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Bullet tip deformation Login/Join
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My Cz 550 Mag 375h&h seems to have excessive space in the mag box, and the 6th round gets beat into a flatnose by the time it gets chambered. Is there anyway I can prevent this? I thought about putting a thin piece of high density urethane foam in the front of the box.

Any suggestions?
Posts: 226 | Location: south carolina | Registered: 05 March 2005Reply With Quote
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I'd try it, although I have my doubts it'll cure the problem in a .375 H&H. I'm not sure it's that big a deal. If you're down to the last cartridge in the magazine on a buffalo hunt, you won't be worrying about whether the point is flat or not. I'd probably have the bottom shells be flat nosed solids anyway.

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Picture of Don_G
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I have seen vertical "rails" soldered onto the magazine walls to keep the shoulder of the cartridge from moving forward under recoil. But I think this is usually done to fix feeding problems. The taper is so shallow on the 375 that this technique might not work.

Since you say the magazine is too roomy, if you put in a spacer, put a metal one at the rear to keep the movement smaller.

The flattened tip will not hurt accuracy much at all. I've seen several articles on the subject in gun rags over the years.


...from Texas, by way of Mason, Ohio and Aurora, Colorado!
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Picture of ramrod340
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The flattened tip will not hurt accuracy much at all. I've seen several articles on the subject in gun rags over the years

I've tested groups shot with only the rounds that had been in the bottom with deformed tips. The accuracy is basically the same as the un-deformed.

I have a couple rifles that messed up the tips on my bullet of choice. I keep a couple that have been on the bottom and just load them first so I don't mess up all the tips. When was the last time you need the 4th ,5th or 6th shot?

As usual just my $.02
Paul K
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One of my other concerns is the possibilty of one shell going forward in the magazine and the belt catching behind the head of another shell. I've had that problem with other rifles which fire a rimmed case. My rifle has never jammed but it is one of those "what ifs" in the back of my mind, and I've only been able to put about 100 rounds through it so far, and cycled probably 200 times to check reliability.

Cool, I just relized I went from being a "new member" to "one of us" not bad for hanging around here a little over a year.
Posts: 226 | Location: south carolina | Registered: 05 March 2005Reply With Quote
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I would give some of these babies a try.

Posts: 1679 | Location: Renton, WA. | Registered: 16 December 2005Reply With Quote

One of my other concerns is the possibilty of one shell going forward in the magazine and the belt catching behind the head of another shell. I've had that problem with other rifles which fire a rimmed case. My rifle has never jammed but it is one of those "what ifs" in the back of my mind...

Which is why all standard length "belted magnums" from 416 Taylor on down should have been based on the 9.3x64 Brenneke case... but it just wasn't meant to be I guess...
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Picture of El Deguello
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Originally posted by trekker111:
My Cz 550 Mag 375h&h seems to have excessive space in the mag box, and the 6th round gets beat into a flatnose by the time it gets chambered. Is there anyway I can prevent this? I thought about putting a thin piece of high density urethane foam in the front of the box.

Any suggestions?

I suppose one could argue that the reduction of ballistic efficiency caused by a flat vs a sharp point could have a detrimental effect on long range trajectories, but I don't think it is anything more than a cosmetic problem for shots under 400 yards. Certainly, experiments with deformed nose bullets has shown that it has no effect on grouping ability.

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Picture of Masterifleman
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Trekker111 - I have a BRNO ZKK-602 that was originally .375 H&H but, I converted it to .416 Rigby. The magazine box has two vertical, indented ribs, fore and aft in it either side of the box. I need a box that doesn't have the ribs to accomodate my .416's. If your box is plain (slab-sided) and will fit the ZKK-602 and vice-versa, maybe we can make a trade.

"I ask, sir, what is the Militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effective way to enslave them" - George Mason, co-author of the Second Amendment during the Virginia convention to ratify the Constitution
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