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577 tyrann???what action Login/Join
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i called a-square and jim smith is doing some research for me i asked him if he could build me a 577 tyrann and he said he could be he must first find a left handed action that he likes

dose any one know of a company that makes 1917 or british p-14 actions. also other actions will be taken into consideration.

i am building this just because i want another really big rifle i just want something out of the normal.
Posts: 2095 | Location: B.C | Registered: 31 January 2002Reply With Quote
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700 Nitro- First of all to build a T-Rex you either need a 1917 Enfield ( winchester model) and P-14 Bolt or an action with a Bolt Diameter greater than .725.The GMA action is just a magnum Mauser. To make it work for a T-Rex will require someone who really knows gunsmithing like Dennis Olsen. You have no idea how much machine time it would take to make one work! I know because I did a 600 Ok on a GMA . It's beyond even what GMA has ever done with their own action! That's because the rim of a T-Rex is .688 and you need about .040 left on the bolt for cartridge control. The P-14 is only a .700 bolt, but the extractor ears are large enough to provide cartridge control. A-Square developed this configuratiuon, so if you talked to them why are they not furnishing you an action? There is more too it also. The mag box needs to be dimensioned properly and the action modified to take this huge mag box. By the way the rest of the rifle needs to be done properly also. You really don't want a Hannibal style stock do you? YucK. You have said you want only the best! This is slightly worse than pittiful! Frankly, this is not a good idea. The T-Rex cases are few and far between and take alot of skill in reloading. You had problems with the 300 win mag reloading as I recall! Better lie down and wait for this idea to go away!By the way the T-Rex has had some notable failures in Africa! You'd be much better off with a 500 A2 on a CZ550.-Rob!
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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700 Nitro- I have used the 577 T-Rex in Africa. I experienced flawless performance. One dead tough SP diagonally through a buff lodging against skin on opposite shoulder and a solid whistling through on a heart shot on elephant ( 2 more shots were taken (when he was laying dead) frontally and they penetrated him lengthwise and were recovered in the guts.It was a BIG bull of almost 7 tonnes.. And after the first shot he only moved 4-5 meters before collapsing. The PH had NEVER seen such effect from a heart shot before.. So there is no question that it works. And why shouldn�t it. Even the 577 NE is a reputed round and the 577 T-rex will improve the 577 NE performance the same way a 450 Dakota/ Rigby will better a factory loaded 458 Winchester..
So Rob - please do not state that " it has had some notable failures in Africa" just because there has been one incident (LV Eric) where a failure occured (the reason is not understood - but so you also hear PH�s that every year experience failures with their 458 Lott/ 460 Wby etc using the best premium bullets and no one can give a logic explanation.. -probably tumbling problems from whatever reason..

And regarding a suitable action for the 577 T-rex, then yse it can be build on the Enfield P-14/ M-1917 as done by A-Sq.

To find a custom action there is perfectly suited to the 577 T-Rex ( which the Enfield acton obviously not is..)is rather difficult. Maybe the GMA action as Rob mentioned.

I have gone my own (and expensive) way. I am having a custom action made exactly to the round. The action is drilled out from a prehardened block of steel, and then hardened further in the surface afterwards. I should have it be the end of april (then I have waited 14 months..).

Regarding reloading the 577 Tyrannosaur then I do not find it complicated. Actually it is a very simple round to reload. Like a 30-06 - just a little bigger..
Cases though are hard to fing. I will suggest Horneber from where I have obtained a lifesupply of 450 cases..

Good luck
Posts: 186 | Location: 9750 Honningsvaag, Norway | Registered: 10 March 2002Reply With Quote
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rob thanks for your post and the information

and its wansn't the 300 win mag i have never owend a 300 win it was 375 h&h and the die was defective i sent it back to hornady and it relieved my problems.

when i talked to a-square (a few days ago they where not building the actions)they were buying them and could not buy me a left handed one that is why i am looking for a left handed action that will work.(he did hower ever say he may be able to have a left handed one built.

oh and i dont know if i mentioned but a-sqaure is building or should i say adding on they will be in full production of there owen actions buy the end of this year hopefully.
so i may have to wait till then. this is what jim smith told me.

oh and buy next week or so they will be in full production of new brass in all a-square calibers.

thanks again rob
Posts: 2095 | Location: B.C | Registered: 31 January 2002Reply With Quote
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Yup, I heard that A2 is going to introduce a magnum sized action at the S.H.O.T. show. I hope it comes to fruition.
Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
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I would not buy anything from A2 if it was the last company on earth. Even though they have a new CEO, I would not trust them. How many guys got burned by them before? I't will be a cold day in hell before anything with the A2 Name on it resides in my gun safe.-Rob
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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The New A2 is a different ball game.... The new owner made up for a deal that went bad 6-7 years ago. That man did not owe me anything. ( he just bought into a company that went broke ) I will buy A2 products when I need them.. He did right by me.


