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New scope for a 500A2 Login/Join
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Picture of donner
Any with a good idea out there?i need a new scope on my 500 Asquare and cant deside what whould be best for me..... Wink

Rauma Hunting and Fishing Safaris
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Picture of Michael Robinson
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My .500 A-Square is a hunting rifle designed for use on heavy dangerous game at ranges inside 100 yards. I have a 2.5x Leupold scope on it in detachable mounts. This scope has a heavy duplex reticle and has worked very well for my purposes. Hope that's helpful. Good luck!


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I'd use an're not going to use it for long range anyway. And a 4 MOA dot is about as fast an acquisition as you're going to get.
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Picture of PoppaW
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I had a 2.5 Leupold and it was tough enough to use as a hammer. I would try that or an aimpoint. Now I would like to try the red dot of some kind on my 510Wells as I think a scope might hurt my head

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Picture of Robgunbuilder
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Letupold 2.5x will not break on a 500 a2. I am having good luck with a trijicon RMR also. All you'll ever need.-Rob

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I have had great luck with my 2.5 Leupold but I am about to mount the Nikon Slughunter 1.65 x 5.
Posts: 1887 | Location: Prairieville,Louisiana, USA | Registered: 09 October 2001Reply With Quote
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I have a airpoint on it but think i will go for a 2-6?22 or a 2-5 24......

Rauma Hunting and Fishing Safaris
Posts: 619 | Location: åndalsnes Norway | Registered: 05 January 2007Reply With Quote
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I had a 2.5x leupold on my .585 Nyati and it was rattling like a childs toy after 150 shots. My .500 A-Square has a 1-4 Nightforce on it, these are the toughest scopes out there by far. I will be getting a 1-4 Nightforce for me .585 Nyati when money permits.
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I look at all my rifles as a tool, nothing different to the hammer. All I need is 100% reliability and strength inside out. For 100 yards range hunting I wouldn't even consider scope on anything bigger than .375 H&H.

Solid 9/64"-5/32" hole peep sights with little bit of time behind the trigger is just as fast as a scope regardless if it is on a stationary or a moving target. You can learn to shoot it into less than 2" 3 shot groups at 100 yards from the bench. It won't rattle and it won't come off even after you wear off the whole rifle to nothing, the peep sights will be ready to go to the next rifle and another 100 rifles after that.

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Picture of Robgunbuilder
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PC- Even though OZ is ROTATIONALLY CHALLENGED, Remember, Righty Tighty and Lefty Loosey. That way your scope won't rattle around. dancing -Rob

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers to do incredibly stupid things- AH (1941)- Harry Reid (aka Smeagle) 2012
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My limited experience with the 500 a2 is that unless it is very heavy the most important thing is to have a long eye relief

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Picture of 416Tanzan
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Originally posted by MLindsay:
I have had great luck with my 2.5 Leupold but I am about to mount the Nikon Slughunter 1.65 x 5.

I've got the same for the 500 AccRel. Nice scope: tough, clear, and 5" eye-relief. Useful up close, as well as way beyond 100-200.


"A well-rounded hunting battery might include:
500 AccRel Nyati, 416 Rigby or 416 Ruger, 375Ruger or 338WM, 308 or 270, 243, 223" --
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Picture of 4sixteen
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I have a Nikon Omega 3x9 scope on my .458 Lott. Had a Leupold 2.5x, good scope except for long range shots.

The Omega has 5+" of eye relief, even at 9x. Very good clarity and brightness. Considered some of the high end scopes, but I think for the money it's an excellent choice. It's holding up to the recoil so far.
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Yes, the Nikon Omega is the same technology and package as the Nikon slughunter. The only difference is in magnification, whether someone wants a closer magnification like 1.65 power vs. 3, or someone wants longer range, like 9 power vs. 5.

We have the Slughunter on a 500 AccRel (soon to be 'Nyati' throated) because we put a preference on 'up close' capability. Our 416 Rigbys wear 2-8 Nikon Monarchs because we value the farther reach for the flatter, capacity-loaded Rigby. If you are using a Lott for elk or plains game, then the Omega and 9-power may be more useful. If it is for following up on a buffalo, then the Slughunter might deserve the nod.

Both are 5" eye-relief, and very compact and very rugged, maybe more rugged than the famed Leuupold.


"A well-rounded hunting battery might include:
500 AccRel Nyati, 416 Rigby or 416 Ruger, 375Ruger or 338WM, 308 or 270, 243, 223" --
Conserving creation, hunting the harvest.
Posts: 4253 | Registered: 10 June 2009Reply With Quote
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My ,458 Lott hunting load is a 350gr TSX bullet at 2600fps MV - a mild load. Shoots pretty flat, 4" high at 100 yards it drops only about 22" at 400 yards. The Nikon Omega 3x9 scope is well suited for long range shots.
Posts: 897 | Registered: 03 May 2012Reply With Quote
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