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Recoil and my new toy Login/Join
Fellas, I have handled 458s, 460s...I have a new 6 lb 12 gauge with a standard factory recoil pad i shot today. with the 3 inch magnum buckshot/slugs the recoil was fierce and i have not felt so battered or been blackj and blue in a while. any one know what i mean? what would you compare it to?


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Oh yes, I know what you mean!! About 20 years ago I got a Rem. 870 3" for goose hunting. The first time out it beat the hell out of me. Had an expensive recoil reducer installed, but did little good. After the season I sold it to a sucker and got a Browning 2000 auto. What a difference.

Hard to compare. It seems the shotguns have a sharper recoil. Stock fit also has a lot to do with it.


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I agree that shotguns seem to kick worse. I have a NEF single-shot 12 gauge, which makes a great grouse gun with a load of low-base #6's, but instead of that, I decided to take it turkey hunting. I bought some federal premium 3" magnums (2 oz. (975gr.) of shot at 1300 fps). That was the worst thing I have ever experienced. It was calculated at 121 ft-lbs. of recoil (I think, but I am not sure, as my brain was jarred loose). I gave the box of shells to a co-worker and that was it...

Joel Slate
Slate & Associates, LLC
The Safari Specialists

Posts: 643 | Location: DeRidder, Louisiana USA | Registered: 12 August 2001Reply With Quote
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I have a Benneli M-3 that is absolutely brutal with 3" loads. For buckshot I can recommend the ferderal tactical 2.75" 00 buck, and basically any 2.75" foster style 1 oz. slugs. The new Winchester supreme sabot is very good but needs a rifled barrel to be its best.
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I have shot quite a few of them, but they don't compare to a true big bore rifle such as a 505 or 500 Jefferys etc...I put them near the 458 Win. but not quite.
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Picture of Bill/Oregon
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I would also say the hardest I have ever been kicked was when pattering three-inch, two-ounce turkey loads in a 12-gauge BPS and then later in a 12-gauge NEF single shot like Joel's. I knew what was coming, so I took the trouble to hog out the forend with a Dremel and fit a pound of lead wire, added a slip-on recoil pad and made a cheek pad by cutting a chunk out of a mouse pad and carpet-taping it to the stock. Thought it would help. It surely didn't. Still had a badly bruised cheek. Unlike Ray, I have not fired anything hevier than a .458 in a Ruger No. 1 Tropical, but I would much rather shoot the .458 than one of those damned turkey loads!
Posts: 16745 | Location: Las Cruces, NM | Registered: 03 June 2000Reply With Quote
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I got a headache from shooting a Mossberg with 3.5 inch 12 gauge shells. In contrast, my 585 only gave me a nose bleed.
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My buddy had both barrels go off with one pull of the trigger on an old Browning Superposed. Needless to say, the recoil was excessive . . . black eye and a broken stock.


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About 1-1/2 year ago, while shooting my AYA 12 bore DBBL 6 1/2 lb shotgun, a friend of mine got very serious damage. He was shooting a No. 6 load 2-1/2 shell from a sitting position. He got severe pain in shoulder joint and could not move his arm. The pain cured after 2-3 months treatment but not fully and still after 1-1/2 year he feels pain while lifting his arm in vertical position. A grinding sound could be heard from the joint when he moves the arm. The doctors say that the soft cover of shoulder joint is smashed and there is no cure for this. He is an experienced shot and before this has fired thousands of shotgun and rifle cartridges. But after this incident he is reluctant to fire any shoulder fired arm.

I think that probably the gun was new to him and while shooting he did not firmly bedded the stock on his shoulder at proper place and the heel of buttplate hit the joint, under recoil.


Posts: 271 | Location: Pakistan | Registered: 28 July 2001Reply With Quote
Oh boy do I ever. I used to hunt my 870 as a slug gun also, back when I was young and only had a couple of shotgun's. Every year I'd take that pump out and sight in 3" slug's until I was blk and blue.

I solved that problem by buying a front stuffer and just hunting muzzle-Loader, much easier on the brain and the shoulder. Boy I hated shooting that slug-gun, but I guess it was good practice, and I was still able to "squeeze until the gun surprised me by going off".........10

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<Ol' Sarge>
Aw, ya'll just a bunch of wimps!

