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.375 -- CZ 550 vs. Mark X Login/Join
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Which would you prefer -- a new CZ or a used Mark X, and why?
Posts: 1246 | Location: Northern Virginia, USA | Registered: 02 June 2001Reply With Quote
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CZ 550 fits the cartridge better. The MkX was simply a standard length commercial Mauser action with enough meat cut away to fit the 375. I think the MkX was a better looking rifle, though. FWIW - Dan
Posts: 5285 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 05 October 2001Reply With Quote
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John I am currently in the decision making process of which .375 to choose as well. I already have a cz in .416 and love it, people on this forum are suggesting get the cz as you will have matched pair etc. The other rifle I was considering is a sako 75 stainless/synthetic. With the cz I changed the stock immediately (had to, it cracked after 8 shots. I do not like wood stocks anyway so that is a consideration that must be kept in mind cost wise. I like good custom glass stocks. Any way's what I was thinking is that the cz is I reckon a great big excellent action, it feels solid, heaps more solid than other actions I have felt, my rem 700 & ruger. It also looks like a dangerous game action should look like and I reckon is the action for those who want the big mauser but can not afford it which is me and many others (my gun addiction keeps me very poor and the mortgage at the same level, I figure I may get hit by a bus one day so might as well enjoy myself). In summing up I reckon if you get the cz and have it restocked you will have a fairly nice semi custom rifle you can be very proud to own and that will shoot. I have 3 cz's now, one is an old brno the other's a hornet and the above mentioned .416. All shoot great. If you go the cz I can guarrantee you will be happy.

Regards PC.


Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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The only CZ I have is my .450 Rigby and with cartridges like that, accuracy is measured in minute of grapefruit, unless you are the sort of guy who likes to keep a whip and spurs in his wife's closet. So maybe in a smaller caliber they might be beautifully accurate, I don't know. What I do know is that the Mark X WHITWORTH has the reputation, well-deserved, for stunning accuracy and uncannily fast barrels. I have one that I will never part with. Can't say that about the Rigby. If you can get an Interarms Whitworth Mark X, it will cost you a bit more than the CZ but, Gawd, what a rifle!


Posts: 2690 | Location: Lakewood, CA. USA | Registered: 07 January 2001Reply With Quote
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Old Sarge can you get these whitworths in Australia???, and excuse my ignorance how is one barrel faster than another if of the same length????


Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
Where did your glass stock come from? I have heard that American Hunting Rifles is using a stock made by McMillan, but don't know for sure. They seem to have some very reasonable prices for CZ actioned custom guns, ecspecially the normal length action for the Howell line of cartridges.
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Boltgun my stock was made by Corpral Trading (Alan Naumann) they are situated in Nerang QLD Australia. His e-mail adress is:

I am very happy with the job he did on my stock. Those AHR rifles look awsome, they would be good value for those who live in America but our Aussie Dollar is so pathetic and worthless that they are double the cost for us than they are for you. You are lucky in America that you have access to much more custom rifles and different products than we get here.

Boltgun if you want his Corpral tradings ph number or any other details e-mail me.

Regards PC


Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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I'd sure look around! Given that the originals were built in the UK, I would put a modest of money down on a bet that at least some of them ended up Down Under. What makes a "fast barrel"? You got me, bro, all I know is that more than one Whitworth owner has reported muzzle velocities all out of proportion to the powder charge. I get 2750 out of mine with a mere 78 grains of IMR 4350 behind a Nosler 300-gr. Partition. The result shoots into a thumbnail at 100 yards out of a clean barrel. I am unaware of any other manufacturer that shows results like these and yet two other chaps on the HA forum have stated that they can do the same with the Whitworth. Good hunting.


Posts: 2690 | Location: Lakewood, CA. USA | Registered: 07 January 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by John Frazer:
Which would you prefer -- a new CZ or a used Mark X, and why?

I have both guns, The MarkX is at its limit as far as cartridge length.(some say a little over its limit) The CZ-550 Magnum is a real long action!! I can see many money spending caliber conversions with my CZ!!!


Posts: 2368 | Location: KENAI, ALASKA | Registered: 10 November 2001Reply With Quote
The other writers have about covered it. I too have a CZ 550 mag in .416 Rigby. I have owned a ZKK 602 in .375 H&H. Have a friend that has a Whitworth in .375 and has used it in Africa with excellent results.
I simply don't like the cut out receiver on the Whitworth. Never heard of one fail, but still don't like it.
The CZ 550s are the correct length and work great. The newest ones have great fit and finish and feed flawlessly.
Also, the CZ550s in .375 convert perfectly to .416 Remington. No alteration and no feeding problems and 5 in the magazine.
A local friend who has hunted Africa numerous times says that some countries are restricting weapons/matching cal stamping on rifle to ammo and of course manage to lose rifles/ammo too. He believes that a .416 Remington is the way to go as he says ammo is readily available in most parts of Africa.
Hope this helps. Good shooting.
The Bearman
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Picture of MacD37
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John, I have a couple MKX Whitworth rifles, both 375 H&H. One with a synthetic stock for Alaska's rain, and a stock one for Africa. I had BRNO 602, (CZ 550) If I were picking today I would take the CZ550 as the stock fits me fine, and I dont even dislike the looks of the rifle. It is a strong, working rifle, and is a reliable as an anvil! I haven't had a problem with the Whitworths but I liked my old 602, and am thinking of buying a CZ 550 416 Rigby.

I don't think I would go out and trade my Whitworths for CZs but if buying new, WELLLLlllllllll! You know!

..Mac >>>===(x)===>
Collector/trader of fine double rifles, and African wildlife art

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