| Nice, Rob. How much does it weigh?
George |
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| Quote:
The rifle weighs 12lbs... -Rob
| Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001 | 
| Canuck, There seems to be a latency regarding delivering the photos to the browser. Sometimes, the photos show, other times they show a red 'X' (in IE).
George |
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one of us
| Robgunbuilder, I am confused.  You said this about your 470 Mbogo before: Quote:
Here is a picture of my latest 470 MBOGO. It's built on a CZ550 Magnum action( started life as a .375 H&H) with a 26 inch Pac-Nor barrel. NECG open sights and Front Ramp sight. The stock was a semi -inletted blank That Dave Estergaard ( 470 MBOGO himself) had duplicated when he had his stock made. I did all the rest of the stockwork including the crossbolts( Johansen DGR style). Ther stock has three mercury recoil reducers in the butt and an F990 pad. This stock was the test Mule for the stock that's going on the .600 OK!! I did all the metal work including threading,chambering,second recoil lug and all the feeding work( this took about 5 hrs to get right!). This rifle will hold four down with a slightly extended magazine box and feeds and ejects slicker than snot ( It will actually feed four empty cases!!!)! You can see the relief in the rear bridge that makes this possible, The stock is being sent out tomorrow for checkering and I will blue the gun next weekend. My son and I took it to the range today for it's first test firing. After adjusting the sights, it put 4 rounds through the X ring offhand at 50 yrds. I was using very light loads in it, 106 grs of RL-15 with a 500 gr .470 Woodleigh solid. It's very comfortable to shoot, but the Mercury recoil reducers are no match for a good muzzel brake. This thing speaks with authority!! This load with this barrel length should be about 2400 fps based on previous chrono experience.-Rob
In that post you said it easily holds 4 down, now you say it only holds 3, new follower?
And then this: Quote:
Yes, I retained the original CZ safety , Boltshroud and Trigger (yuk)! I honestly don't find the three position saftey that much of an advantage and probably more importantly, The stock was already partially inletted for the CZ safety( no clean way to fill the wood). To my knowledge There is no difference between the .416 Rigby mag and the .375 mag. All the big bore CZ mags seem to be the same as are the followers. I just made a sheet metal mag box that was a little longer to get an extra round down. By the way the rifle weighs 14 lbs and I could still add a Vais brake if anyone wanted it installed. That should cut the recoil down to about .308 win levels! I'm sending it out for checkering and will add sling swivels. Metal will be blued next weekend. It should be finished in three to four weeks! I would accept offers of around $3500 or any trades for a double rifle, collectable winchester etc. I have only one set of dies( I need them), but 470 MBOGO dies are available from CH4D or I could make a set for the purchaser ( they are extra). You can't see if from this picture, but all the stock inletting is really quite good with no significant gaps anywhere. That stock alone probably has 100 hrs of work in it! It doesn't have alot of figure, but what's there is good. This is a real working rifle that you can take to Africa and expect to stake your life on!. It will not fail you!-Rob
In that post you said it weighed 14 pounds! Did checkering take 2 pounds out of the rifles weight?
That is an old picture too! Got anything more recent?
I hope you are still ignoring me.
Scott |
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one of us
| Nice rifle Rob, looks like the comb is pretty low. Any problem seeing through the scope when you bring the rifle up fast? |
| Posts: 263 | Location: Where ever Bush sends me | Registered: 13 July 2003 | 
one of us
| I suspect Rob stocked the gun for iron sights and shoots a scope with it...That is by far the best way to set up a dangerous game rifle, and I never knew anyone who missed because the comb was too low, thats an over stated gun magazine, Jack O'Connor hangover....
All my rifles are set up that way, I didn't buy the hype...I was raised on low comb M-70s and then Weaver gave us a scope, so we stuck them on the low comb guns in all our cowboy ignorance and I think the good Lord above for that, ignorance is bliss and a lot of game has bit the dirt. |
| Posts: 42463 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000 | 
one of us
| HI,
I saw the web page about the 470Mbogo, that is a hell of a round.ROBGUNBUILDER, the rifle weight is 12 pounds do you think if you wanted to you could have got the weight down to around 10?. I guess it would start to really hurt some with that round at the lighter weight, nice rifle must be fun to shoot.. Kev |
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one of us
| Rob, I don't want to hurt your feelings, bro, but I don't think you got it quite right. Lucky for you, I'll give you your $1k back out of it, and maybe you'll have better luck on the next one. |
| Posts: 2000 | Location: Beaverton OR | Registered: 19 December 2002 | 
| Quote:
Rob, I don't want to hurt your feelings, bro, but I don't think you got it quite right. Lucky for you, I'll give you your $1k back out of it, and maybe you'll have better luck on the next one.
You are a true humanitarian! 
George |
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one of us
| Damn nice rifle! You are probably the best real DGR builder Ive seen in quite a while!Any chance you'd be willing to sell it? I'd offer you $5K with dies and some brass!!! any interest? ScottS probably can't add as three down and one in the pipe equals four. Perhaps ScottS can't count after all the meds and rejection he's getting! |
| Posts: 50 | Location: michigan | Registered: 16 February 2003 | 