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cast bullets in 416 Rigby Login/Join
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Merry Christmas to the AR gang. With people off for the holidays, I thought this might be a good time to ask about experiences with shooting cast bullets in a 416 Rigby. I have owned a CZ 550 for about 2 months. I loaded some 400 gr. Hornady FMJ over 98 gr. of H4831 SC in Norma brass. Fun to shoot, recoil quite tolerable I thought. However, I am looking for a more economical cast bullet load to shoot for practice. Any load data or suggestions on where to look for data/bullets is much appreciated.

By the way, I will be sending the rifle to Roger Ferrell's Charm and Beauty School in January.

Ho Ho Ho,

Posts: 18 | Registered: 10 June 2004Reply With Quote
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I have used gas checked cast bullets in my 416 Rigby and 500/416 double rifle. I don't have the loads handy, if I find them I will post them, and, with the search function down, looking for my posts will be a problem! I as I recollect, the powder of choice is one of the XMR's (5744?)however, I could not find that powder at all, so I looked up burn rates and found one of the powders that I have, VV 130. I used a filler. My wife does quilting so she has a bunch of this stuff. Worked like a champ. I loaded it to about 1500 fps, and let me tell you these bullets pack a huge wallop! I shot at a steel plate at 50 yards and the cast bullets put a huge dent in the front of the plate and a huge bulge in the back. Bullets did not shoot to same point of impact however.
Will try to find the loads.
Posts: 10515 | Location: Jacksonville, Florida | Registered: 09 January 2004Reply With Quote
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I've fired at least 2500 rounds of the RCBS 416-350 bullet through my "Ruger Rigby" (#1 in .426 Rigby) with great enjoyment. In wheelweight alloy, my bullets weigh 365 grains.

For reduced loads, 50.0-52.0 grains of XMP 5744 works great, with velocities in the 2000-2100 fps area and ZERO signs of high pressure. There is room to increase this charge level in my rifle. I find that this velocity range works well, allowing me to realize that I am still dealing with considerable power while reducing the recoil to the point where scores of rounds can be fired without undue strain. Also, sight settings can be reasonably-close to the ones used for jacketed rounds.

I use a LOOSE dacron filler with these loads, having satisfied myself that the filler aids in the uniform burning of the 5744 charge. (Yes, I know that "conventional wisdom" says the filler is not needed....nobody told MY rifle!)

If full-power practice is wanted, the RCBS bullet can be driven well over 2600 fps with good accuracy. 105.0 grains of IMR 4831 does this for me, without leading or other problems. I do harden the WW bullets for this application, either by water-quenching from the mould or oven heat-treating them. Actually, I use mostly water-quenched-from-the-mould bullets for all loads, just because it's so easy to do. I'm thinking about an elk hunt with this rifle and cast bullet next year, IF I can get decent performance with un-hardened bullets. Research is underway.
Posts: 437 | Location: nevada | Registered: 01 March 2003Reply With Quote
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...".426 Rigby".....

(Sigh) Now, y'all KNOW I meant ".416", right? Right???
Posts: 437 | Location: nevada | Registered: 01 March 2003Reply With Quote
Picture of jeffeosso
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Howdy and welcome to the forums AND to bigbores...

the hornady 400 gr SP is dirt cheap, about 50� each, and you can find them on sale for 22� from time to time.

This is a fine northamerican bullet...

casts will run you 18� each... so hunt for the hornadys!!!

don't shoot the solids, for a couple reasons, first is cost, second is they will heavily wear your barrel

Posts: 41037 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Now Jeffe, pard;

If the Hornnadys are "dirt cheap" at 50 cents each, then the cost of an RCBS bullet mould is the about the same as only 100 Hornady 400s. IF, repeat 'IF', a man's already a handloader and caster, the bullets from that mould are virtually FREE, except for the under-2-cent gascheck.

I shoot full-power Rigbys for the cost of powder, gascheck and primer, and that means about 25 cents TOTAL, most of which is powder @ twenty cents per round with IMR 4831.

The 5744 loads run about half of it 10-12 cents per round, total. I can't imagine buying cast bullets; making them is too much fun, and mine are better!
Posts: 437 | Location: nevada | Registered: 01 March 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Bill/Oregon
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Southernshooter: Saw your post at work last night and was going to answer this morning, but I see Bren of Ragged Ass Ranch fame has beaten me to it. I had the pleasure of shooting some of Bren's lovely RCBS gas-checked slugs in my No. 1 in .416 Rigby, using 52 grains of XMP5744 in Norma cases. Ran about 2,050 fps, and five would regularly go into 1.25 inches or less at 100 yards. Very pleasant way to spend time with your Rigby and not be bruised afterward.
Fellas, have a great Christmas!
Posts: 16745 | Location: Las Cruces, NM | Registered: 03 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Thanks for the info guys. I have found the RCBS 350 gr. FNGC for 18 cents per, and the NEI 390 gr. RNGC for 13 cents each. Anyone have experience with the NEI bullet?

Jeffe, care to divulge your 22 cents per bullet Hornady source?

Happy New Year,

Posts: 18 | Registered: 10 June 2004Reply With Quote
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like motorcycles, i am NOT allowed to cast, by swmbo!!

the blem sale, from or natchez shooters supply.... you have to watch and order early!!

no, you nor rusty can have mine!!

Posts: 41037 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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