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One of Us |
I have had a terrible experience with the Express Rifle Company and I would recommend against anyone having any business relationship with them, their sister company Express Tool and Die, or the present owner Mathew Smith. In August, 2000 I paid Robert Bastow a deposit of $1050 for two barreled actions. He was to deliver the actions in November. November passed and he said he would deliver in December. December passed and I contacted him again in January. He said that they were on the verge of having all of the problems worked out and that he would be able to deliver the barreled actions. A week later he died. His widow Ellen Bastow promised to "make it right" with me. But she sold the Express Rifle Company to Mathew Smith who assumed its debts. Since February, 2001, I have been requesting a refund of my $1050 deposit. It turns out that the Express Rifle Company still does not have its license from the BATF and in any event will not be licensed to produce anything with a bore diameter over .500. Both of the barreled actions I ordered would have a bore diameter greater than .500 so it is a legal impossibility for the Express Rifle Company to deliver my order. And they are now 6 months late. Mathew Smith has admitted to me that he owes the deposit to me and has repeatedly promised to pay all or part of it. However, over time I have learned that he is just making excuses and giving me the runaround. I would recommend against doing any business with him. [This message has been edited by 500grains (edited 05-31-2001).] | ||
one of us![]() |
I don't think your approach is going to anybody in the rifle business any good. Keep trying to get your money back, and if the company succeeds, you may eventually. There is also a certain amount of risk when dealing with anyone, including Mom and Pop operations. | |||
<baby375> |
sorry to hear that | ||
<Powderman> |
At the risk of ticking everyone off, I must agree 100% with 500grains' approach to this problem. If this business entity is indeed manufacturing firearms without the necessary licenses, then they are guilty of a felony. There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of gunsmiths and dealers in the United States who deal each day with the restraints of Federal, State, and local law when dealing with firearms. The failure to perform by this company is not a Second Amendment issue; it does not deal with Constitutional rights. Rather, it seems that these people are not only breaking Federal law, but committing fraud as well. Yes, I know that there are way, WAY too many firearms regulations on the books right now. Yes, I would (if I could) make almost every one of them disappear, right now, this minute! But, until we all get off of our collective duffs and VOTE these laws out of existence, and refuse to let closet criminals into our Government, we're stuck with what we have. Make the Government work on our side for once. | ||
One of Us |
500 Grains, Once of the reasons that we have all the problems we have in our countries is becuase people rely on the gov't in their time of need. A friend of mine in Australia was interested in these actions. After a few emails backwards and forward, it soon became apparent to us that "waiting" was required. In short and probably because of my political attitudes, I would lay the blame at your feet. Mike | |||
one of us |
First, I too have a deposit on a 416 Rigby that has not been built yet. A couple of things come to mind. 1. The BATF has done so well in the past, after 500 grains' complaint Mr. Mathews will be lucky if his dog is still alive, and 500 grains' children may not live long enough to receive the funds if Mathews surrendered the funds to them tomorrow. 2. I don't want the same people that brought us Ruby Ridge doing my business. No way. No how. I'd rather loose the money. 3. I don't think very highly of attorneys either (sorry if that offends). 4. If The Express whatever won't be liscensed to manufacture a barreled action .50 caliber or greater, then have him build 2 actions to fit whatever cartridges you have in mind. Settle on a price, and have a 'smith fit and headspace the barrels. 5. Maybe 500 grains, you can settle for a caliber under .50. Check out some of Saeed's slick wildcats. They are pretty neat. 6. Maybe you could mix and match. 7. If Mr. Mathews acknowledges the deposit, then he has acknowledged the obliation. 8. If none of the above suits you, then make arrangements to allow Mr. Mathews to pay you back over time. 500 grains, you may not like it but the courts will come to that resolution at great expense to you, and you can do the same for yourself, free. 9. Powderman, you didn't tick me off, but re-read what you wrote. The legalities of this issue are the sole responsibility of the courts. Not yours and certainly not mine. You get real close to calling The Express whatever, and Mr. Mathews, felons and frauds. Not wise in these letigious times. 10. As for me, I will contact Mr. Mathews, and ask when I can expect the Rigby. ------------------ | |||
<Bill Tompkins> |
To All, I guess I would prefer to get this situation straightened out to 500grains' satisfaction. I can't claim to know all the details that contribute to this deal but to my way of thinking you don't just start screaming to the ATF. I realize that 500grain has tried, evidently multiple times, to communicate his wants and then his needs to this company. Let's try once more to think about what may be happening inside this company. I would guess that your barreled actions are either done or so close to being done that it is a mute point. But, since the license transfer has not gone through, they legally cannot ship anything. To jump to the conclusion that they are manufacturing illegally is ludicrous. They probably aren't manufacturing firearm parts at all, since they would risk loosing both companies and with fines and possible jail time it would be stupid. I can't speak to the refund portion of this, I don't know their bookkeeping setup. To me this would simplify matters easily. Just give 500grains his money back with a most sincere apology and best explanation possible. I would hope that considering our times, we could all exercise more restraint. Please consider allowing some more time for communication and try to contact them again. I know you're super angry, but for the rest of us, try it in a softer voice. Please don't construe this as my being wishy-washy about this or anything remotely similar to this. If there is anything illegal going on then by all means prosecute, but find out for absolute surety first. You will be helping your fellow hunters and shooters immensely. Bill | ||
