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500 A-Square/.510 JAB Stopping Rifle Loads: Look Ma, No Filler! Login/Join
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A compressed load of RL-15 gave excellent results today.

Temperature 79 degrees F.

Barrel: stainless McGowen, 23" length, twist 1:10", 0.875" muzzle diameter, straight taper from 3" of 1.200" barrel shank.

Brass: .460 Wby by Norma, once fired (fireformed), now first reload.
Primer: F-215
Powder: Reloder 15
Bullet #1: Barnes XLC .509" 570 grain
Bullet #2: GSC FN .510" 570 grain

110 grains of RL-15 was the charge used with both bullets, 5 shots, each bullet, chronographed. Both bullets were crimped with some compression of the powder. The rifle's magazine was long enough to seat the bullets out for little or no compression without a crimp, but this is a DGR.

The Barnes XLC required 0.8" of the bullet base to be seated to crimp on the cannelure. This compressed the load about 0.25", or about 10% compaction of the powder column. COL = 3.655"

The GSC FN was crimped with two driving bands showing, six driving bands seated below the case mouth. This required that only 0.6" of the GSC FN base be buried in the case, compressing the load only lightly, about 0.05" compaction, or about 2%.
COL = 3.675"

My magazine box is 3.84" long.

Results of chronographing 5 shots with each bullet (chronograph distance from muzzle 15 feet):

Barnes XLC 570 grainer:
ave vel = 2405 fps
Es = 12 fps
Sd = 5 fps

GSC FN 570 grainer:
ave vel = 2346 fps
Es = 15 fps
Sd = 7 fps

Both shoot to the same POI at 50 yards, iron sights, dead on and clover leaf clusters.

I didn't shoot any more of the precious GSC's at 100 yards, but the Barnes XLC was dead on at 100 yards also, with iron sights from the bench.

I then rang the gong offhand at 100 yards with my first offhand shot, and had a piece of whining shrapnel come back overhead to my right, sounding like an angry hornet about 50 feet above my head as it went by, sailing off into the landscape. [Eek!]

After twenty rounds I was starting to get a headache, so I quit the .510 JAB and the headache subsided promptly. I have a screw on muzzle brake, but that is only for 705 and 750 grainers/groaners used for target work out to 1000 yards.

I went to the local purveyor of arms and ammo and had him order some more of the XLC's.

Each of those cartridges weighs about 2.25 ounces, so fully loaded with four cartidges, .510 JAB No.2 goes from 10-lbs.-10-oz. to 11-lbs.-3 oz.

A pic (Oh Geez I like this rifle!):

[ 04-30-2003, 08:24: Message edited by: DaggaRon ]
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Awesome DaggaRon!!

Is that a CZ?

Posts: 324 | Location: GA, USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
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It is the older predecessor to the CZ 550 Magnum, made by the same CZ folks. It is a BRNO ZKK 602 that started off as a .375 H&H.

Rebarreled (McGowen), restocked (McMillan), bassackward safety replaced with a PME 3-position, funky trigger switched and tuned to 3.5 pound crisp pull. Kevin Jenkins is the gunsmith who did the work.

The sights are PME too. Wisner. The huge white bead has been replaced with a square post. Got the elevation and windage just right now.

The CZ 550 Magnum with a .416 Rigby bolt face would be a great start to build one of these. So would a BBK-02/-01 or Ultramag action.

It is as heavy and powerful a rifle as I would dare to pack around all day.
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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I wish that I had the cannelure located about 0.200" closer to the base of the bullet on the XLC. Then I could crimp the bullet far enough out to fill the magazine length and avoid the compression.

Otherwise, I would have to seat without crimp, neck tension only, not good in a heavy kicker.

Groan ... do I have to buy another reloading tool to cut cannelures on XLC's?

Sumbuddy who know source for bullet canneluring tools?
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Corbon has them
Posts: 767 | Location: Phoenix, Az | Registered: 31 May 2001Reply With Quote
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A first rate stopping rifle, I'd say. Don't even think about selling it. [Smile]
Posts: 11017 | Registered: 14 December 2000Reply With Quote
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Nice toy DaggaRon!
Bet it rings the gong like few others can!
Can't wait to finish mine.
A-Square claims a big increase in stopping power over standard .45's. Is this true on Buff?

Posts: 322 | Location: B.C. Canada | Registered: 31 March 2003Reply With Quote
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That is nice..

Posts: 324 | Location: GA, USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
Picture of jeffeosso
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I can loan you my cannalure tool from ch4d... it's 56 bucks or so, and I am still down from my jeffe breaking.

great gun great fun!!!

Posts: 41037 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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RNS and Jeffe,
Thanks for the info. I will have to have my own canneluring capability. Maybe a "Double Shock XLC" with two cannelures?

Ask Nickudu how effective his .505 with 570 grain X-Bullets was on buffalo. I think outstanding. The Bridger or GSC FN would make it capable of exiting elephant skulls.

"From my cold dead hands!"
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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DaggaRon-Those cannelure tools are fast.Put
4 more on each bullet for total of 5.One extra you will crimp in and the rest helps with higher velocities at lower pressures.I was able to get
X-bullets to the same speeds at same pressures, as softs in my wildcat,by adding some extra cannelures.Ed.
Posts: 27742 | Registered: 03 February 2003Reply With Quote
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"From my cold dead hands!"

Reminded me of Heston saying goodbye to the NRA the other day. So very tragic to see a great man fade.
Posts: 11017 | Registered: 14 December 2000Reply With Quote
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