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There seems to be a great deal of interest in seeing me holding onto a rifle chambered in 500 AHR while in possession of a daily paper. Why??? So you tell me which I am, since some of you know me so very very well. Scenario #1 I own a 50 Beowulf and a 22 LR (Ruger 10/22). I just started reloading in the last 6 months or so, after purchasing the 50 Beowulf, and had no experience reloading before that. While I have been interested in the 'big bores' for years I have not been fortunate enough to possess the necessary funds to acquire a 'big bore' rifle (until the 50 Beowulf that is). My 'knowledge' of big bore ballistics has been gleaned from an internal ballistics program (which will remain nameless). I have failed miserably to impress real 'big bore' shooters with my knowledge and experience, and as a consequence, have behaved badly in the past. Scenario #2 I have owned, operated, reloaded for, and hunted big game with 'big bore' rifles for almost 20 years. I got PO'd at a couple of posters on AR and a 'troll war' erupted that lasted ~ 6 months. That last 'troll war' was a hoot though. Scenario #3 I do not own any firearms, let alone reload for any cartridge known to man. I am just a 'Totally Pathetic Loser'. So tell me, those of you who think you know, which one am I. Scott | ||
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Quote: Because you are a liar. We all know you do not have such a rifle. | |||
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![]() George | |||
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Scotty-Poo-TPL. You lost the last Troll War, just like you lost the first Troll War! We enjoyed it too! Your death confessions are always most entertaining. Nevertheless you are an asswipe and liar and thus you must post the picture we've asked for or else! Come on! let's see your face and your 500 AHR. I know you have or at least once had one.-Rob | |||
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Scenario #4 You're a TPL asswipe. And the answer is... | |||
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Rob, Thank you for confirming to all these clowns the truth that I, well to use your own words Quote:, a 500 AHR. If I still have it or not is really none of your business, as is what I look like. Heck maybe I am a big weenie and could not handle the recoil (make you feel manly does it), or possibly I just could not afford it and had to sell it (again does that make you feel like a real man). With regard to one's face. I find your interest disturbing. Then again, come to think of it, I have never seen you post your own countenance on this site, ever. Lots of pics of guns in the white being turned on a lathe, etc, etc, but no Robgunbuiler. Now why might that be, I wonder? I suggest you simply ignore my posts and I will do likewise. This pointless name calling is really quite tiresome. Heck we could go at it for years, but I ask you, what purpose does that serve? Now I tire of this stupid little exercise in futility and will not post again until I have the load data for the 50 Bewulf completed. Who knows, with the weather we have been having lately I may even end up abiding to George's three month time period without a post. Scott | |||
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500grains, Are you familiar with the concept of libel? I suggest you post proof that I posted a picture of a rifle that I claimed was my 500 AHR, that wasn't! If you cannot, then I suggest you edit your post. The last troll war was a direct result of your blathering BS and that of GeorgeS. Personally, I would love to see pictures of you holding onto your 585 Nyati with today's SLC paper, as well as, your Heym 600 NE again holding onto today's SLC paper. Please spare us the BS about not owning a digital camera. If you can afford those two cannons you can affors a $100 digital camera! If this pisses you off, you have some idea how I felt when you and George did the same to me over a year ago! One last thing, make sure you include my name in you pics so we 'know' they are legitimate. Otherwise, I suggest you shut up, hypocrite! Scott | |||
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Quote: Scott, child, you are the hyprocite, liar, troll, with no public trust currency... in short, the burden of proof is on YOU! ah, i noticed you had no reply to my answer to your little retort on "takes one to know one" (that might be the most childish thing you've ever posted) jeffe | |||
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Quote: You can't shut up for two hours. Three months' abstinence from this site (under ANY persona) is beyond your comprehension and ability. George P.S. Rob was being facetious. | |||
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Holy shit!!! Scott, do you have any idea what you are doing to this forum!? Look, let me give you some perspective from somebody who until about 2 minutes ago didn't care at all about this whole thing. When I come to the Big Bore Forum, and see posts, that the titles don't clearly state "stupid shit about MYSELF that most people don't care about", and see that guys who I have communicated with, done business with, and enjoying reading, are posting on it, I naturally take a look. Then my curiousity is peaked trying to understand the whole thing, and unfortunately starting out thinking "well, how did they know there were multiple names used etc., maybe he is getting a bum rap." Then I get to the part about Libel. Now that pisses me off, I like lawyers (in general guys) about as much as I like the idea of getting my prostate checked. First of all, nothing that was posted could get you diddly squat in court, you'd just be wasting money better spent on guns and playboy mags. So you are trying to pull this forum, particularly this thread that was started in the wrong place, down into the lowest, filthiest gutter in the world. I heard about what happened on that other forum and this is very much like what was going on there. People like you ruin things for people like me that just want to discuss guns and hunting and other b.s. without getting