P.S. you know I'm not going to sugar coat anything!
Posts: 945 | Location: TN USA | Registered: 09 March 2002Reply With Quote
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hey guys i got great news i just talked to mike at gma and he said he would build me a scaled up action to fit the 577 tyrann it would cost me 3500 tho for the action i dont care as long as it works yessssss ahahahaha i am so happy.
Posts: 2095 | Location: B.C | Registered: 31 January 2002Reply With Quote
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some times i think you got more $$$ than ���

3500 for an action? why not have butch make you a falling block?

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more $$$ than ���


Posts: 945 | Location: TN USA | Registered: 09 March 2002Reply With Quote
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because butch would charge me 4500$ for the action or 10,000-11,000 for a finished rifle plus i want something with more than 1 shot in it.

i have to many single shots i want a good bolt gun .

what type of failuers are you taking about i would be using mono solids all the way i wont be using fmjs .

ps....if you have the money why not 3500$ isnt that much if you really think about it
Posts: 2095 | Location: B.C | Registered: 31 January 2002Reply With Quote
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I'd be pretty carefull of what Mike told you. He's gonna make a special left hand action just for you for $3500? You sure he just doesn't want a 3500 deposit? You don't just scale-up an action for a cartridge in the first place and Mike made some major Boo-Boo's with the existing GMA action. Who's gonna make it feed and eject for you? You now also have the problem of finding someone to make a stock for you that won't splinter on the first shot ( GMA actions require a custom stockmaker) and finding a barrel and a T-rex chamber reamer.. That's not that easy to do either. I have a GMA action, I've fixed some of the problems and by the time your through you will have spent over $10K. If your lucky!
More money than brains is a dangerous combination! Better lie down and wait for this idea to go away!-Rob
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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he needs 1500 down and 2000 upon delivery i alreay ironed all the prices out

the action would be going to a-square they would be doing all the work to the action and doing the barrel and stock.

i havnt ordered anything yet i am still thinking i want to make shure i have all the correct components.
Posts: 2095 | Location: B.C | Registered: 31 January 2002Reply With Quote
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How can he demand 1500 deposit, and 1500 on delivery, when the price was 3500? Someone can't do match here, and I doubt it's the gunsmith.
Posts: 546 | Location: Oklahoma City, OK | Registered: 29 November 2002Reply With Quote
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Let me see if I have this right. Mike Roden of GMA is going to make YOU a custom left handed GMA action to handle a 577 T-Rex for $3500. You are then going to send it to the new A-square company and they will do all the action work, stock work, barrelling, chambering etc? So we have an action that no one knows anything about and a company with no experience doing the work and you want the finest bolt action rifle in the world? No offense, but this is total nonsense! I'm outta here!-Rob
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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some times i think you got more $$$ than ���

3500 for an action? why not have butch make you a falling block?


One rifle I would love to have is Butchs' 577 N.E. Farq falling block. Too bad I am a poor student! 700Nitro... why dont you buy me one and I will tell you all about it!
Posts: 2045 | Location: West most midwestern town. | Registered: 13 June 2001Reply With Quote
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I must agree with Rob that 3500 $ actually seems a bit optimistic for a customproduced up-scaled lefthand version of the GMA action. Just for comparison my gunsmith (the best and most famous in Norway) is taking 5500 $ for making the action alone - and that was a special price for a good customer...
I beleive that you get what you pay for - unless my gunsmith is cheating me of course...?

My old A-Square rifle in 577 T-Rex is sold. I didn�t like the stock and I also beleived that the Enfield action is marginal regarding safety with this cartridge. I had no problems with the rifle whatsoever, and I was testing it with quite hot loads, so my opinion is only based on feelings and "common sense" - the action was after all not originally designed for this class of cartridges and that A-Square now is going with a new action is only confirming this I think...

700 Nitro - why not try a qualified gunsmith like Dennis Olsen as Rob mentioned ?? Then you will have the chance of at least gettin a decent looking rifle !
Posts: 186 | Location: 9750 Honningsvaag, Norway | Registered: 10 March 2002Reply With Quote
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You can either get a project done fast and badly, or slow and correctly. The guys who know how to do it right are slow.

There are 2 professional gunsmiths that I know of who are experts with the GMA action. They are Dennis Olson in Plains, MT and Dennis Olson in Provo, Utah. Take a look at Mr. Smithson's rifles at SCI and you will see what I mean. For $10-13K, you can get a really nice rifle on a GMA action.
Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
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500grains, A mechanic friend of mine has a poster in his shop, and I believe it applies to more than just automobile work.

"Our work has three qualities, good, fast, and cheap. Pick any two."

'Nuff said right there.

Posts: 159 | Location: Watkins Glen, NY, USA | Registered: 24 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Guys- I think 700 NITRO is just making stuff up again! None of this Blather makes any sense to anyone who knows what this takes and costs. 700 Nitro is totally clueless and while he may have more money than brains, he certainly isn't shy about trying to show off. We've wasted enough time on his threads I think.-Rob
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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dose any one have information on this....Dennis Olsen...

i need phone number and if possible a email and or web site.

rob sorry but i know very little about bolt actions i will admit that so what dose that make me a bad person.
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Address: BOX 334 500 FIRST ST PLAINS, MT 59859 USA
Voice: Fax:

is this the guy i called him up and he said he could build me the rifle.

if this is the right guy who here owens 1 of his rifles,what calibers do you have. how old is it. do you like his work.
Posts: 2095 | Location: B.C | Registered: 31 January 2002Reply With Quote
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I don't get it.