<Chainsaw> |
500 Grains, The government is not the solution to your problem, they will only add to it. The BATF(Bad Attitude Towards Freedom) will just make Mathews life more of a living hell and then you will end up with nothing. Do you have a recourse? Maybe/Maybe not, but the way you are going about it will only increase your chances of ending up with nothing. Godd Luck, but think a little bit more before you get the government involved. Look at what they have done for guns and gunownership so far. Also there is a thing my dad told me a long time ago that applies to your situation, "Buyer Beware."--------Chainsaw | ||
<Don G> |
I should have made it more clear that I consider going to court to be a last resort, not a course of action to be encouraged at this point. It seems a lot more responsible than calling in th ATF. 500grains, from all you've said, and from all I know, it sounds like the people trying to make the Express Rifle Company a going concern are doing their best. As Bill says, they have acknowledged their responsibility to you. I don't think they are living high off the hog at your expense. Teenut's death has thrown an extra monkey wrench in an already tough course of action. I know this does not help your pocketbook, but it's early days yet on how this will turn out. Don | ||
One of Us |
To add to my previous post there were a few Australians that were interested in these actions. Of course since we are a long way away, additional caution is exercised. However, I know a couple of other people on this board that are Americans who also had the "lets wait" attitude after a bit of checking. You only have to look at some previous attempts (such as the Noreen action) to know that problems were there. You only needed to have your eyes open with emnail correspondence with Robert to get the feeling that some rough water was still ahead. These days too many people in both our countries expect the responsibility to be carried by others for the outcome of ventures that they may enter. Mike | |||
<Deafdog> |
Hi 500 Living in Australia, and exposed to the American legal system usually by Hollywood or Ali McBeal,the American legal process seems strange to say the least. It appears to me that complaining to the BATF about illegal manufacture of actions could be a bad move in that i'd be willing to bet that having a confirmed order and a deposit for one of the afore mentioned actions would be regarded as an offense. Something like "aiding and abetting a felony" or some such American law. I think that before you sic the BATF on anyone that you make sure that they(BATF) are not going to take an intense interest in YOUR gun collection or any other outstanding orders and deposits on so called felonious objects. Considering the stories I read about the BATF in the Media and their heavy handed approach to life. Regards Deafdog ------------------ | ||
one of us |
500grains, Sorry to hear that you have not yet gotten the financial dealing with Mr. Barstow's survivors straightened out. It sounds to me like they do want to do so. I would think that you would give them a chance, since you are far more likely to get full restitution voluntarily than any other way. Small claims court would be a distant second. Until today it would have been hard for me to believe that anyone on this board would call the BATF on anyone. They will not get you your money, they will probably be itching to kill someone just to prove they can do it and get away with it, and you have no idea what you are starting, or where it will stop. Are you safe? They'll possibly be looking at you, too. | |||
One of Us |
"To jump to the conclusion that they are manufacturing illegally is ludicrous. " They said they built one. They said they didn't have any license from the BATF and do not know when they might get it. I did not jump to any conclusion. "If The Express whatever won't be liscensed to manufacture a barreled action .50 caliber or greater, then have They are not licensed to build ANYTHING and do not know when, if ever, they will be. "Maybe 500 grains, you can settle for a caliber under .50. " Why? Shouldn't I get what I paid for or get a refund? "If none of the above suits you, then make arrangements to allow Mr. Mathews to pay you back over time." He has proposed that but has repeatedly failed to fulfill his promises. | |||
Moderator |
500- I truly have sympathy for your position but I must agree with the majority here, calling in the dogs(ATF)will help no one accomplish anything. It certainly won't help you recover your money. I would just ask you to reconsider your position and think about what the ATF did to Art Alphin(A-Square) when a disgruntled employee reported him! A civil suit would be the better move for all concerned, but even that is a distant second to making a settlement between yourself and the Bastow people. | |||
one of us |
"The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." It's real simple, it's chrystal clear and like the politicians in DC you have tried to make it mean something it doesn't. It doesn't make a flying flip what laws say, or regulations, BATF is in the wrong, they are nothing more than a treasonist enforcer of tyranny. It doesn't matter what morally corrupt politician signed stuff into law, it's wrong, and you are just as in the wrong to be asking the traitors to enforce laws for your gain. Yes it's your money, yest what is going on is wrong, but what you are saying in essence is I need government to protect my interest. That train of thought is morally corrupt, you don't need government to settle your problem, sit down and discuss it. If it takes a year, it takes a year. I have had dealings with BATF in the past, they are crooked, corrupt, evil monsters. All the proof you need, has been in the news. Your $1000 is so important you'd unleash that horrendous tyrannical monster named BATF? That is sad. I wouldn't do what you have planned to my worst enemy. It's a sad state of affairs when one must cry to government to help. Have you tried better business? How about calling him and telling him you are, set up a payment option. Look what you have done, you trashed him via the internet, your trying to shut him down, what does that gain you? You suppose the dead guys family handed over your $1000 in cash? My guess is he's jumping through government hoops to try to get back in the black, and your aim is to knock him into the red again.
