call and talk to wayne, tell him what you want (400 grs at 1500... 250 at 2000..) and he'll either cast whatever mould he has, or work with you on ordering one
Thanks guys - I talked to Wayne, and he's making me up some 325gr 375's... should have them in a couple of weeks.
Now, I need load info to get them to the 1800-2000 fps mark - i have an oehler chronograph to test them, but need a starting load for these "reduced" velocities.
I use custom cast bullets. Wrote a few stories about the guy, Wayne Doudna. His .416 bullets shoot like a house afire in my rifle; I am sure his .375 bullets are good as well.
Posts: 7590 | Location: Arizona and off grid in CO | Registered: 28 July 2004