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What is momentum....?

What momentum number does the 4-bore and the 577 T-REX have....?

How do you calculate momentum of a bullet...?

Posts: 751 | Location: sweden | Registered: 15 January 2002Reply With Quote
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Did you go to high school? Introductory physics classes teach what momentum is and how to calculate it.

Your posts are getting more inane and annoying (I didn't think it was possible).


Shoot straight, shoot often, but by all means, use enough gun!

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Momentum is the product of mass and velocity.

Momentum = mass X velocity. Units would be kilogram meter / second.

Since momentum is dependant upon velocity it is a vector quantity and is time dependant.


Posts: 260 | Registered: 18 January 2002Reply With Quote
The irresistible force created by a Sierra Matchking bullet and a ninety thousand dollar trophy fee.
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The thing that knocks over bowling pins.

NRA Life member

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Objects in motion tend to stay in motion, and objects at rest tend to stay at rest. The more weight in the object compounds this.
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Does the 4-bore have more momentum power than the 577 T-REX.......?
Posts: 751 | Location: sweden | Registered: 15 January 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Fritz Kraut
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Originally posted by Overkill:
[B]What is momentum....?



if you studied some physics in the Swedish school, you learned it - or ought to have learned it - as "r�relseenergi". It�s just a matter of translation - the meaning and formula of it is the same. (But don�t ask me about it: I am a philologist! )


[This message has been edited by Fritz Kraut (edited 03-05-2002).]

Posts: 846 | Location: Sweden | Registered: 19 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Frits, eller n�n annan svensk.

Jag orkar inte b�rja r�kna ut r�relse energin p� 4-bore och 577 T-REX.

N�n som kan och orkar g�ra det.... jag skulle vara mycket tacksam.....

Posts: 751 | Location: sweden | Registered: 15 January 2002Reply With Quote

I might be wrong but isn�t momentum equal to the swedish word "r�relsem�ngd"? If we are talking kinetic energy (r�relseenergi), the velocity should be squared.

And Overkill, good luck in your quest for the nastiest caliber on planet!


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Picture of Fritz Kraut
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Originally posted by Overkill:
Frits, eller n�n annan svensk.

Jag orkar inte b�rja r�kna ut r�relse energin p� 4-bore och 577 T-REX.

N�n som kan och orkar g�ra det.... jag skulle vara mycket tacksam.....


as I said I�m a philologist: maths and physics ar�n�t my piece of cake. Indeed I was so bad in maths that my old teacher told me that my "one" (the lowest, worst mark)in maths was to good for me.

Go buy the last issue of the swedish gun magazine "Vapentidningen". They have a big article about all that stuff, and it will tell you everything you�ll ever want to know about it.

And please use English here: it�s not polite to our friends here at the forum to write a lot they are not able to read! my name is spelled F-R-I-T-Z, with a "Z".

Best regards,


Posts: 846 | Location: Sweden | Registered: 19 April 2001Reply With Quote
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The momentum is "Stopping Power" i have read the swedish gun magazine "Vapentidningen"
a article by Jens e perto.

Some b�ddy have done a test shooting a bag whit sand or what it was, and the higer momentum a bullet have the longer the bag moves.....!

Posts: 751 | Location: sweden | Registered: 15 January 2002Reply With Quote
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Momentum Power,

375 H/H. 15

458 Win mag. 22

460 wby mag. 26

577 NE. 30

The bag move...

375 H/H 20,7 mm

458 Win mag 40 mm

460 Wby mag 43,3 mm

577 NE 76,6 mm

And that is stopping power.... by Jens e perto.

The MOMENTUM is "Stopping Power"

Posts: 751 | Location: sweden | Registered: 15 January 2002Reply With Quote
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Not your fault, just a thing about the English language, but don't say "momentum power." First, momentum is not an adjective; it's a noun, although we do sometimes use nouns as adjectives, often incorrectly.

Momentum is mass x velocity, although around here it is NOT kg-m/sec. Rather, it is usually stated in pounds and feet and seconds, with the pound intended to represent the MASS of an object which WEIGHS a pound most places on the earth. [Take that, you slugs! Thirty-two times!]

Power, on the other hand, is something else entirely, at least to physicists.

Don't even mention energy.

Many, many people believe that momentum relates very well to what they are trying to get a bullet to do. It probably does. However, since they're usually trying to kill or stop an attack by an animal, they are often also interested in sectional density, which has a LOT to do with penetration, and wound channel diameter, which probably has something to do with bleeding. Also, aside from being a component of momentum, velocity affects penetration and, often, wound channel diameter, depending on bullet construction.

Thus, while momentum is a useful number, it is NOT the single-number value for cartridge effectiveness. For reasons best explained by emergency-room veterinarians, there IS NO single-number value. Probably has something to do with there being more than one way to kill an animal.
On the rash assumption that you are serious, hope this helps.

Posts: 2272 | Location: PDR of Massachusetts | Registered: 23 January 2001Reply With Quote
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I think that Momentum is a very good value for "Stopping Power".

Because the Momentum in swedish is "r�relse energi" and the higer momentum number the longer the bullet leave energy to the moose,buff or what you are shooting...

A light bullet whit high velocity will stop up faster in a game than a not to slow heavy bullet.

And then if the heavy bullet whit higer momentum stops up in a anmimal becauce of the expansion, then it stops the animal better....

Posts: 751 | Location: sweden | Registered: 15 January 2002Reply With Quote
<500 AHR>

Do not start getting technical again. Some of these guys will fight till the end of time about this. Let them believe that their .300 and .338 bores are just as good at knocking things over as the .50 and .585 bores. The truth is most of these guys have never shot, let alone witnessed, an animal hit by one of the big "elephant" guns so their opinions are meaningless anyway. They read their gun magazines and absorb the hype about the latest Ultrs Superduper Magnum and cannot believe that anything will work any better.

Moral of the post:
You cannot change their ideas of performance so let them alone!

Todd E

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I agree with you Tood.....

Posts: 751 | Location: sweden | Registered: 15 January 2002Reply With Quote
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