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585 Nyati Login/Join
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has anyone of you some experience on DG with 585 Nyati?
Thank for your reply, have a great day

Jeffery's .500 overall
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I have shot 1 elephant and 1 buffalo with it.

750 grain solid at 2250 fps

about 3.5 feet of penetration
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I made a running shot on a Pig with one an blew a hole though him the size of a beer can. I have also used it on deer and Eland. Its a incredibly hard cartridge to get to work reliably in any rifle. It's the reason I invented the .600 Overkill.-Rob

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Thank you

Jeffery's .500 overall
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How about using the necked down 600 OK case to .585, eg, the 585 AHR. Should cut down on the chambering problems??

Posts: 495 | Location: USA | Registered: 25 December 2003Reply With Quote
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FYI, we fired the 585 AHR for the first time yetserday. Mild loads, 2,150 fps. Feeds, shoots, and ejects real nice. The first rifle is a heavy, 15 lbs., and with the brake it is almost pleasant to shoot.
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Originally posted by Bitterroot:
FYI, we fired the 585 AHR for the first time yetserday. Mild loads, 2,150 fps. Feeds, shoots, and ejects real nice. The first rifle is a heavy, 15 lbs., and with the brake it is almost pleasant to shoot.

What bullet weight, 750? Should be a "nice" powerhouse.
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Torque, 750 would be correct.
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so you consider a 750gr pill moving at 2150 fps a "mild load?" What in the hell do you consider a "stout load"!?! One shot with that would literally break all of the titanium in my neck.
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You made that 585 AHR seem like a pussy cat at 2150 fps, maybe I'll order one, Smiler

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At 15 pounds, that is more of a range gun than a hunting gun. IMO. sofa
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At 15 pounds I wouldn't want to carry it all day, or even half a day. However, the customer who requested it may be alot stouter than I. I would compare the recoil to my 10 guage goose gun if you can relate to that.

500Grains, you've shot the Nyati, so you know what it's about.

Marc, I'm going out to the pasture now to shoot a cutomers 12 lb. 600 OK ( 900 gr. )at 2,300 fps. That's a stout load. Wish me luck.
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OWWW, That smarts!
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Oh No! a STOUT load in the .600Ok is 900 grs at 2400fps. That one will wake you up! Hold tight!-Rob

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Rob, 2300 fps is merely stout. 2,400 is something else altogether. I can't seem to find a word for it.
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Well according to Norma's ballistic chart:
750 grain at 2150 is 7700 ft lbs at the muzzle.
750 grain at 2250 is 8454 ft lbs at the muzzle
900 grain at 2300 is 10582 ft lbs at the muzzle.
900 grain at 2400 is 11522 ft lbs at the muzzle.
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I'm fairly adequate with a .577 N.E., but have never shot a .600 N.E., thinking that would be my top-end. To hear you gentleman speaking of 900 grains at 2400fps, hehe, it gives me an urge to spontaniously go buy some Ibuprofin or a six-pack of Sam Adams. Having used the .577, I think the .600 would be absolute tops for me personally, in order to use effectively. I simply do not think I could use something as powerful as that which you speak of with any more effectiveness. And, the weight of the rifle would be too much. But, thats just me, and it's fun to hear what all of you are coming up with. hehe-to be honest, it's really amusing.
No disdain intended. It just makes me smile.

"Faith in God and the Mauser"

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walksfar, shooting the 600 at 2300-2400 fps is something we must do, once, then we don't do it again. It takes all the fun out of it. Now shots at 2,100-2,200 are a different story. With the right rifle( 12 lbs. ), they are very manageable. Then there is SAFARIKIDS 9 lb. 600 OK. OUCH at any velocity.
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From my experience, from worst to "nicest" to shoot, these are my thoughts.

600 Jeffrey - Double - Very Stout but manageable
500 Jeffrey
505 Gibbs
500 Nitro - Double

Some of my thoughts would have to do with the gun they were shot from but the 585 Nyati was definately a hard hitter on the shoulder and was shot at the same time as the 500Jeff and 505 Gibbs.
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Bitterroot- Copuld not agree more. The IMR 7828 load of 165 grs is quite pleasant to shoot and duplicates the old .600NE tropical load. Most of use use it for everything. You only go to 2400 once maybe twice. It takes alot of experience to do that successfully. Id bet in a Heym .600NE that load would break bones. In a .600OK ITS JUST PLAIN FREAKY.-ROB

