and needing a drop tube for loading I had no problems. I kind of knew this was going to happen as Dieter's cases have a 0.012" wall and the original design calls for a 0.015" wall. I'll have to pick up a sizing die for a 600 NE and that should solve it.

The ARH stock is his new "heavy" stock shape and does a really good job of handling the recoil. I can't say enough about his stocks. When I get that far on my current project (550 mag to 7mm-378 switch barrel) he will definitely be doing the 3 stocks for it.

Specifics are:
CZ550 mag action
Pac-Nor 3-groove barrel finished at 25.7"
Vias break
13 lbs 12 oz
3 merc tubes, one in the forearm and 2 in the butt stock.
Trigger pull 3 lb 4 oz average over 10 pulls
2 position safety.
Hooded front and one standing rear shallow notch sight
990 recoil pad
15.25" LOP
Single stack mag with weatherby spring steel style lips.
Muzzle dia 1.003"
Gun-Kote finish all metal parts.
I'm sure I missed something so ask away.
The complete set up including 150 pcs of brass and dies was under 5K.

This is a great rifle and will be hunting elk with me this year. I imagine I'll get a few chuckles from the guys in camp but what the hell.

If you're thinking about building one go do it. You can load it down to shotgun levels of recoil, OK a bit more but not much, or take it to the track and open it up.

I left my digital at work so I couldn't get any more pics but I take some tonight and post tomorrow.
Posts: 855 | Location: Belgrade, Montana | Registered: 06 October 2000Reply With Quote
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She's a beauty!

Very nice and worth the wait, I'm sure. While you won't have a problem shooting your solids, Rob and I have discovered that the Woodleigh 900gr solids are too long to seat. The solid is a blunter shape and is a touch longer from the crimp groove to the meplat. This is not a problem with your(Bridger) solids or the Barnes soild.

When you try to use the CH4D die, the bullet (Woodleigh solid only) will hit the seater stem threads before the crimp ring hits the case mouth. Now since the dies were based on the reamer print, the bullet seated to the correct depth and left uncrimped, will hit the rifleing before the bolt fully closes.

Solution thus far:
I sent my seating die back to CH4D after talking with Dave. He's going to ream out the lower portion of the threads for the seater stem. Rob is having a throating reamer made to extend the throat.

Looking back, I should have had you make me several hundred of your soilds, instead of canceling my single box order, when you were getting out of the bullet making business. Then I'd have a lifetime supply, instead of problems.
Posts: 273 | Location: Clarks Summit, Pa. | Registered: 17 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Smallfry, Not a chance in hell. It could easily break bones. Like I wrote before, I think this cartridge is the limit of what can be shot in a shoulder fired hunting rifle. Sure you could add weight but you'd have to have wheels for it as well. The brake alone must reduce recoil 30-40% and then take off 3 lbs (3 14 oz tubes and the brake). I guess it could possibly double the recoil of my set-up.

No thank you.
Posts: 855 | Location: Belgrade, Montana | Registered: 06 October 2000Reply With Quote
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Forgot to mention:

160grs of H4350 got me a 2159fps avg with my 23" barrel. Recoil gets really special around that velocity! Try that load out and let me know what you think.
Posts: 273 | Location: Clarks Summit, Pa. | Registered: 17 December 2003Reply With Quote
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That is a very nice rifle, and thanks for sharing the details. George, I'll just bet a 900 grain slug going 2160 fps is interesting! I think I will stick to 600 grain at no more than 2325 fps. I guess I am a pussy or something.

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What is the load that gives 2400 fps with a 900 grain bullet?

Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
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500grains that has been asked and answered, at least I thought it had.

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George - Thanks for the info. I spoke with Rob yesterday and he filled me in on the need to run a throating reamer in to get the Woodleigh Solids to shoot. I'll check my dies but I can just bore out a few threads if I need to.

I was planning on trying 414 next but that will have to wait until the weekend. I didn't crono any of the loads but from what Rob has seen I think the 163 gr load should be in the 2100 fps range. Remember I've got almost a 26" barrel so I think a bit more velocity. It is getting frisky at this level. I won't go much past this anyway (2200 max) I think the CZ is borderline for strength much beyond this. This is where a GMA makes a lot of sense. I've got another .620 barrel here and maybe I'll put together one on a GMA but I truly don't think I can handle much more recoil than that from a 2200 fps load anyway.

