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.375H&H ,which bullet for use on european game?? Login/Join
Hello guys,
this is my first posting here
At first -a big Hello- to all of you!!!!
I will get a new gun in a couple of weeks in .375H&H and searching for a good bullet .
I�m looking for a bullet in .375H&H to use on european game, like Reddeer,Fallows,Boars and from time to time on roes.
The shooting-distance is between 50meters and 150 meters, and the game weight is arround 30Kg to 90 Kg. (It could be that I have a chance to get a red stag, which approximately could weight up to 200Kg, but that�s not the rule ).
The �main use� for the .375 H&H is for boars ( which have thick bones ) and deers.
I�m looking for a bullet which will have a good penetration and knockdown-power,which will give me a �guarantee� to bend the game on the place. I guess for some reason the destroy of the venisson is a little bit bigger, but if they don�t move after they got the shot, it�s a good compromise.
(If the ammo gives good rounds on the target range, I would appreciate it, because I like to have the option to get a good result on 200 or 250 meters.)
What do you think about a normal Spitzer or Semi-Spitzer Bullet ?
Without any question: Swift A-Frame, Barnes X;Trophy Bonded Bear Claw,�..are good bullets, but are they necessray for �european Game �?
Any experiences with the RWS KS-Bullet (bad and good)?

I�m very interesting in what you can tell me about the results you reserved with your loadings/bullet on game, while using the .375H&H.
I�m thankfull for every answer.


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Picture of Paul H
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I don't currently shoot a 375 H&H, but from what I've heard, the 260 gr Nosler Partition might be just what you're after. It is "soft" for a 375 bullet, good for the deer species, but should still be enough bullet for boar.

PS, Welcome, this is the best hunting/shooting web sight in the world.

[This message has been edited by Paul H (edited 11-07-2001).]

Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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If shooting kangaroos and pigs with a 375 is a sin, then I will spend a long time in hell

As Paul suggested the 260 Nosler is good.

Most 375 bullets with a blunter nose will work OK.

Woodleighs and Hornadies are good.

I have never used thembut Saeeds use of 300 Barnes X bullets on lighter Afrian game indicates that they would work real good.

Although Saeed is using a 375/404 he is using loads that are only slightly faster than the velocities you can get from a 375 H&H.

On the the advantages of these bigger calibers is that they work OK with just about anything in them.

Another bullet that I have used off and on for 30 years is the 300 grain Hornady round nose.

I also use the 300 Hornady round nose with 78 grains of Winchester 760 as my standard load to test 375s. If they won't shoot that load then the odds are very high that the rifleor scope or mounts havea problem.


Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of HKman
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Hi konst,
I purchased my Sauer Alaska .375 H&H for hunting in Africa but I tested it before the hunt in the German woods near N�rnberg on deer. I used the 300gr RWS Kegelspitz bullet. The first buck was very well hit and went 10 meters before he collapsed. The bullet went right through but the exit wound was not much larger than a 180gr. Nosler Part. from my .308 Steyr. The second buck 2 months later was hit exactly in the heart with the same bullet and was dead on the spot.
Other hunters complained about the loud noise and asked about the caliber I used (LOL). IMHO the .375 is perfectly okay for deer and boar. The 300gr KS bullet would not be my No.1 choice for deer. I have very good results with an ecercise load of the Speer 235gr SP and 72gr N140.


Posts: 50 | Location: Nürnberg, Germany | Registered: 03 March 2001Reply With Quote
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What is a Sauer Alaska? Is it the Sauer 202 action?

Does Sauer have any controlled feeds?

Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Hello Konst, as Mike pointed out, just about any good bullet works in the 375, it is an extremely versatile caliber. I use the 300gr partition on elk, and it works superbly. I haven't used it on boars yet, but plan to this spring. Good hunting!
Posts: 1317 | Location: eastern Iowa | Registered: 13 December 2000Reply With Quote
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yes the Sauer Alaska has the 202 action. I must admit I�m a Sauer fan and have more than one Sauer Alaska.Here is the Sauer site:
I think they are all push feed actions.

Posts: 50 | Location: Nürnberg, Germany | Registered: 03 March 2001Reply With Quote
@ All,
a big Thank u for all your posts, gazors.
The gunsmith took the RWS KS- Bullet for the first shooting on the target - range, and said that the gun shoots superbly with this bullet.
I think i�ll take the open package of the ammunition, and will look, how the performance is. But later on,i �ll get me some self loaded cartridges , and think to choose a Speer Grand Slam, Interlock or the Nosler Partition.
Is there any difference between the semi-spitzer bullets from Speer,Hornady.....?
I know that there are some differences by the used materials ( legierungen) but how big is the differences on game?
If you do have some more hinds, come on and let me know
I�m allways interested in new facts
For this time good bye,
but i�ll get back to you, as soon as i do have some questions or news.
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Another welcome to the forum Konstantin...
The greatest there is !!!

