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HV for 375 H&H and 450 Ackley Login/Join
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I am beginning to work up loads for the 265 grn HV in 375 and the 450grn for my 450 Ackley. Does anyone have loads for these?



Posts: 1887 | Location: Prairieville,Louisiana, USA | Registered: 09 October 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of 470 Mbogo
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by MLindsay:
Hi Mike,
How did the gun turn out? The A-Square manual shows the following loads for a 465 grain bullet in the 450 Ackley. These are all their max loads so reduce them and work up.
H4895-86 grains -2422 fps, IMR 4064- 86 grains- 2404 fps, RL12-88 grains- 2395,
My own loads for the 450 Ackley using 450 grain Barnes X bullets is Max 101 grains of WW748 for 2510 fps with a 25inch barrel. Let me know how your rifle works out.

470 Mbogo

Posts: 1247 | Location: Sechelt B.C. | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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If you go to Gerard's Web site you will find that he recommends a start load of the following for 375 H&H:

RL 15 73 gr
VV N160 84 gr


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Posts: 439 | Location: Kansas by way of Colorado and Montana | Registered: 04 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Have you worked up loads for 270gr FN in .375H&H? Gerard said to increase by 1gr until 2950fps is achieved. I am up to 79 gr of RL15 and 2850fps. I loaded some with 80gr, 80.5gr, and 81gr. They started to compress at 80gr. I haven't shot them yet but have had no pressure signs yet. I have to seat the bullets to a COL of 3.60" to get them to feed properly. I'll prbably settle on the 79gr load.
Posts: 284 | Location: Plant City, Fl,USA | Registered: 12 April 2001Reply With Quote
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I shoot a 375 P.O. Ackley and with that rifle stopped at 2926 fps because of accuracy using IMR 4350. Of course it takes more powder with the improved. I shot .5" groups with both the 265 HV and the 270 FN with the load of 88.5 gr IMR 4350. The 270 gr FN was .5" below the group with 265 gr HV. I started showing slight signs of preasure using 89.5 gr and backed down. IMR 4350 has always given good accuracy and velocity in the rifle in 300 gr bullets. Therefore, I started load development with what had worked in the past.

I haven't used RL 15 yet and will start that when I return from a work project in May.

In reality I don't know if I want any more velocity out of the rifle. This velocity produces a muzzle energy over 5000 ft/lb and I am shooting great groups. Anything beyond this is gravey.


Every man dies, but not every man really lives!!

Posts: 439 | Location: Kansas by way of Colorado and Montana | Registered: 04 April 2001Reply With Quote
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