into this meaningless nonsense. And in case you are wondering YOU STARTED THIS THREAD then said you were going away for a while. Look, I have no idea what is going on, how everybody found out if you were using more than one screen name (although I do get suspicious of anybody that doesn't put their e-mail address in their profile), I was unfortunately there when Judy got caught posting a picture that wasn't hers. And until that time I had not cast her in the same light other were shining on her, again giving her the benefit of the doubt and trying to be trusting. It seems from what I understand that there are a lot of people that don't trust you for various reasons (not trusting and not liking are different things by the way, even members of the forum that don't "like" each other have civil discussions on here and share info.), and they are offering you a way to gain back some of it. For somebody new to the whole issue I see two things that have gotten these other users into a frenzy 1. You apparently talked about guns you don't have 2. You used different names in posting So it would be simple, if you truly wanted to be part of the group, first ask Don or Saeed to post a list of the screenames that you used, admit that part, apologize and pick one and stick with it. I wouldn't even give a reason, just a heartfelt apology and a "I'll not do that again" Then about the guns, hey I understand the temptation to inflate our collection (or add a few inches to the fish etc. etc), especially considering what many of the guys here have, but I don't do it, I admit what i have and haven't got, the experience and lack thereof, and nobody yet has given me a hard time about any of it. So post a pic of what you do have FORGET SHOWING YOUR FACE if that makes you uncomfortable. I think I even saw your picture of the 50 beowolf that had something next to the gun about AR. (I saw a beawolf round one time, didn't care for the looks, just wonder what kind of gun people are putting them in so I look). Show what you do have, apologize for the rest, and move on. You don't have to go and buy something to try and belong, or strap yourself to a payment just to have something to participate in the big bore forum, fans are welcome too. Please, whatever you do, post things like this under Miscellaneous, and title them better so I know that they aren't something that truly interests me. And leave the lawyer shit where it belongs, in the soiled and dishonest courtrooms across America. (again, no offense to the lawyers on here, I actually know a couple I like, maybe even 3). Red | |||
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Scotty-Poo-TPL If you post the picture we require, I will do likewise. I'm sure GeorgeS , 500 Grs and others will do so also. I'll be happy to do so with any of my DGR's. Actually, my photo appears on AHR's website and in numerous issues of SCI's African Hunting Reports, so no problem on this end. We are just incredibly curious about you and are looking for a way to give you the opportunity to redeem your credibility. Please accept this offer in the spirit in which it's given. Unfortunately, if you don't follow through, I expect the ridicule, embarrassement and name calling to reach a crescendo that even you won't be able to stomach. Come Clean you'll feel much better afterwards. Oh heck the 405 winchester or one of your 505 Gibbs will do if you no longer own the 500 AHR. Be sure to put a bullet in the muzzel and a digital caliper on it so we know its a 405 or 505. As 500 Grs said, the burden of proof is on you!!!-Rob | |||
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Axel- There is no need to prove anything or to apologize to anybody because you did not do anything wrong from what I have gathered so far. May I suggest that you pray to God and change your screen name and then move on. Good luck! | |||
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500 grains- You seem to have a good collection of big bore bolt action rifles and I wonder what kind of African hunting experience do you have with them. I wouldn't mind hearing a story or two from your African hunting adventures with your big bores. It would be nice to see some pictures of your big bores mentioned here. Thanks! | |||
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Well I will come clean. The correct answer is: Scenario #1. I ordered a 500 AHR, but unlike Robgunbuilder, I could not afford it and had to sell it to pay off my credit cards. I did not even get to fire it ![]() Finally, it should now be obvious that I have no big game hunting experience since I haven't owned a rifle suitable for the purpose until last May. Actually, I hope to remedy this suitation next year when I go to the UP to deer hunt. This will be my first big game hunt and the first time I have hunted anything since I was a kid hunting birds and cans with my Red Ryder BB gun. The following pictures are of my unimpressive gun collection, but it is mine and for real: Ruger 10/22: ![]() Yes I know the stock work is pathetic, but it was the best I could do. I wanted a 'custom' look, but it didn't turn out as planned. Here is my other rifle, and my only big bore, the AR15 in 50 Beowulf: ![]() Here is a close-up of the muzzle. That is a 458 Win magnum case stuck in the bore. This case if from my collection (I saved it from the brass recycling barrel at the range): ![]() Here is close-up of the bolt and carrier with a 50 Beowulf cartridge: ![]() I apologize for making up the stories about all the big bore rifles I owned, as well as, the statements regarding machining/gunsmithing and engineering. I guess I fell for the temptation of internet. Afterall, no one knows who you really are on the net so you can be who you wish you were. I should have known better than to try and fool everyone here. Again I am sorry, and I promise to only post real information from now on. Scott | |||
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Well... that looks like no more than a 50 caliber pop gun. You probably could have bought a decent big bore with the money spent on that. How much do those run? | |||