A man has got to know his limitations and 900 grs @ 2200 I think is mine.

Dan, I think Rob did it with 414 but I'm sure he'll chime in here.

Jeffe, That's your lathe. A bullet making SOB.
Posts: 855 | Location: Belgrade, Montana | Registered: 06 October 2000Reply With Quote
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Without the merc tubes, and without the muzzle brake would the recoil be manageable in your rifle 900 at 2150~ ? How would it be?
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Without the merc tubes, and without the muzzle brake would the recoil be manageable in your rifle 900 at 2150~ ? How would it be?

I would bet that taking the brake off of mine and removing the 22ozs. of mercury would take off at least 2 lbs, from my gun.

That would give me an 11lb. rifle. I will pass at launching 900gr. bullets at 2150fps, from an unbraked, 11 lb rifle!

Anyone that wants to can try it with my rifle, hell, I'll pay for and load up the ammo, as many as you want to shoot!

Accoring to's recoil calulator, 900gr bullet, 13lb rifle, 160grs of powder, 2159fps gives you 156lb-ft of recoil at 27fps!!!!
Posts: 273 | Location: Clarks Summit, Pa. | Registered: 17 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Fritz454 and 500 grs. - 175 grs of H414 with a 900 gr woodleigh SP hit 2400 fps in my gun with a 26 inch barrel. This is a BRUTAL load. Look at the pics of Georges gun in action then worry about the Torque! I also only shot this load in my GMA gun not the CZ. 158 grs of H414 will do about 2200fps. You can also get about 170 grs of IMR7828 into a fired case with a drop tube which will also hit about 2200fps out of a 26 inch barrel. I've had no problems crimping my loads. However, they are compressed and without a drop tube it could be difficult. Fired cases should be partially neck sized with a .600NE die to give better neck tension on the bullet. I initially added 2grs of Bulleseye to insure ignition with the fed 215 primer, but have found it's totally unnecessary. I've also experienced no sticky extraction with this case at all. Best of luck and lets see those rockin pictures.! Hold er tight!-Rob
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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About the .600NE die, if you reduced the expander plug in diameter, would that work as well? That would give more neck tension also, wouldn't it?
Posts: 273 | Location: Clarks Summit, Pa. | Registered: 17 December 2003Reply With Quote
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George- I don't think that will work. The .600NE sizer I have (ch4d) appears to work well with .013 wall thickness brass. I first run a fired case through the .600OK sizing die to size the base of the case properly then run the case about 1/3 of the way into a .600NE sizing die for better neck tension. I expand the case mouth using the .600 OK die and seat and crimp a woodleigh or Bridger solid.

I fired the 163gr load in a .600NE Heym bolt action with a 23 inch barrel poor pad and NO MUZZEL BRAKE. It was UNPLEASANT! Climbed on recoil and pounded my shoulder hard! The .600OK stock is much better designed than the Heym and I'll bet recoil w/o the brake would be tolerable, but I would not reccomend it! The 175 gr load fired like this might well break a mans collarbone with a single shot. -Rob
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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George- I have not had a chance to design it yet. I need to give it some thought. I have an idea that It might be possible to just get Dave to make one out of a .620 chucking reamer with a 1 degree 30 minute taper. All we need is another .030.-Rob
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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Hey Rob, 1 more question. What's the word on the throating reamer?
Posts: 273 | Location: Clarks Summit, Pa. | Registered: 17 December 2003Reply With Quote
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You guys are killing me.
I am really doing my utmost to fight the desire to have one of these built - GMA action with 26" barrel and one of those beautiful stocks such as the one pictured here.

Quick, convince me I shouldn't start down this path !!

Stay well,
Posts: 59 | Location: USA | Registered: 09 November 2003Reply With Quote
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CCMDoc- Bite the Bullet( ha ha). Build one you won't be disappointed. You'll need a barrel ane I have the reamer. I'll make it available( for free) for whoever wants one made at Pac-nor. I will not send it to anyone else! Based on my experience I'd go with a GMA if money isn't an object and you want the most this cartridge can provide.-Rob
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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Do it, you won't be sorry!
Posts: 273 | Location: Clarks Summit, Pa. | Registered: 17 December 2003Reply With Quote
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