I have been using the 375 H&H on red deer with Hornady and on moose with Nosler Part.
Both with good results.
The Hornady fragmented a bit more than the Nosler, but I find it more than good enough on red deer. Hornady are usually wery accurate, but the grand old 375 H&H are usually very forgiving regarding bullets and accuracy. Posting from an oil rig right now, I dont have any loadings aviable, but check the reloading section here.

Best regards Arild

Posts: 1881 | Location: Southern Coast of Norway. | Registered: 02 June 2000Reply With Quote
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For the game that you are hunting, any bullet in the 375 within reason will get the job done plenty good. the 260 Nosler is a fine bullet as is the Hornady RN...

All the locals around here use the Sierra 250 gr. bullet to shoot 900 lb. elk and 200 lb. whitetail, and carry the perfectly mushroomed recovered bullets in their pockets to show off at the coffee shop..they obviously work very well.....Bullet failure with 250 to 300 grs. is all but non existant on elk, deer and pigs in 375 caliber and if it does come apart it will blow them up.

Ray Atkinson

Posts: 42449 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Welcome Aboard!
All the bullets mentioned are fine but I predict, should you give the Barnes "X" a fair trial, you will use them "Konstantly".
Posts: 11017 | Registered: 14 December 2000Reply With Quote
Hey Nickudu,
about the Barnes X bullet i heared a lot of good think but bad things too.
A lot of hunters said, that in most cases the bullet gives a very good penetration and leave the game, but you have long blood trails to follow to reach the game. The X so to say, hasn�t such a good impact effect. After te game has the shot they behave as you failed. Staying there,looking arround and then start to move slowly away,....a lot hunters thought " ..oh i missed it..".
I don�t have any experience with the X, but if the things i�ve heared are correct, i�m looking for a bullet which has a better Shock-effect.
What were your experiences with the X ? Do you use it in a 375H&H, and how many grains ?
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I have used all the "X" bullets from 210 grains through 300 in the .375. For heavy plainsgame I use the 270 "X" at anywhere from 2,750 to 2,850 fps. I have had good luck with them, generally. I prefer them to all premium bullets that I have tried for heavy game, including buffalo. I have stated in earlier posts that, for light to medium game, they are not optimum killers. For example, a side lung shot on deer is often an instant killer with, let's say a .270 Winchester utilizing Nosler Ballistic Tips, Sierra Boatails or a host of factory standard bullets. I do not feel any of the super premiums kill as well under the same circumstances. Granted, they will do better on poor angle shots where penetration becomes a key issue but, generally, I feel they are at their best on heavy game such as elk, moose, large bear, buffalo and the larger African antelope. I have said, in earlier posts that "X" petals are often shed when heavy bone is squarely hit. No softpoint design is ideal for all applications under all conditions. I have used the "X" since it first arrived and have enjoyed consistent and often dramatic success, over the years.
Posts: 11017 | Registered: 14 December 2000Reply With Quote
That what u are stated about the poor angle shots, are where the Barnes X is out of competition. It gives u more then just good performance, no question at all!!

The most shots i do, are heart shots or shots in the midlle of the shoulder.
Do u think that a lighter bullet of the "X" 210gr or 250gr e.g. gives a little bit more energy "in the target" than the heavier ones with 270gr or 300gr.
Although using a heavier bullet gives you more safety than the lighter ones, if you have difficulty shots to do.
At first,thanks a lot for your help

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For general use I just stick with the 270 grain bullet. This weight has always been a great killer in the .375 and, for years, many African hunters preferred the 270 grain Winchester Powerpoints over the 300 grain Silvertips for the taking of large plainsgame and lion. With the "X", I suppose the 300 grain bullet would be better for cape buffalo but, for everything else, the 270 grainers seem to kill with great authority. I can get at or over 2,800 fps with it, with three powders and not enough more velocity with the 235 or 250 grainers to flatten trajectories enough to be meaningful. I figure I may as well have the extra bullet weight and be thoroughly familiar with its' trajectory.

Posts: 11017 | Registered: 14 December 2000Reply With Quote
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