Steve | |||
One of Us |
It seems that the majority of forumites are missing the point that Mathew Smith refuses to return the money. So how is it possible for me to make any sort of settlement or arrangement with him? The whole thing would be settled by a check for $1050 placed in the mail. Of course a BATF raid on Mathew Smith and his business will not help me recover the money. [This message has been edited by 500grains (edited 05-31-2001).] | |||
Moderator |
Mr, Bastow was quite up front with all his difficulties, throughout, and it was not long ago where he furnished our membership a detailed account of his licensing problems revolving around the absurd position taken by the "Bureau" in regard to .50 caliber rifle manufacture. It was patently obvious at the time that he was having a frustrating time interpreting their regulations and restrictions for them, which is often the case with B.A.T.F. representatives, identifying exactly what licensing was actually called for and then obtaining it. It seems to me that sending in a deposit was "risky business" at best and to now threaten this fledgling entity, which represents your only hope of restitution, is not the way to go. | |||
<Don G> |
What would you accept to buy out your deposit? You were alluding to a percentage offer from ERC earlier. I am not trying to cheap you out, I've just come through a divorce, so I have recently re-learned the definition of "Broke". I have no business buying new rifles right now, but I would hate to see any addition to ERC's problems. I will ask you again, "What is the total cost of these barreled actions upon which you have a deposit?" I cannot assume any major debts right now, but I'd like to work this out if possible. Don | ||
One of Us |
Nick, I sent the deposit back in August, 2000. That was long before Robert disclosed his licensing problems. Are you saying that since I sent a deposit voluntarily, it's my own fault? That is a good reason for people not to order guns from a remote supplier, isn't it? | |||
One of Us |
Don, I ordered two barreled actions. They were to be double square bridge, rigby floor plate (4 round magazine box), super match grade stainless barrels. One was to be in 500 A-Square and the other in 585 Nyati. Price was $1750 each. Deposit was 30%.
