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CZ 550 in 9.3x62 Login/Join
Hello, I have heard good things about both the cz550 and the 9.3x62. I know that a few people own them who frequent this board and I have a few questions for them. I am thinking that this rifle would be a great and economical alternative to a custom 35 whelen of 375 hawk. anyways, what is the safety like? trigger block or pin block? is it foreward fire/back safe, like conventional american rifles? (it is backwards on the cz rimfire I handled). I am considering the european style lux or maybe even the full length stock model with the 20" barrel, whatever I do, it will have iron sights. Any opinions on this rifle or cartrige will be appreciated. thanks
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I ave the lux modle in 9.3x62mm. The safety is typical of conventional american rifles foreward fire/back safe. the only real complaint i have of the gun is its low dropping comb. I find, at 5' 7", I need a chair very low to the ground when benching it otherwise I can shoulder it at all, letalone properly.
I've found the gun to be horrifyingly accurate, my father and i have both shot groups with it under an inch at 100 yds with 270gr round nose bullets.
Its trigger is also a single set trigger and adjustable for use as either a regular trigger or a set trigger.

Outside of that, I'm not sure what else you'd want to know, but feel free to drop me a line about it.

Posts: 1723 | Location: wyo | Registered: 03 March 2001Reply With Quote
jsirm I too have a CZ550 9.3x62 Lux. I love it and it is Deadly accurate out of the box. The only thing to consider is if you dont hand load the price of ammo is steep Norma if the only ammo I have been able to find in America and it usaly runs about 40 to 50$ an box. Outside of that the gun is great and the round is better than the 35 Whelan and the 338-06 together.
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I have a CZ 550 in 9.3x62, the full stocked model. Just now I am looking for scope mounts which are low.

The stock drop is too much, but it still is shootable. The safety acts as it should be: forward is fire. The 9.3x62, 7 mm Rem and .300 Win are the "Medium" action. This is a three position safety, little bit safer to cycle rounds. The new rifles have two bolts to reinforce the stock.

Note: the magnum action has a two position safety and only one cross bolt. Perhaps the larger action area means more surface to bed. Still, one bolt is better than none IMO.

The full stocked rifle is mighty handy and I will use it for woods hunting. But the ballistics with a longer barrel are impressive: the 9.3x62 with an `06 type case will in the best loads duplicate the .300 Win Mag or even the .338 Win Mag, except for bullet drop. There is no such thing as a free lunch ...

Have fun! H


Posts: 828 | Location: Europe | Registered: 13 June 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Fritz Kraut
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Originally posted by aHunter:
I have a CZ 550 in 9.3x62, the full stocked model. Just now I am looking for scope mounts which are low.

I have recently bought good Tasco rings for my BRNO .222. They are low enough: I will have to grind away some 1/8" of the bolt handle to it make go free from the scope ocular part. They also have for the bigger BRNO:s. The Tasco mounts seem to be of much better quality than their scopes.

Another good choice is Warne, but they are duoble priced.

European mount from Apel/EAW or original BRNO are too high - you�d need a ladder to reach the scope from that bent stock.


Posts: 846 | Location: Sweden | Registered: 19 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Fritz Kraut:
I have recently bought good Tasco rings for my BRNO .222. They are low enough: I will have to grind away some 1/8" of the bolt handle to it make go free from the scope ocular part. They also have for the bigger BRNO:s. The Tasco mounts seem to be of much better quality than their scopes.


Hej Fritz

Where did you get Tasco rings? (in Sweden?).

I'm looking for an additional pair of rings to use for temporary mounting of a big scope when I work up loads...

jpb (i Ume�)

Posts: 1006 | Location: northern Sweden | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Fritz Kraut
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Originally posted by jpb:

Where did you get Tasco rings? (in Sweden?).

I bought mine at �stlunds i �rebro, but you�ll get them where Tasco scopes are sold. Make some phone call to your nearest gun shops. If they don�t have any, send me a mail.


Posts: 846 | Location: Sweden | Registered: 19 April 2001Reply With Quote
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The Brno safety is an odd one in that it does block the striker but sits on the side like a trigger block. If you take the bolt out and work the safety, you can see the block rise up to where it prevents the firing pin from moving.
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