FYI - Gander Mountain will deal on prices. I've been eyeing a Ruger 77 in .458 WinMag at a GM store for some time. Even though it is new condition, it is the old model with the tang safety. They had it listed for $999 which sounded like a steal to me. Nonetheless, I maintained control, knowing I had a RSM in .458 Lott in the gunsafe, and kept walking. Well, last Friday I got home early with that WinMag beckoning. I hopped on my motorcycle, rode to GM and offered them $900 even. To my surprise, they took it!
I now own two Rugers in .458 bore. I'll leave this one with iron sights and use it for pigs.
The point of this story is that there is room for negotiation on some items.
I was able to buy a Heym 458 double rifle with a matched set of 12 ga shotgun barrels for $9100....when they were asking $ my local Gander Mtn. Of course, it was a steal at either price.
Posts: 1977 | Location: NE Georgia, USA | Registered: 21 March 2002
Ruger makes good reliable guns (Gold Label, P90 .45ACP,...), and those old bolt guns had safety where it belonged. I remember seening lots of pics of nimrods with Rugers with S&B, Zeiss,... scopes (they seem to know good optics) in Scottish/English stalking mags.
I have found that Gander Mountain has always been as much as 20% higher than some of the local shops in my area when I check a price with them. They may deal, but I can usually deal with the starting price at a local shop also. So Gander quite often will end up costing MORE than a local. I would rather support the small guy.
Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum
Posts: 2623 | Location: Western New York | Registered: 30 December 2003
I worked for Gander for a while. The purchase price for a used gun is decided by the guy behind the counter. The gun is then run through their gunsmith, and returned to the floor a week after purchase. The price on the gun is usually firm, unless it has been there a while, then a little flexibility can come into play. The basic retail policy is to make a profit on the gun. If the guy behind the counter pays too much, the price will be high. If he gets it for a good deal (read that the guy selling it didn't get a good deal) the buyer gets a good deal. On new guns, the Ganbela Pro Warehouse guys will be able to sell for less than your local shop can buy it for. Mark up for new guns is lousy, usually in the ten percent range. Ask your local guy.
Work hard and be nice, you never have enough time or friends.
Posts: 1195 | Location: Lake Nice, VA | Registered: 15 March 2005