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My 13 1/2 lb 600 OK handles the 900 grain 2300ft/sec loads without any problems. I have some 2400 ft/sec ammo from Ed, but have not gotten a chance to go shoot it yet. The x brake does do wonders.
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MY TURN!....BOTH MY "LIGHTER" 600OK's kick nicely,less than my 600 double of 13 pds(must be the stock design,as it is a bastard-sold it!)..My 9 pounder scoped gave me a gash on the last shot,my fault,but I bled like a stuck pig!...anyway,I have no need for 2400 in either one,21-2200 is More than enough...Now,my 5 pd 3ounce 458 Lott,that may be another story!?!..ALso,my 6 pd 500 Jeffery is almost done,but scoped and loaded it should come in at 7 1/2pds,so I'm Not "Scaaeedd"! Smiler

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Yep! The energy level of 10,000 ft-lbs correlates well with my tolerance level on the 600 OK as I did shoot it at 2325 fps. Not intolerable, but real close and not begging for more, Smiler

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My Cz O/U double rifle in .458 Lott weighs in at 8.5lbs. Taking three lbs off would be worse, but probably not by that much. I honestly find it pretty copmfortable to shoot at 8.5lbs and with its accuracy its become a favorite!. Unfortunately everybody who sees it wants to buy it and I can't say how much longer I can hold out! This year I made a 125 yrd off hand shot on a pig with it and recovered fast enough for a second shot in record time. Wasn't necessary but still hit the pig twice with open sights. Thats bragging rights. OK maybe I can't do that again!
You carry em far longer than you shoot em. Light is Good! You never feel the recoil in the field anyway!-Rob

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Rob, I agree, the recoil in the field is always near non-existant. It's almost x-files stuff.
I've shot some thumpers that, at the range, really let you know you're holding some major ft.pds. But, on game, in that "moment", it all seems like the recoil is not really there or it becomes to the mind anyway, more of a dreamlike state, and I think adrenaline may play a large part in this. I've shot the .458 Lott at more game than any other rifle, and it always seems to be like a .30-30 went off when it's right at that "moment".
Take it back to the range, and it's a different story.

"Faith in God and the Mauser"

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I have a fair amount of experience with the .585 Nyati. Mine has some issues that I just can't seem to resolve without going to a single stack magazine. i discovered that trick well after I built the Nyati. Ive seen about 12 of them and most won't feed reliably either. 500 grains used to have one on a M70 that had a very trick spring lever cut into theaction sidewall that controlled the feeding. I duplicated that system on a .500 jeffery and it works pretty well. The single stack mag works better for that cartridge than anything else. The issue is that if your going to build a Nyati all the action work is the same for a .600Ok. The .600Ok will outperfom the NYATI SO WHY BOTHER with it. The dimensions of the .585 NYATI reamer as designed by Ross Seyfried are also wrong and should have the neck diameter increased by .004-.006 inches. Otherwise your going to have to outside ream all your cases. Given that your then seating a big bullet in soft brass I succeeded in collapsing the necks of 50% of my cases which at $3 a pop really angered me. Most cases only lasted for 2 reloads before splitting. It dawned on me one day that by putting a belt on basic Nyati brass that it would hold a 900 gr .600NE bullet. Thus the .600Ok was born. Of course getting the brass made wasn't easy but I had alot of help from some of the great folks on this site. I even made my own cases for light loads from 360 half hard brass. That was a excellent idea as it tought me where all those little chamfers need to go.-Rob

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I followed robd advice when I had my .585 Nyati built (which would have been a .600 OK had they been invented) and it works great, I shoot the 650 gr woodleigh black powder bullet and they work great on thin skinned game Big Grin

Hows about some pics of everyones .585 Nyati's heres mine, built on a Brno 602 .375 H&H, 25" Barrel and a 3"removeable muzzle break, holds three down and one in the chamber has a corporal trading weatherby styled stock with three mercury recoil reducers in the stock, the Barrel is a Tobler and it also has a barrel lug on it. scope is a 2.5x compact leupold and now I have it in Talley QD's.

Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Swap you a CZ 416Rigby and Brno 602 (300WinMag)for the Nyati (you keep your scope) Razzer ... did I make you blink?!? Thanks for the photos too ... nice rifle!!
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Originally posted by Con:
Swap you a CZ 416Rigby and Brno 602 (300WinMag)for the Nyati (you keep your scope) Razzer ... did I make you blink?!? Thanks for the photos too ... nice rifle!!

Con throw in $6,000 AUS and the two rifles mentioned above and it's yours.................................did you blink mate Big Grin
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Spat my coffee out mate clap ... $6000 for just a roo rifle Eeker.
Have a good day at work!!
Posts: 2198 | Location: Australia | Registered: 24 August 2001Reply With Quote
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