You've ordered a .700 Nitro Express from Butch Searcy. It hasn't been delivered yet, and ALREADY you're looking for a new 'toy'?

Why don't you wait and see if the .700NE satisfies your itch?

Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001Reply With Quote
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the 700 will be nice but i really dont have a a good back up rifle right now i am using my 458 lott ruger 1 as a back up rifle but i would rather have something with more than 1 shot.
Posts: 2095 | Location: B.C | Registered: 31 January 2002Reply With Quote
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Ulrik...hi im new here. I dont think A-square is switching actions because of safety. I think it is because of the limited # of 1917 actions left. I have been seeing the 1917 go for 500 plus dollars now a days. Thats not good if you want to stay in business.
Posts: 68 | Registered: 14 January 2004Reply With Quote
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the 700 will be nice but i really dont have a a good back up rifle right now i am using my 458 lott ruger 1 as a back up rifle but i would rather have something with more than 1 shot.

Sorry to jump in, but back up for ......... ?

Won't those other two doubles, the Searcy 600 NE and 577 NE that were also "ordered" way back when, provide pretty good back up?
Posts: 10138 | Location: Wine Country, Barossa Valley, Australia | Registered: 06 March 2002Reply With Quote
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my order started as a 577 but i up graded it to a 700 i never ordered a 600 nitro i was thinking about it but considered it a wast of money and time exp when i would have a 700

i wouldn't mind having a 577 to go with my 700 but a 600 would be redundant. it is not to far a leap from a 577 and my 700 if even better. it one less gun i have to worry about.
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Moonova- You are probably right about that, as I have never experienced any trouble with the 577 on the Enfield action in my previous A-Square rifle and I am sure that A-Square has done all possible tests of the strength before using these actions. BUT it is for sure that the Enfield actions were NOT designed for such big cartridges as the 577 Tyrannosaur/ 600 OK etc, and there are / can be build better suited actions.
Posts: 186 | Location: 9750 Honningsvaag, Norway | Registered: 10 March 2002Reply With Quote
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That is the way I remember the story too. These guys are just jealous and in denial, 700, ignore them if you can.

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700 Nitro
Mate just out of interest, how does a 21 year old machinist afford all this stuff? This is not a flame, I just want to know how you do it!
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That is the way I remember the story too. These guys are just jealous and in denial, 700, ignore them if you can.



I'm actually really jealous of your 500 AHR. I can imagine a rifle that nice.
Posts: 10138 | Location: Wine Country, Barossa Valley, Australia | Registered: 06 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Scotty and 700 Nitro talking to each other. Note the warmth and support! We've achieved troll to troll communication. A new low! They normally communicate only via the Mars Lander! Next they will have sex and die!-Rob
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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I will throw in my 2 cents. I am sure that the GMA actions are a great action to build a custom rifle on. I don't like the fact that they don't do any of ther own work.

GMA orders the action built
ups delievers it
GMA sends action to have it barreled and feeding
ups redelievers it
GMA sends it to have it stocked
GMA reredelievers it
GMA sends it to you and the bill

I would rather have someone who actually builds the rifle do the work. Just my 2 cents not that it is worth anything.
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Does anyone have a picture or two of the GM action? I keep hearing about this awesome magnum Mauser action but have never seen one. Thanks!
Posts: 204 | Location: Michigan, USA | Registered: 13 January 2004Reply With Quote
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when i go ahead with the project i am going to have ryan breeding do the job he comes to he highly recomended by a few friends of mine and searcy used to have some of his stock work done by him.
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Since you are interested in playing. I have a 17 Win. and a 14 both in 458wm. I was going to do another LOTT or use one for my 404 Jeffries but have decided to buy the Ruger Lott and build the 404 on a winchester action. And so. Contact me if you wanna buy them both for your project.
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Pse ask RYAN not to TIG weld the recoil lug to your barrel. It effects accuracy. -Rob
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That is the way I remember the story too. These guys are just jealous and in denial, 700, ignore them if you can.



I'm actually really jealous of your 500 AHR. I can imagine a rifle that nice.

Scott imagines most of us would like it.

Posts: 3540 | Location: various | Registered: 03 June 2000Reply With Quote
What about the Remington Model 30? Isn't it close to a 1917 only it came out looking sporterized from the factory? I've heard of them being used for the .577 T-Rex.

My T-Rex was made by A-Square on the 1917 action and it works great. I shoot 750gr & 1200gr cast bullets for plinking. The 750gr (from Wayne Doudna) printed a .5" 3 shot group at 50yds during load work with XMP5744. I've shot it again a number of times since then (including last weekend) and closely repeated this performance.

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i am going to have a a integral barral made i dont really want anything welded or solderd to the barrel id rather have it all made out of 1 peice.

ps....i am having second thoughts about the 577 i am thinking i will stick with the 505 gibs or 500 jeffery instead or if i go high proformance i will build a 500 a-square but will have ryan do it as well.
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