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Moderator |
500Grains, According to my notes, Mr. Bastow was still setting up shop and awaiting "CNC" arrivals when you placed your deposit. I am not saying it's your own fault but you've already told yourself that you may have jumped the gun. Correct? Don't think I don't feel for you. I've done the same and will again, no doubt. I think the fellows here are 100% correct when they suggest you resolve this without resorting to any government agency. The mere fact that the problem is mentioned here will do you more good than blowing the whistle on the new company. Are you certain that they are truly liable and compelled by law to assume this debt? Be sure before you move. I would make occasional but steady reference to the status of things on this "Forum". I think you have a good chance of being satisfied. As I have said before, there is much power to be tapped in the "Accurate Reloading Forums". | |||
One of Us |
Nick Mr. Smith admitted he owes me the money and promised several times to repay it, but each promise has been broken. I have had detailed discussions with the BATF and they told me that Mr. Bastow's original application for a manufacturer's license was withdrawn, and Mr. Smith has not made an application for a license. [This message has been edited by 500grains (edited 05-31-2001).] | |||
Moderator |
I'm not sure if I understand this reluctance to use the "Government" to help...If you had your house broken into you'd report it to the Police?? If the public road outside your house is full of pot holes you'd get the local "government" people to do something?? Heck it our Government we pay taxes for..lets get the buggers to do some work for us!!:-) Before anyone shouts, I know about the BATF, and my comments are about the "bigger picture". Personally I would have gone to the Small Caims Court which really is just another branch of the Government! In fact in a simlar situation (being sold a dud secondhand rifle) I did have to threaten to take a gunshop to the small claims court to get a refund.. Pete | |||
Moderator |
Speaking from a practical perspective, what good would filing a formal complaint with the BATF do? They have no legal power to return your money. If you simply must take some sort of formal action to recover your money then small claims court in Georgia is where you need to go, not the BATF. | |||
one of us |
Just my two cents....I have had two mauser projects "pending" with a gunsmith in Florida since November 1999! I have endured his partner having three surgeries and the other guy breaking his back and almost losing an eye. They are still not done. I call every two weeks just to let them know I'm still around and yes, I do have money tied up in them. They should change their name to "Luckys Guns". Point is it really doesn't pay to break someones balls. I firmly believe that these men are honorable and will eventually deliver an exceptional product,and at their suggestion at a reduced price. What comes around goes around. Someone, somewhere along the line has given all of us a break. Hell, in two years I have spent what I have in those guns three times over on beer. (That is a bunch!)Having the guns or the money really wouldn't change my life right now or in the near future so I'm not sweating it. I absolutely wouldn't call any govt' office about them. The choice to use them and give them my hardware and cash was made by me and I will bear the consequence. I don't blame anyone but myself. 500, I wish you the best of luck in your situation but sometimes it just does no good to force a hand. Have patience my friend. Thanks. | |||
one of us |
500grains As I stated earlier, I have a deposit half of what you have on one barreled action that in reality may never be built. When Robert died, his passion and his dream may not survive his death. Given what I am sure is an extremely tight cash flow position, the company and the owner may have to direct their efforts in other directions to survive. As for civil action, once jurisdiction is established, (its a pretty good bet you will have to file your claim in a Georgia small claims court), you will at best recover your deposit less court costs, less personal traveling expenses, and legal fees. At worst you will owe all of the above without the deposit. If you convince the BATF to shut them down or not grant any license, you can be assured that you will not get any of your deposit back. The BATF will tell you straight out they are not a collection agency. As long as the action or actions that were produced were not for sale or distribution, and could not be made fully automatic easily, there is no infraction. One can assume that there were at least one or two manufactured to prove up the design, and manufacturing processes, and maybe submit for a patent. All of us have empathy for your situation, and some of us are even in the same boat. In reality, no one intent on defrauding the public out of their money would consider manufacturing firearms or pieces of firearms as a vehicle to bilk the public. The alternatives I posed were offered in the spirit of you hopefully receiving something back for your deposit as opposed to nothing. Your curt responses to me and to others that don't agree with your reaction to the situation are unwarranted to say the least. Aside from return of the deposit, you appear to have no other interest than to make somebody pay for some personal indignity you feel you have suffered. Instead of trying to get others to do the dirty work, go to Georgia and get your deposit back yourself. NOT ------------------ | |||
<Bill Tompkins> |
500grains, I think you have accomplished more than you realize. I have checked a couple of other forums and find your post in them also. So you have managed to cover a lot of people with your attack. No matter what the outcome of your particular situation, you have managed to blackball this company in more than one public arena. I personally vote to give you your money back in full. Please remember this, and remember what I said in my original post, I AM NOT WISHY-WASHY! This venomous attack has actually accomplished what you set out to do, screw this company no matter what. And we all fell into it. Congratulations! You have managed to cast ruination on a potential firearms manufacturer all by yourself. Look at the figures for how many people read these forums, think about how many minds you may have influenced. But on the other hand, how do we know that you really ordered these barreled actions, we have only your vicious word for it. How do we know that you aren't some form of plant by the anti-gun people? Now guess what? The tale of the proverbial double edge sword comes into play. We all know who you are. Several of these posters are in the industry. So I think that your days of custom rifles may be over. You have just made it easy to post and circulate your name and attitude to all of the custom makers that can be reached by the same method that you used. Interesting situation. Now what to do? I do hope you get your money back. Don't count on much help in the future. Bill | ||
