One of Us
| The action is not the smoothest, the magazines are vulnerable and tough to get as spares and you should watch the action/ stock screws especially the one in front of the magazine because the plastic magazine housing often breaks at that point. This can be solved by pillars. Having said that the rifle was quite popular in the 70/80s and many hunts have been succesfull. |
| Posts: 701 | Location: Germany | Registered: 24 February 2006 | 
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| quote: Originally posted by jaegerfrank: The action is not the smoothest, the magazines are vulnerable and tough to get as spares and you should watch the action/ stock screws especially the one in front of the magazine because the plastic magazine housing often breaks at that point. This can be solved by pillars. Having said that the rifle was quite popular in the 70/80s and many hunts have been succesfull.
Nailed it, the mags are a problem, over time the plastic gets brittle and breaks and they are almost impossible to find. I owned a couple and also one of the newer ones in .243 after they switched the magazine and trigger guard to steel but I didn't like the plastic cradle the action sat in and the plastic safety, at least not on a $2K rifle, so I no longer own it. Not sure if they made the newer ones in .375 or not. If I wanted a Steyr in .375 I would look for an older Mannlicher-Schoenauer, pricey but stood the test of time. I hate Steyr's habit of putting plastic parts of their rifles. |
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| I can pick one up for about $700.00. Couldn't find any info on them though, as to whether they were push or control round feed, if they had mag issues (obviously they do), or anything regarding accuracy...sounds like they are a good idea in theory, but in practice, not so much. Thanks for the info guys.
"If you can't go all out, don't go..."
| Posts: 745 | Location: NE Oklahoma | Registered: 05 October 2006 | 
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| For $700 if it is the walnut stocked one in good condition and has a couple of magazines that aren't cracked or busted (don't drop them) I would be tempted, not for $1,200 or $1,500 but for $700 I might be. It is a push feed and as far as accuracy the Steyrs I have owned have all been tackdrivers. If it's in good shape and the plastic doesn't bother you (it does me but that's just me) it could be a good buy. |
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| Great price, and probably accurate as all get-out. I wouldn't hesitate. |
| Posts: 20177 | Location: Very NW NJ up in the Mountains | Registered: 14 June 2009 | 
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| Push feed with locking mechanism at the rear of the bolt. At 700US certainly in Europe not a bargain. But if the problem areas and the magazines are fine why not. Rare models have a 2nd magazine in the stock, nice feature and you have two magazines.Accuracy is normally very good. |
| Posts: 701 | Location: Germany | Registered: 24 February 2006 | 