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Anybody shooting big sixguns? Login/Join
Picture of Paul H
We are always talking rifles on this board, and I think I posted this before, but anyhow, who out there is shooting the big sixguns?

I've had a ruger 480 for about a month now, and have been having way too much fun with it. I shot my best ever sixgun group yesterday with it, 5 shots into 1" at 25 yds, and that was with the heaviest load 435gr @ 1100 fps.

I had been going through withdrawls after selling the 458 lott, and while I continue to wait for the 500 Jeffrey, but this ole wheelgun has definately filled the void.

Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Zero Drift
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Paul - Nothing quite that big. I hunt with a S&W Hunter Plus 7.5 inch in .44 mag. I have taken it to Africa several times. Great for shooting leopard bait, condominiums of baboons, and the odd snorter. Not to get too bloodthirsty here but, there is nothing more satisfying than cracking a baboon in the noggin with 240gs of Hornady XTP. I hate dem monkeys....
Posts: 10780 | Location: Test Tube | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Hey Z.D.,

Did you have any trouble getting a sidearm into Africa? Which country? It sounds like something handy to have.


I'm looking into getting a .454 Casull. Probably not the Ruger. One of my favorite little gunshops has a Super Redhawk that has been sold to two different people who both said "no mas" and brought it back. A friend of mine has a Raging Bull in .44 Magmun that is no less comforatble to shoot that a 38 oz. .357 Magnum.

Posts: 3691 | Location: West Virginia | Registered: 23 May 2001Reply With Quote
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I have a ruger 454 casull. It is nice.

However, if you have the $, then the Freedom Arms single action is really really really nice.

Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
<Phil R>
My big gun is a Freedom Arms .454 w/7.5" barrel.It's fun to shoot, but the full loads wear me out fast so I tend to save them for sighting in and hunting large animals. My plinking and deer load uses Hornady 250gr.HP's with enough Universal Clays to go 1,000 fps. The FA's revolver is well made and accurate.

Phil- Life Member NRA & SCI

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I shoot a .454 Rageing Bull ; Its going to the Natal area of the RSA next year for some stalking. I find the revolver emminently shootable but loud as all holy heck.

The porting in front does a good job of keeping the barrel down. Its surprisingly shootable in DA and I just scoped it with a Burris HG 2.75X fixed, Leo QD's, and the Taurus base.

I havnt settled on a load yet for Nyala, zebra, maybe wildebeast and/or waterbuck..........any thought's from anyone ?......thanx..........10

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<Bill T>
I'm shooting a Ruger Super Redhawk in .454 Casull. Recoil is very stout, but the gun is a lot of fun to shoot. I have the same model in .44 Mag. and it's a pussycat compared to the .454. I must admit however that I like the finish on the .44 better. That dull grey "pewter" on the .454 doesn't look that great. Bill T.
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Desert Eagle here....44 mag
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I had a FA 475 I'm shooting a Ruger Bisley built in 500 Linebaugh. I like the lower pressure of the 500.
Posts: 4168 | Location: Texas | Registered: 18 June 2001Reply With Quote
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DE .50Ae on order
.500 smith
.460 xvr
.44 mag
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Picture of BER007
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I'have shot :
44 mag single and double action revolvers
45 Colt single action revolver
454 Casull single and double action revolvers
475 Linebaugh single action revolver
.50 AE single action revolver and semi auto pistol
.500 Linebaugh single action revolver
.500 long single action revolver

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Posts: 831 | Location: BELGIUM | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
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While I have been shooting 44 magnums since 1970, my BIG sixgun is really a five gun, a Freedom Arms 475 Linebaugh.
So far I have killed a turkey [with the 980fps load], a deer and a pig, both with Hornady 400 XTP.
I hoped to shoot a cow elephant with it in Zim last March, but did not.
Well actually I did shoot a bull elephant and a cow elephant with it but they had been already killed with a rifle. Big Grin
I was testing the Buffalo Bore 420 gr bullets. All shots made it to the brain, so the PH is on board for a try on a cow in Oct.

Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Robgunbuilder
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I have two .500 S&W's. Very very accurate guns. < 1.5 inch groups at 100 yrds. I've never shot baboons with a handgun, but have with soft lead .470 NE's. You shoot the leader in a really messy military manner, the pack leaves town to elect a new one and then they come back again for a repeat performance.-Rob

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Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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I carry a 4in S&W 500 while fishing and occassionly hunt with a S&W 500 6 1/2in PC. Have shot moose and deer with 454's I used to own.

My biggest fear is when I die my wife will sell my guns for what I told her they cost.
Posts: 6664 | Location: Wasilla, Alaska | Registered: 22 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of BigBores
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A couple of FA 454s, a Linebaugh .475 and .500.

NRA Endowment Member

Read "Sixguns" by Keith.
Posts: 195 | Location: The AK Interior | Registered: 05 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of jwp475
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1-45 colt by JRH
4-454's Freedom Arms
3-475's 1-Freedom,2 JRH customs
1-500 JRH on Freedom Arms by JRH
1-500 Linebaugh by JRH
1-50 Alaskan by JRH


A 9mm may expand to a larger diameter, but a 45 ain't going to shrink

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Posts: 5077 | Location: USA | Registered: 11 March 2005Reply With Quote
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I have a "poor man's Casull", a Ruger Blackhawk in .45 LC. It is fun to shoot with regular loads. The high power loads with H110 and 300 grain bullets I rather not shoot for a whole day on the range.
Posts: 8211 | Location: Germany | Registered: 22 August 2002Reply With Quote
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