Ya ought'a try my favorite pheasant load. 1 5/8 oz buffered nickel plated fives at over 1400 fps! Hurts like hell in my 7 1/2 pound S&W pump. Won't even think about shooting it in ANY auto or single shot.

When I was about ten I got to go duck hunting the first time. I was too little to shoulder that ol' Stevens double 12 gauge, so I tucked it under my arm and leaned my head over the stock to take aim. I don't think I would have had a problem except I accidentlly pulled both triggers.

Spun me around 360, split my lip, broke a tooth out, and tore the skin off my trigger finger. Killed three ducks with one shot though.

I still have that gun. It now has a beautiful stock, the receiver is case hardened and the barrels reblued.

To be old and wise.....first you have to be young and stupid!

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in reply to jrslate, let me first qualify this, I shoot several times a week, and commonly "plink" with my 12ga slug gun. I shoot my 375, 300wm, and seven mag all the time, and have a pretty good tolerance to recoil, That said, I had quit deer hunting for about nine years, because I was a single parent with two kids. After I remarried and my kids were a bit older, I went back to it. Instead of buying a barrel for my pump gun, I went to Kmart and bought a NEF 12ga smoothbore with rifle sights (cheaper). I have fired 375s 458s and all manner of shotguns, but that was the most violent weapon I have ever had the misfortune to own. Just a lesson learned. Good shooting.
Posts: 1317 | Location: eastern Iowa | Registered: 13 December 2000Reply With Quote
<jim owens>
Solution for your recoil problem on the range See Great rest for big bore rifles 8-03-01 and Recoil on the #4 rest 8-31-01 jim
Originally posted by BigDude:
Fellas, I have handled 458s, 460s...I have a new 6 lb 12 gauge with a standard factory recoil pad i shot today. with the 3 inch magnum buckshot/slugs the recoil was fierce and i have not felt so battered or been blackj and blue in a while. any one know what i mean? what would you compare it to?


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I used to use my Harrington and Richardson 12 GA. single shot for pheasant hunting a while back. With an 18" bbl and no choke I figured I needed some Magnum Turkey loads to compensate for the intended long shots. WOW! I was OK until I took a quick shot where the top of stock was about halfway up where it should be. Left me a mighty bruise. The funniest part was m woosy friend would not even take practice shot with my gun!
I now have a Browning Gold 3 1/2" which I can shoot all day. I love auto loaders!
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I was shooting my buddies double barrel 12 ga shotgun at some birds off of his deck. I had ran out of 2 3/4" shells so i loaded it with 3" 4 shot that i use on duck. I pulled one trigger and both barrels went off (kinda an old double) gave me one of the worst headaches i've ever had and left my shoulder bloodshot (not a normal bruise, but like a hicky) for the following 10 days. Those of u that shoot twelve guages know that autos absorb a lot of recoil. This was a normal double with no recoil pad... probably the worst recoil i have ever felt.
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Thought i'd let u guys know that I aspire to become a big bore shooter but being 19 i have to be practical with the guns i buy. So the only medium bore rifle i have is a remington 700 ADL in 7mag. I have never shot anything that kicked worse (in rifle i mean) anyone know what that shotgun i shot in the previous post's recoil would be equal to in rifle form?


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<Paul Dustin>
Oh yes, I know what you mean. I have a ITHACA mod 37 3" we shoot slug out of it a killer
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I had a 500 double go double on me, both barrels at the near exact time as both shots hit the target 4" apart...had a 470 do the same...

The recoil knocked me off the bench and slid me across the smooth floor a few feet, the gun made a complete turn and the rear sight parted my hair, I was unconsious for several seconds I believe, woke up in a pool of blood, mine!!...My last thought was the gun had blown up...So much for the 3 Lb. trigger I was going for, now my doubles are a crisp 8 LBS and break clean....

My neck, shoulders and head hurt for a week and my flinch applied to all manor of calibers including a .177 air rifle for several moons...

the 470 was much nicer it just pounded my feet 6" into the pavement.

Ray Atkinson

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