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smallfry, I paid $850 for it. I bought it second hand from a guy I met at the range. He sold me the reloading dies and 87 pcs of brass. I have to agree about being able to have purchased a real big bore, but I wanted to start out with something a little less powerful to see if I could handle recoil. I find the recoil of Beowulf to be pretty rough, actually. I don't relish the idea of shooting more than 20 rounds, or so. To be honest, I don't think I could handle shooting any of the real big bores, at least I don't think I could shoot one well. Scott | |||
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Good morning, great post Scott. Hey, I know what it is like on the internet, with my internet eyes I normally see myself as thin, and much better looking than I am! The first picture had me for a second, I was going, wow, that rest looks like a chair, how'd he do that, then realized it was sideways and I hadn't figured that out. Don't worry about having never hunted before. This was my 3rd season hunting deer, and they are still smarter than me. I am convinced that the one glimpse I saw at twilight the last day I was up was a buck, but I had the brilliant idea this year of hunting with my open sighted 270win. since it was the only one I was sure was ready (sight in, load, and other problems with the other ones). I for one think that it takes a lot for a person to apologize and step up to the plate, good job. take care, Red | |||
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Quote: Gullible ![]() | |||
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Quote: Oh Scott is quite good at it, don't worry about that. He has been having breakdowns, lieing, changing names, insulting, even making nasty threats and then 'apologizing and stepping up to the plate' et cetera ad nauseum for many years here. I guess all those apologies combined must make him a real Hell of a guy in some people's books. Shit I'd even invite him over my place on the strength of it. Karl. | |||
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I didn't think I was being gullible. Maybe I didn't get enough of the background of this to know what went on before and haven't seen this cycle through (piss everyone off, apologize). I was trying to be nice and hoping that it was a mistake the guy had made that had just escalated. But then again, there was this time at a restuarant that this waitress seemed to be flirting with me, and even the girls in the group with me were saying that she was and I should ask her out. I went back later when they weren't with me, and sure enough, she ignored me. yep, gullible. :-) I am just going to stay away from anything having to do with this kind of stuff for a while. Nitrox, I gotta say, that picture is just weird, looking down those big barrels is crazy. every time I read your posts I get stuck looking at that and just thinking "damn that gun is big". :-) (if I taped my 45/70 and 458 together would I then have a double?) | |||
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Mr Red Troll-boy does the same thing time and time again. He can be identified by the same interests he posts, 500 AHR, 50Beuwulf, Engineer, same attempts at passing himself off as inteligent with jargon. I still think he is about 14 years of age. From his posts this time it is clear he is not even trying to disguise his BS, so as he is such a jerk, the "ignore" button is being clicked by me for him. PS I never understood most women either ![]() | |||
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Karl, I tell the truth and you say I am lying! OK, then if this ain't the truth, what is? Scott | |||
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Red, don't buy into the TPL's pathetic shit. He's been a TPL from the git go and it's always the same old story. I think he has a new ally (or persona) going by the name of Mauser. If you are for real, Mauser, please accept my sincere apology. | |||
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Quote: Don't do it halfway... Go ahead and confess your multiple identities. Now is your chance to come clean. Rick. | |||
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Quote: I am for real my friend and I am from the USA while Axel is from the Middle East. Please don't mix us up! However, I do not see a problem with Axel because he is titled to say or lie whatever he wants, as long as he does not attack anybody. I just cannot stand those so called troll hunters who they think they own this damn forum. Don't forget that in America we have a privilge for free speech and I don't want anybody to take that away from us. | |||
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Quote: 1. 'Axel' is 'ScottS', and neither one is in or from the Middle East. 2. No one is fooled by ScottS/Axel/ToddE/et al. for long. 3. 'Freedom of speech' works BOTH ways. 4. No one but trolls need fear the troll hunters; what are YOU worried about? 5. We may not own the forums, but we would like to keep them free of lying scumbags. and, finally, 6. EVERYONE is suspect until they have established their bona fides, so omitting an e-mail address (or using a free e-mail account) doesn't help with one's credibility. George | |||
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Scotty, you have lie repeatedly. That is why we ask you to prove what you say is true. | |||
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Quote: How the hell do you know where Axehole is from? Are you guys butt buddies? | |||
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Quote: As requested please explain why you are posting from the same IP address as our worst troll, Axel. Or let Axel speak himself. I summon thee Axel.... Karl. | |||
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I know now why people get hooked on Soap Operas ![]() | |||
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Quote: Yep, it's like a car wreck on the side of the road. You don't want to look but you have to. | |||
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Quote: Just don't drop the SOAP! ![]() | |||
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