<mysteryman64> |
500, not have you lost your $1050, which isnt much considering everything. you have lost something much more valuable...the respect of your peers, read there replys carefully,is that really worth $1050. mitch, | ||
Administrator |
Mysteryman64, Locking the thread is not going to solve this problem for 500grains or the Express Rifle Company. His money has been taken, and he rightly believes he has been wronged, and wants either his order fullfilled, or his money back. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Other members might not agree with what he is planning to do - they of course have a right to their opinions too. I think the suggestion of going to the Small Claims Court has some merit. This is the only department of the government I would get involved in this matter. ------------------ www.accuratereloading.com | |||
one of us |
Bill, Although you are an esteemed member with a grand total of what..13 posts(and possibly one more under a ..mystery name), I must say you have made a grander ass out of yourself than anyone else on this forum. Quite a few of us know 500 persoanlly and while some may not agree with him, I can assure you he is not some anti nut bent on world domination and the ruination of all gunsmiths. 500. Take him to whatever court it is to recover some of your money. You don't need the BATF.You have already nailed this guy good. Trust me, you have cost him a lot more than $1050 with your posts. I myself was looking at getting one of those huge actions when they started making them for my next project(maybe a 600nitro) so he has just lost $1500 that he could have had out of me alone. Now just try and get some of your money back mate. That will sting him extra. Karl. [This message has been edited by Karl (edited 05-22-2001).] | |||
<Don G> |
500 grains, It seems that I have nothing to gain by buying you out, since my only interest in buying you out was to prevent your going to the BATF. You now say you've already done that. While I don't agree with Bill, I can sympathize a little with his attitude. Your actions have helped validate a bureau inimical to his livelihood and our way of life. I still say that you've gained nothing by going to the BATF. You've only hurt everybody's chances of getting their money or their rifles. Don | ||
500 claim your money or the stuff you orderd. I think that you as a customer has the right to express your sincere feelings. Bill i think that you really made your name in this forum by trying to stomp at 500. The gun business maybe needs a bit of cleaning from gun companys that don't live up to their word. | ||
one of us |
Amen Don! Amen. ------------------ | |||
Moderator |
500grains I see your point but I still advise you to stand pat and wait it out. Small claims court is just another exercise in futility, as even when a judgement goes your way, it remains exceedingly difficult to get you money. It seems some people here have their cruel shoes on today. They think everyone has the experience to deal with injustice in exactly the correct way. You are a young man with no prior dealings with any of the government agencies involved and it is wrong of people to blame you in such an agressive manner. You have been wronged and you are only trying to get satisfaction. I still think you will, as I have said earlier. The only productive thing I can say to you is that when things such as this come along in life it is wise to seek the counsel of those with more experience before deciding your course of action. Learn from this and don't let it scar you. You merely acted in good faith and things "went south", as Ray would put it. Best .... Nick | |||
Moderator |
500, And if Nicks wise approach fails, set the IRS Pete | |||
One of Us |
An update. The BATF has informed me of the following: 1. It is not illegal to manufacture a firearm, other than a machine gun, as a prototype or for personal use (i.e., other than manufacturing firearms as part of a trade or business for profit). Therefore The Express Rifle Company's manufacture of a prototype rifle was not a violation of the law. 2. Robert Bastow filed an application for a manufacturer's license, but that application has been withdrawn, presumably after Mr. Bastow's death. 3. Neither The Express Rifle Company nor Mathew Smith has ANY type of license from the BATF or any application for a license pending. Consequently, it appears that the Express Rifle Company has no intention of producing rifles or fulfilling orders at any time in the near future. I admit I am angry. Mr. Bastow appeard in all respects to be a fine and admirable man with a great dream. Unfortunately, he is not with us. My complaint is with Mr. Mathew Smith and his false promises and false statements. | |||
<Bill Tompkins> |
500grains, Thank you for posting that synopsis. It clears up a whole of "stuff". Karl, Don, oops - two more quick things: | ||
<Mats> |
Well, are we all calmed down now? I think it is strange that noone has mentioned the simple fact that custom rifles and/or actions often take a l-o-o-o-o-n-g time to get delivered, I doubt that anyone here has actually gotten delivery of a custom rifle at the exact time it was promised. That's more or less a fact in this game. That the owner of the company dies after a prolonged period of illness won't make it go any faster. Lotsagrains, if I were you I'd grab a cold one and wait. But that's probably too late now, and yes - you're to blame for that. -- Mats | ||
one of us |
Certainly an interesting thread! I feel for 500Grains. I've been ripped off and had trouble collecting (not in the gun business) before, and it's extremely frustating. Being out of state makes it even more so. Not exactly like you can drive down to his shop and pop him in the nose! I also feel for his frustration in waiting for product. The gunsmiths I know would be late delivering their corpse to their own funeral. Keep your head up, 500grains! You might lose some time and money in this one, but remember "what goes around, comes around". Good luck! SamB | |||
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