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I am also on your side so there is no need to attack me. If I am a "troll" per your definition then so are you as well as Robgunbuilder. I just wish that Mitch is still leading this forum and everything is back to the way it was before.



Trolls do not usually exist without so called troll hunters so I bet that if the troll hunters disappear then they will take the trolls with them as well. I keep hearing about ignoring the troll (Axel) but members here keep giving him a reason to exist so who are to blame here. As much as I don't like Axel's mulitply identities, I don't see anything wrong with him because I have not seen him attacking anybody and it is always the other way around. Go figure!

Another 'brilliant' piece of troll logic. The closest analogy to this is to say that if we got rid of medicines and vaccines, diseases would disappear along with them; or, if we eliminated gun ownership by law-abiding citizens, crime would disappear.

Typical troll nonsense!


Posts: 204 | Location: Michigan, USA | Registered: 13 January 2004Reply With Quote
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most of your posts have become very troll-like in behaviour.

Not so. Two or three years ago they were far more troll like.

But I have never denied that many of my postings are troll like in the sense they are written to stimulate discussion. The one area where I would fail troll school is my postings are based on what I believe and if it is guns/ammo then they are factual postings.

Also, I am always first to admit that my views are often very much in the very small minority. In fact when my views happen to coincide with the large majority then I am reluctant to post as I don't see much value in adding post number 39 which would be the same view as postings 1 to 38.

Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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My God! What Have I Done???


This bullshit is exactly what I was wanting to get away from!

Personally, I think some here need to learn to ignore the agitators/instagators and get on with what this forum is about.

Maybe I'll visit this forum later after this Troll BULLSHIT dies down some!
Posts: 700 | Location: Wallis, Texas | Registered: 14 October 2002Reply With Quote
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Dark paladin,

My young newbie, shut up and read my posts. You will learn, I promise you that, particularly since I will not have to deal with the constant BS interuption of the ego maniac poseur 'experts'.

Ask yourself, from a liability standpoint, would anyone in their right mind allow some one to post dangerous reloads on their website? Not very likely. Your experts have no experience and rely on QuickLoad simulations. These simulations often are not very accurate, velocities off by up to 10% and pressure by as much as 20%. The can be correlated to real world measurements and the simulation then made accurate, but that requires a great deal of data acquisition i.e. money.

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Dark paladin,

My young newbie, shut up and read my posts. Scott

OK you dumb bastard, First, I own and operate more firearms than you, one is even a big bore, so in no way are you my superior, other than maybe post full of shit. Secondly YOU seem to be the one running quick load.You have admited you have no big bores (other than that BW) and you tout your know it all. Secondly, Saeed, and all of his mods could not read every post made per day, so I find it very likely that you or anyone else like axel, todd e, could very well have and may still be posting bogus and dangerous loads on the net. Third, Rob has stated that he is willing to post a pic of himself, and has posted numerous pics of his weapons and targets of BIG BORE rifles, so I doubt our "experts" are realy just quick load junkies.
Posts: 675 | Location: anchorage | Registered: 17 February 2002Reply With Quote
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goddamn dude, are you an idiot? how do you think your going to help someone with a true interest in big bores? set an example of how to be a TPL and jackass?
Posts: 675 | Location: anchorage | Registered: 17 February 2002Reply With Quote
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Re: Is Mike375 a troll? [Re: Dark Paladin]
#536476 - 01/17/04 08:30 AM

*** You are ignoring this user ***

Edited by ScottS (01/17/04 08:34 AM)

...there, that's better!
Posts: 273 | Location: Clarks Summit, Pa. | Registered: 17 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Matchings are not game bullets!
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Matchings are not game bullets!

Fortunately, SMKs are not available in big-bore calibers, so we don't have to worry about someone trying them on elephants.

Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001Reply With Quote
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Would you care to point out where I have responded to ScottS??

Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Mike375- Good , Please continue to not respond to him and Please don't act like your defending him. You and I may not see eye to eye, but I'm asking for your help. After alll we may have our differences, but they are nothing compared to the differences between us and ScottS. Frankly even though I disagree with you most of the time, I respect your right to have a different opinion. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE OF OPINION ON SCOTTS. I ask your help in Helping him to Die the death he so richly deserves. Look at the results, No one is responding to him anymore, he's dieing off.Kinda like SARS-Rob
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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Robgunbuilder, ScottS will either post here or not, and people will respond or not. I have no issue with that at all. What is damaging and numbing to the forum is the expectation (followed by the labeling of others as TROLL if they don't fall in line) that one is supposed to groupthink (read that in another forum) behind the NetNanny! This kind of groupthink is practiced by large flocks of chickens where they almost randomly "groupthink" an attack on another chicken. Maybe it works for chickens, not for humans. If I was to respond to or not respond to any poster, that decision is based on what I think, not the NetNanny. It is one of the reasons I liked this forum from the start, apparently others feel likewise. I have tried to find the Official Troll Description on this website, haven't yet, and I suspect many others would be labeled as troll if ever one was made. A bit of research on the net shows the general description of troll to fit many here. That description seems to be different from the concept of troll used here. It truely is hard to say which is more distastful, the trolls or the troll hunters. In my book, they can both go to HA or somewhere else, better yet, build thier own site and populate it with likeminded groupthinkers. Kind of like an oil filter on a V8, someplace to collect the crap.
Posts: 1944 | Location: Moses Lake, WA | Registered: 06 November 2001Reply With Quote
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8mm or more- You obviously have missed the point! ScottS is a liar and a Troll! He's done nothing but crap up this site for 18 months. Since when is that OK? Do you want to argue that point?

It has nothing to do with group Think and chickens ( whatever that means) other than if you think that type of behavior is OK then go ahead a talk to him. None of us will. Be his buddy if you want to, I could not care less. However, I thought more highly of you. I'd like to suggest you put the turd on Ignore as the moderator of this forum has asked us to do and get on with life. You'll be happy you followed this advice. trust me !-Rob
Posts: 6314 | Location: Las Vegas,NV | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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Robgunbuilder, you have missed the point. I do not need you or NetNanny or ScottS to tell me what to think. Stop right there! That is the crux of my issue. ScottS does not need me to be his defender. Your post smacks of the BS that I mentioned in the prior post. Since when does not liking to be thought for become ScottS is my buddy? Get a grip!
Posts: 1944 | Location: Moses Lake, WA | Registered: 06 November 2001Reply With Quote
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I am neither for him or against him.

Please illustrate where I have defended him. Being against the actions of GeorgeS does not mean I am defending ScottS.

If you are going to mount campaigns you should be accurate. On an earlier posting you said I should ignore him. I had to refer you back to a previous post I made which advocated exactly that action. In fact I also referred to the person who started this thread as someone who was adding to the problem of which he was complaining.

For reasons which escape me, both you and GeorgeS wish to make ScottS the focal point of the forum.

Are you so inadequate that you can't deal with ScottS and need the help of the forum.

Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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I have just read 8MM OR MORE's postings and your responses and it would appear that you can't understand what you are reading.

And by the way I don't need you to tell me what to do in regards to ScottS!!!! He has never caused me any problem because he can't!!!!

If ScottS can cause you to be all fucked up then seek welfare or help from some other place. GeorgeS can't help you here as this is not HuntAmerica. George is not allowed to even edit a posting.

You need to get your act together. When I went against you because you thought military style semi autos should be banned or controlled you then made threats as to what you would do with me.....remember that!!!!

You are a control freak but without the power to exercise control and hence your obvious frustration.

Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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From your posting:

"Frankly even though I disagree with you most of the time, I respect your right to have a different opinion. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE OF OPINION ON SCOTTS."

That stuff you have written is a real contradiction. Are you on drugs??

You are the same with guns. On one hand you have 2 lug actions setting back but Mark V Wbys only bear on only a couple of small lugs....and that is after firing all those high pressure loads in big diameter cases.

This is why you are a target of ScottS.

Do yourself a favour and think about that. Think about who ScottS uses as a target.

But above all don't tell me that I have to have a certain opinion or act in a certain way. It is already bad enough with GeorgeS doing his thing.

Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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