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Re: best current double under 15k? Login/Join
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Chasseur, you did have some issues.

When did you get that gun?
Posts: 4026 | Registered: 28 May 2004Reply With Quote
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I've never heard of Demas...can you tell me more about them.

Thanks for the imput from everyone!
Posts: 153 | Location: Lolo, MT | Registered: 11 December 2004Reply With Quote
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Your experience is one of the scary things about buying an expensive rifle. I have shot my Chapuis 9,3 at least 1500 times with out a single problem. My rifle was regulated with RWS 293grain TUG, but it shoots well [scope or iron sights] with all bulets from 232 to 300 gr Swift. I could not be happier with the rifle.... well OK I wish it had a set of 20ga bbls, or maybe a set of Cape gun bbls [20 ga and 9,3x74R]. So far it has been one of the best rifles I have ever owned.
Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
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I have one of the 5 O/U doubles that CZ made in 2002. They sold for $3000 and I got a gun show model from CZ America for $1750. OK,OK it is butt ugly as doubles go, but strong, reliable and accurate. The throats in the 458 Win Mag bbls are cut long, so it is a simple matter to seat the big 500 grainers out and use AA 2230 to get Lott velocities.

If performance and practicality are high on the list, the CZ qualifies as one of the best.
Posts: 1111 | Location: Afton, VA | Registered: 31 May 2003Reply With Quote
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N E 450 No2 -
where in TX are you?
Posts: 4026 | Registered: 28 May 2004Reply With Quote
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Yea, I'm in Dallas too.

Shoot me a PM and we can make some shooting arrangements. I'm actually headed to the range this Saturday.

I'll be at the Dallas show also.
Posts: 4026 | Registered: 28 May 2004Reply With Quote
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As a working PH Krieghoff gets my vote In .500/.416 for all round use. In .500NE for follow up.

The only Searcy I have ever seen or handled was a boat anchor. PH who owned it swaped it with a cllient for a Winchester Safari Express in .416 and was very happy with the deal. Having tried it on the range, I would agree. Poor balance and occasional "doubling" Horrible!!! I hope they have got much better! (that was three years ago and I don't know how old the rifle was)
Posts: 3026 | Location: Zimbabwe | Registered: 23 July 2003Reply With Quote
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I think the Ferlach (sp) builders do a good job also. George Hoffman years back had a very nice Johann Fanzoj (sp). It was a well built servicable rifle that I think was under the 15k mark. They might not be any more due to the euro, but built nice and tight. For me it's a Searcy PH in a 500 nitro and 2 buff tags and a hippo for 15k!!!

Posts: 88 | Location: Texas/colorado | Registered: 02 December 2003Reply With Quote
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When it comes to people talking about double rifles there is always 2 extremes. One person says a certain brand is the best, the next poster tells of owning the same brand and has nothing but trouble with it. No doubt both posters are telling the truth about there rifles. I have noticed one thing however.... Almost no one has trouble with an original British Double that is in good shape, [on the face, good stock, etc.] I have handled all the common new made doubles, and have shot Chapuis and Krieghoff guns. They all shot very good, but they cannot compare with THE FEEL of a British rifle.
As much as I like my Chapuis 9,3 it does not have near the "feel" of 400 Nitro's 400/360. Nor does any new made big bore have the "feel" of a British big bore.
Now all British doubles are not created equal in the "feel" dept. For instance Holland and Holland doubles just do not fit me. I have NEVER felt a Jeffery Double that I did not like. Most Evans, Gibbs, Lancaster, and Army & Navy rifles feel good to me also. Rising bite Rigbys fit me to.
I think the most important things about a double rifle are of course condition, and FEEL.
Even if you handle 5 or 6 new Chapuis or Krieghoff doubles there is a slight difference in how they feel.
For instance, Rusty and 400 Nitro both have beautiful 450/400's. They are 2 of the best double rifles you will ever see, both made by the same maker. One fits me so-so, the other fits me like it was made for me.
My 450 No2 fits me better than any other rifle I have ever handled. When I shoot it at game I never remember "looking" at the sights. It is well worth the time, energy, and money, to find a British Double that "fits" and shoots good.
It is MUCH better to re regulate a double that "fits" than to try and hunt with a Double that just does not feel good.
When I pick up a double rifle it takes less than 3 seconds for me to tell if it is right for ME.
Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Sounds like you better get rid of the Heym...

What model is the Heym, how old is it, and what will you take for that "POS"?

Yes, I'm serious! PM me and let's discuss my releiving you of it.
Posts: 4026 | Registered: 28 May 2004Reply With Quote
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450 No 2, the problem with the British guns, for me, is that there are so many out there that are:
1. misrepresented for what they actually are, oh! it's all original 90% case colors (refinished), barrels look as if new (heavely frosted upon inspection), etc.
2. if you do find one in good working condition that is all original, the guy who has it wants 50% more than it's worth.

Aside from that, most are just plain out of my price range. My original question included a 15k limit so I would get input on new guns in that price range (e.g. Heym), but if I were to buy one it would have to be used and several thousand less. I'd love to own a British double, but alas...I have a beer budget and I don't have the expertise needed to keep from getting taken.
Posts: 153 | Location: Lolo, MT | Registered: 11 December 2004Reply With Quote
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Two more things.

(1) The guy who worked for Chapuis and played an important role in making up the doubel underhook for them (as seen first in their UGEX/RGEX model, split with them over thier sometimes spotty record of quality control. He went over to Demas and played an important joub in developing thier triple underhook Azur design.

(2) This might sound like heresey to many double fans, but don't get hung up on only looking for a gun that perfectly fits you. Get yourself fit for both a rifle and a shotgun by a good fitter. Then you have some where to base your serach on. If you have a new rifle made for you, most places, like Chapuis or Searcy, will make it to measure for you at no charge (Merkel doesn't so its one reason I don't like them and their somewhat over priced shotguns, but thats another story). If you are looking at doubles already out there and one is pretty close, you can get the stock modified to fit your measurements by a GOOD gunsmith/stock guy. Stocks can be lengthend and shortened, cast added or taken away, comb high adjucts all within reason. No need to pass on a nice double you like just because the wood is not perfect. I look at double rifles, like double shotguns, and buy from the action forward within reason for price.

Now before I get jumped on, I am framing this in context of a working double for under the aforementioned price, $15. I am not saying have a shade tree smith hack up a mint Purdey
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